See orcid-model-2.1.jar for the latest model. This is a jar file that will serialise API requests and responses to/from Java/XML/JSON
#ORCiD Java Client
Simple, easy to use ORCiD client written in Java. Supports the public and Tier2 API with OAuth. Natural object mapping - The entire ORCiD message schema is represented as a hirearchical graph of POJOs with JAXB support for serialisation. Maven support, GAE support. Annotated to support javax.inject depdendency injection.
Early stage development - note API may break. Pull requests welcome.
See also: Orcid Profile Updater
##Public API Examples:
//create a client
OrcidPublicClient client = new OrcidPublicClient();
//Fetch a profile
OrcidProfile pro = client.getOrcidProfile("0000-0002-9151-6445");
//Search for profile with a DOI attached
OrcidSearchResults results ="10.9997/abc123"));
//Search for all profiles for an ISBN
OrcidSearchResults results ="10.9997/"));
//Search for all profiles with a given DOI prefix attached
OrcidSearchResults results ="10.9997/"));
##Private API examples
//get an auth token
OrcidOAuthClient client = new OrcidOAuthClient("OrcidClientID","OrcidClientSecret",("OrcidReturnURI"),OrcidApiType.LIVE);
OrcidAccessTokenResponse token = client.getAccessToken(authCode);
//create a work
OrcidWork work = new OrcidWork();
WorkTitle title = new WorkTitle();
title.setTitle("Test Title");
//append it to the users profile
client.appendWork(token, work);
#Maven Currently there is no Maven repository available for downloading orcid-java-client, but we are working on it. Until then, please build your own packages using Maven.
When using the client in your own projects, you need to add the RESTlet dependencies. These need to be defiend by your own application as RESTlet comes in multiple versions and your application must decide which to use. Normal containers like jetty or tomcat use the "jee" edition and that is the most common scenario. Google app engine uses the "gae" edition. There are other editions are available for jse, android. Mine is set up like so:
#Schema support
The version supports the ORCiD message schema 1.2
There are people actively using this library that can be found on the [email protected] mailing list