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Create initial and checkerboard model

Mijian Xu edited this page Feb 21, 2023 · 1 revision

Create initial model from CRUST1.0

usage: pta create_model [-h] [-o fname] [-s sigma] input_params

Create model for TomoATT from internal models: CRUST1.0

positional arguments:
  input_params  The parameter file of TomoATT, The section "domain" will be read.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help    show this help message and exit
  -o fname      Path to output model
  -s sigma      Smooth the 3D model with a Gaussian filter,Sigma is the standard division of the smoothing kernel

Add checkerboard

usage: pta create_checkerboard [-h] -i fname -n nx/ny/nz [-p pert_vel/pert_ani] [-o fname] [-x xmin/xmax] [-y ymin/zmax] [-z zmin/zmax]

Add perturbations on a model

positional arguments:
  input_params          The parameter file of TomoATT, The section "domain" will be read.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i fname              Path to input model file
  -n nx/ny/nz           nx, ny and nz pairs of anomalies along X, Y and Z
  -p pert_vel/pert_ani  Amplitude of perturbations for velocity (pert_vel) and anisotropy (pert_ani)
  -o fname              Path to output perturbed model
  -x xmin/xmax          Upper and low bound for X direction
  -y ymin/zmax          Upper and low bound for Y direction
  -z zmin/zmax          Upper and low bound for Z direction


pta create_checkerboard ../input_params.yml -i model_crust1.0.h5 -n 4/4/2 -z0/80

Write to VTK file

usage: pta model2vtk [-h] -i fname [-o fname] input_params

Write model with h5 format to VTK format

positional arguments:
  input_params  The parameter file of TomoATT, The section "domain" will be read.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help    show this help message and exit
  -i fname      Path to input model file
  -o fname      Path to output VTK file