Millimeter-wave vital-signs detection
The mmVital-Signs project aims at vital signs detection and provide standard python API from Texas Instrument (TI) mmWave hardware, such as xWR14xx, xWR16xx and xWR68xx.
Detection range covers the hemicircle area at 0m ~ 8.6m, refers to Part.3
- Biology
Typical body surface displacement parameters due to breathing and hear-beat are:
- FMCW Basics
Periodic linearly-increasing frequency chirps (known as Frequency-Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW)) are transmitted by radar towards the object:
Transmitted FMCW signal is given by
- Chirp Configuration for Demo
100 ADC Samples per chirp. Chirp duration is 50 ms based on the IF sampling rate of 2 MHz
Vital signs waveform is sampled along the “slow time axis” hence the vital signs sampling rate is equal to the Frame-rate of system
Item | Details |
Device | IWR6843ISK Antenna Module OR IWR6843ISK_ODS Antenna Module OR IWR6843AOPEVM. |
Power Supply | 5V, 3A with 2.1-mm barrel jack (center positive). The power supply can be wall adapter style or a battery pack with a USB to barrel jack cable. |
Python 3.10 | All package included in requirements.txt |