This module sets up your motd. A message will appear stating that your system is managed by Puppet and will also display the added modules.
Use twit_motd::register { $module_name: }
at the end of your init.pp and the module name will be add into the motd.
class your_class () {
include twit_motd
contain your_class::params
contain your_class::config
-> Class['your_class::config']
twit_motd::register { $module_name: }
Also you can add text into the $motd_motd variable to add a custom message as well. Output will be the follows:
==============================[ NOTICE ]==============================
This system is monitored by puppet.
Local changes could be lost!
If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]
Custom Message
Registered puppet modules:
-- twit_motd
-- ...
This module is supported on the following operating systems:
- Debian
- 9
- 10
- 11
- 12
- Ubuntu
- 18.04
- 20.04
- 22.04
- FreeBSD
- 12
- 13