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8. Functional Specification
My Space
- Ladder
- Score Card
- Goals
- Projects
- Activity
- People
- Add Employee
- CPF Library
- Documentation
- My profile
My Space is a personalized dashboard for employees and managers, providing an overview of career progression, activities, and role-specific ladders. This feature is accessible from the "My Space" tab and offers both employees and managers tailored perspectives.
- Score Card - provides employees with a detailed view of their career progress. Employees can access this table from the "My Space" tab, and it includes the following:
- Seniority: Lists the employee's current seniority level (Junior, Mid, Senior).
- Band: Each seniority level has 3 bands, numbered from 1 to 9.
- Bucket: Each band contains specific skills or goals (buckets) that must be completed to advance to the next band.
- Advancement Level: Shows progress within a band by indicating the completion of buckets using green dots (1-3 dots).
- Band Score: Displays the points earned within the current band.
- Threshold: Indicates the number of points required to advance to the next band.
- Soft Skills: Shows whether soft skills have been completed, represented by a green tick.
- Score Earned: Shows the cumulative points the employee has earned, combining the current and previous buckets. The progress is visually indicated by:
- Green: Threshold met, soft skills completed, and band achieved.
- Yellow: Threshold met, soft skills completed, but promotion not confirmed by the manager.
- Red: Threshold not met, soft skills incomplete, no band advancement.
- Multiple Ladder View - For employees working on multiple roles, the "My Space" view offers a Multiple Ladder layout, displaying a tree structure of the ladders assigned to them:
- Main Ladder: Displays the employee's primary role.
- Other Ladders: Displays additional roles and the employee's progress in them.
- Archived Ladders: Contains roles the employee has completed or is no longer active in. Upon clicking on a ladder, the employee is taken to a detailed view of the selected role, similar to the single ladder experience.
- Activity - The Activity tab shows a detailed log of the employee's activities related to skill progression and projects. It is organized in a table format with the following columns:
Title: Name of the project, skill, or band.
Activity Type: One of four activities: Skill Proof, Project Proof, Project Scope, Goal Scope.
Submitted On: Date of submission (DD Month YYYY).
Status: The current status of the activity (Pending, Reviewed). The table allows sorting by submission date (default: newest to oldest) and filtering by activity type (one at a time). Activities are split into two tabs:
Pending: Activities that are awaiting review.
Reviewed: Activities that have been completed.
- Ladder - The Ladder tab offers a hierarchical view of the employee’s current role progression. The ladder is displayed vertically and includes:
- User Card: Contains personal details (avatar, name, role), current level (band and score), and next level (band and threshold). Band Progress: Visual representation of the employee’s progress through the current band. Completed, active, and upcoming bands have different icons.
- Skill Buckets: Each band consists of hard and soft skills that must be completed, with three advancement levels indicated by green dots.
- Skill Details: Clicking on a skill provides detailed information, including a title, description, and current progress level.
- Progress Tracking: Completed skills are marked with a "Completed" label, and the current progress level is tracked with icons:
- Green: Completed
- Yellow: In progress
- Red: Failed
- White: Pending Employees can navigate between past, current, and future bands to see required skills, thresholds, and their progression.
The Manager Perspective in "My Space" offers a broader view, allowing managers to monitor their team’s progress and review their activities.
- Score Card The manager has access to the Score Card of each employee, allowing them to view the same detailed table of career progression. However, the manager's perspective also includes the ability to:
- Confirm an employee's readiness for advancement (e.g., yellow status on the employee scorecard indicates that the manager’s confirmation is pending).
- Monitor which employees have completed their thresholds and soft skills and are ready for promotion.
- Multiple Ladder View Managers can view and manage multiple ladders for each employee, similar to the employee’s view. They can oversee progress across different roles and identify areas where employees may need support to advance.
The Multiple Ladder feature allows managers to toggle between different ladders, providing an overview of the employee’s performance across roles. 3. Activity The Activity tab provides managers with a comprehensive view of employee activities, allowing them to:
- Review submissions for project or skill proof and approve or reject them.
- Sort and filter activities by type (Skill Proof, Project Proof, etc.), similar to the employee view.
- Access pending activities for evaluation in the Pending tab, and review completed ones in the Reviewed tab.
- Ladder The Ladder view for managers displays the progression of each employee under their supervision, offering detailed information about the employee’s skills, bands, and advancement status. Managers can:
- Monitor which skills have been completed, are in progress, or are pending.
- Access detailed views of employee skills to assess their readiness for advancement.
- Provide feedback on skill completion and approve movements between bands.
The My Space feature offers employees a comprehensive view of their career progress, while managers can oversee and support their team's development. Employees can track their progression through bands and ladders, complete skills, and monitor their activity. Managers, in turn, have oversight of the team's development, skill progression, and readiness for advancement.

- User Card Overview At the top of the Ladder view, a User Card displays essential information about the user’s current role and advancement status. This includes:
- Personal Details: Avatar, full name, and current role.
