This is a bundle based on the pure PHP GraphQL Server implementation
This bundle provides you with:
- Full compatibility with the RFC Specification for GraphQL
- Agile object oriented structure to architect your GraphQL Schema
- Intuitive Type system that allows you to build your project much faster and stay consistent
- Built-in validation for the GraphQL Schema you develop
- Well documented classes with a lot of examples
- Automatically created endpoint /graphql to handle requests
There are simple demo application to demonstrate how we build our API, see GraphQLDemoApp.
We assume you have composer
, if you're not – install it from
the official website.
If you need any help installing Symfony framework – here's the
Shortcut to install Symfony:
composer create-project symfony/framework-standard-edition my_project_name
Once you have your composer up and running – you're ready to install the GraphQL Bundle.
Go to your project folder and run:
composer require youshido/graphql-bundle
Then enable bundle in your app/AppKernel.php
new Youshido\GraphQLBundle\GraphQLBundle(),
Add the routing reference to the app/config/routing.yml
resource: "@GraphQLBundle/Controller/"
resource: "@GraphQLBundle/Resources/config/route.xml"
If you don't have a web server configured you can use a bundled version, simply run php bin/console server:run
Let's check if you've done everything right so far – try to access url localhost:8000/graphql
You should get a JSON response with the following error:
{"errors":[{"message":"Schema class does not exist"}]}
That's because there was no GraphQL Schema specified for the processor yet. You need to create a GraphQL Schema class
and set it inside your app/config/config.yml
There is a way where you can use inline approach and do not create a Schema class, in order to do that you have to define your own GraphQL controller and use a
method of the processor to set the Schema.
The fastest way to create a Schema class is to use a generator shipped with this bundle:
php bin/console graphql:configure AppBundle
Here AppBundle is a name of the bundle where the class will be generated in.
You will be requested for a confirmation to create a class.
After you've added parameters to the config file, try to access the following link in the
browser – http://localhost:8000/graphql?query={hello(name:World)}
Alternatively, you can execute the same request using CURL client in your console
curl http://localhost:8000/graphql --data "query={ hello(name: \"World\") }"
Successful response from a test Schema will be displayed:
That means you have GraphQL Bundle for the Symfony Framework configured and now can architect your GraphQL Schema:
Next step would be to link assets for GraphiQL Explorer by executing:
php bin/console assets:install --symlink
Now you can access it at http://localhost:8000/graphql/explorer
AbstractContainerAwareField class used for auto passing container to field, add ability to use container in resolve function:
class RootDirField extends AbstractContainerAwareField
* @inheritdoc
public function getType()
return new StringType();
* @inheritdoc
public function resolve($value, array $args, ResolveInfo $info)
return $this->container->getParameter('kernel.root_dir');
* @inheritdoc
public function getName()
return 'rootDir';
Ability to pass service method as resolve callable:
$config->addField(new Field([
'name' => 'cacheDir',
'type' => new StringType(),
'resolve' => ['@resolve_service', 'getCacheDir']
You can use the Symfony Event Dispatcher to get control over specific events which happen when resolving graphql queries.
namespace ...\...\..;
use Youshido\GraphQL\Event\ResolveEvent;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;
class MyGraphQLResolveEventSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface
public static function getSubscribedEvents()
return [
'graphql.pre_resolve' => 'onPreResolve',
'graphql.post_resolve' => 'onPostResolve'
public function onPreResolve(ResolveEvent $event)
//$event->getFields / $event->getAstFields()..
public function onPostResolve(ResolveEvent $event)
//$event->getFields / $event->getAstFields()..
Now configure you subscriber so events will be caught. This can be done in Symfony by either XML, Yaml or PHP.
<service id="my_own_bundle.event_subscriber.my_graphql_resolve_event_subscriber" class="...\...\...\MyGraphQLResolveEventSubscriber">
<tag name="graphql.event_subscriber" />
Bundle provides two ways to guard your application: using black/white operation list or using security voter.
Used to guard some root operations. To enable it you need to write following in your config.yml file:
black_list: ['hello'] # or white_list: ['hello']
Used to guard any field resolve and support two types of guards: root operation and any other field resolving (including
internal fields, scalar type fields, root operations). To guard root operation with your specified logic you need to
enable it in configuration and use SecurityManagerInterface::RESOLVE_ROOT_OPERATION_ATTRIBUTE
attribute. The same
things need to do to enable field guard, but in this case use SecurityManagerInterface::RESOLVE_FIELD_ATTRIBUTE
Official documentation about voters.
Note: Enabling field security lead to a significant reduction in performance
Config example:
field: true # for any field security
operation: true # for root level security
Voter example (add in to your services.yml
file with tag security.voter
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\TokenInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authorization\Voter\Voter;
use Youshido\GraphQL\Execution\ResolveInfo;
use Youshido\GraphQLBundle\Security\Manager\SecurityManagerInterface;
class GraphQLVoter extends Voter
* @inheritdoc
protected function supports($attribute, $subject)
return in_array($attribute, [SecurityManagerInterface::RESOLVE_FIELD_ATTRIBUTE, SecurityManagerInterface::RESOLVE_ROOT_OPERATION_ATTRIBUTE]);
* @inheritdoc
protected function voteOnAttribute($attribute, $subject, TokenInterface $token)
// your own validation logic here
if (SecurityManagerInterface::RESOLVE_FIELD_ATTRIBUTE == $attribute) {
/** @var $subject ResolveInfo */
if ($subject->getField()->getName() == 'hello') {
return false;
return true;
} elseif (SecurityManagerInterface::RESOLVE_ROOT_OPERATION_ATTRIBUTE == $attribute) {
/** @var $subject Query */
if ($subject->getName() == '__schema') {
return true;
To run graphiql extension just try to access
to http://your_domain/graphql/explorer
All detailed documentation is available on the main GraphQL repository –