There are 2 main folder: client
& server
I used the Flask Framework to create a small backend server that stores vessels positions inside a sqlite database. The database is a single table consisting of vessels positions.
Have python3 and pip3 installed on your machine
cd server
- Create a virtual python environment
virtualenv -p python3 .venv
. .venv/bin/activate
- Install dependencies
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Initialise the Database
python3 -m flask --app flaskr init-db
- Start the server
python3 -m flask --app flaskr run --debug
The client side is done with Vue3, I used Tailwind for styling,
Note: I used a different interface for Vessel positions
between the server & client to highlight that in a real application, we don't need to have the exact same structure. What matters is that the FE/BE agree on the interface but each application is free to manage its data model the way it suits best.
Node 18
cd client
- Install dependencies
npm i
- start the server
npm start
- Open your browser on
The server is the most basic you can have for the requirements, I had to learn Python / Flask for this project, so I'm sure there are many things that can be greatly improved.
For instance, the validation on the server side is quite basic and should be improved. I did the validation of the position (valid latitude / longitude) on the client side for convenience because I have more experience in Front end but it should be done in the back end (maybe in both for basic validation)
There is no security in place in case anyone tries to attack the server
Error Management should be better: I raise error using abort
directly, I should use a centralise Error handling
Logs: I put DEBUG logs everywhere but in a real application, we would differentiate "normal" logs from "Debug" logs
Docker: for a production server, I would create a docker container to run the server.
I did not do any unit test for lack of time but there should be some
I did the most basic validation possible but there are many more validations we should do, for instance:
- Validate that every coordinates in within a sea or ocean
- Calculate the distance between 2 consecutive points for a given vessel and the time difference => reject if the speed of the vessel does not make sense
These will apply to both the CSV import and the add Single position
This is just a proof of concept, it will not work with huge amount of data and some performance optimisation would be needed to really use it. And aas it stands, it doesn't offer enough information to the user like which time it actually filters
I did not do any unit test for lack of time but there should be some
It will be nice to have storybook to give our designers an overview of all our components
A real app will have CI/CD where we would run linting, unit test, deploy on test / production automatically