- Current Level: The user’s current band and accumulated score.
- Next Level: The target band and threshold required to advance.
The card provides a quick reference to the user’s current status and future goals.
- Ladder Structure The Ladder is presented vertically, outlining the user’s career journey. It visually represents progression through different bands, each representing a stage of advancement. The Ladder highlights:
- Completed Bands: Indicated by specific icons, showing bands that have been fully completed.
- Active Band: The current band the user is progressing through.
- Next Band: The upcoming band that the user will advance to after completing the current one.
By clicking on any band, users can access detailed information about their progression at that stage.
- Current Band Details In the central part of the page, detailed information about the Current Band is displayed, including:
- Band Name: The name of the user's current band.
- Salary Range: The salary associated with that band.
- Threshold: The score required to progress to the next band.
- Skill Buckets and Progression Each band is broken down into buckets of skills that need to be completed for advancement. These skills are divided into hard skills and soft skills, each with three levels of advancement. For each skill, the following information is displayed:
- Skill Title: The name of the skill.
- Short Description: A brief overview of the skill’s requirements.
- Level Indicators: The user’s progress within each skill is represented by green dots, where each dot corresponds to a level of advancement.
When a skill is fully completed, the indicator changes to a green label marked "Completed".
- Skill Details and Interaction Each skill in the Ladder is clickable, providing access to a detailed view of that specific skill. This includes:
- A more in-depth breakdown of the skill’s requirements and current progress.
- A structure consistent with the CPF library, showing the user’s levels and status for each skill.
This allows users to understand their current performance and what is required to advance to the next level.
- Advancement Levels and Categories Skills are organized into expandable categories, each with multiple advancement levels. Users can expand or collapse these categories to view the details they need. The completion status of skills is indicated by color-coded icons:
- Green: Skill fully completed.
- Red: Skill failed or not yet achieved.
- Yellow: Skill in progress.
- White: Skill pending or not started.
This system provides a clear visual representation of progress, helping users to focus on areas that need attention.
- Navigating the Ladder Users can navigate through completed, current, and future bands to see the skills, thresholds, and requirements needed to continue their progression. This helps users plan their career advancement and stay informed about the goals they need to achieve.
The Ladder feature provides a comprehensive, interactive view of career progression. Users can track their development through bands, review required skills, and monitor their advancement towards future roles. The vertical structure and detailed skill breakdowns offer a transparent and efficient way for users to understand their growth and set clear goals for their professional development.

The Scorecard is an integral part of the My Space section, providing a clear, tabular overview of an employee's career progression across different bands and levels. This feature allows users to track their advancement through the company's hierarchy by focusing on their progress in skills, soft skills, and performance metrics.
Accessing the Scorecard The Scorecard can be accessed by selecting the "Scorecard" tab within the My Space section. Upon selecting this tab, users are presented with a table that contains all relevant information pertaining to their career progress.
Structure of the Scorecard The Scorecard is displayed as a detailed table organized into rows that reflect the different aspects of an employee’s advancement:
- Seniority Levels: The scorecard categorizes users into three seniority levels—Junior, Mid, and Senior—which are displayed in rows.
- Bands: Each seniority level consists of three bands, ranging from 1 to 9 in total.
- Buckets: Within each band, there are buckets, which are specific goals or skills that need to be completed to advance.
- Advancement Level: This column visually represents the user’s progress in each bucket. Progress is displayed with green dots (up to three), indicating how many levels of a given bucket have been completed.
- Band Score: This shows the number of points the user has earned for the particular band.
- Threshold: The threshold is the number of points required for the user to advance to the next band.
- Soft Skills: A green checkmark indicates whether the soft skills for the current band have been completed.
- Score Earned: This column reflects how many points the user has accumulated for the given band, including both current and previous buckets.
- Score Earned Status The Score Earned status is visually represented by different colors to indicate the user's current standing:
- Green: Indicates that the threshold has been met, soft skills have been completed, and the user is fully qualified to advance to the next band.
- Yellow: The threshold has been met, and soft skills have been completed, but the cycle has not yet finished, meaning the manager has not confirmed the transfer to the aspirational band.
- Red: The threshold has not been met, and soft skills are incomplete, meaning the band has not been reached.
- Notes and Key Points
- The scorecard allows users to quickly assess where they stand in terms of band progression and career advancement.
- A user’s score for each band increases as they complete buckets and achieve set goals.
- The color-coded Score Earned column provides an immediate visual indicator of whether further action is required to advance.
- Soft Skills completion is a critical aspect of advancement; even if the score threshold is met, soft skills must be completed for the user to be fully qualified to advance.
The Scorecard feature provides a transparent and detailed view of career progression, allowing users to track their advancement through various bands and levels. By offering a clear representation of goals, skills, and soft skill requirements, the scorecard enables employees to stay informed about their growth and set future goals for career development.