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SMCCP v1.2.0 (simple multi-client chat program)

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@TobiasNienhaus TobiasNienhaus released this 24 Apr 20:39
· 71 commits to master since this release

This is version 1.2.0 of SMCCP.


  1. Some first sounds (more planned)
    • On send, receive and server shutdown (last one just on client side)
    • System to load and play sounds
  2. Variable port
  3. Port and IP address boxes are safe to enter anything
    • Unable to proceed, if the entered port is not a number or if the IP address is not valid
    • Involves a function that checks if the IP address is valid
  4. Added functionality to TextBox
    • Now able to set the maximum characters allowed (before infinite)
    • Can now return the standard text, if a boolean is set