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Transitive Closure Algorithm Visualized

For the 2IMD10 (2021-GS2) Engineering Data Systems course.


The transitive closure is first solved from the perspective of root node 0. A later query on node 1 uses the cached backpropagation results. Generated using the notebook in this repo.


Given the matrices C, N, E:

  • C (VxV) (partial closure, visualized in black), and
  • N (VxV) (wavefront, visualized in red), on
  • graph G(V,E) (basegraph, with E vizualized in blue),

the recursive algorithm for solving the transitive closure for root is defined as follows:

def explore(s: int, root: int):
    for t in N[s].nonzero()[0]:    # loop over current wavefront (targets yet to be explored)
        if not C[root,t]:          # Only explore deeper if root node does not yet have t in it's closure.
            C[root, t] = 1         # Register t as known to root node.
            if t == root:          # if root reaches back to itself, prevent cyclic recursion.
                N[root,t] = 0      # Maintain first invariant for this special case.
            explore(t, root)       # recurse on target t
                                   # Backpropagation:
            C[s] |= C[t]                 # Pull target's partial cover into current node s
            C[s,t] = 1                   # And add the target itself to the cover
            N[s] = ~C[s] & (N[s] | N[t]) # Maintain invariant (Ns' = (Ns U Nt) \ Cs )

When a call explore(r, r) returns, the root node r will be fully explored, and it transitive closure can be obtained from C[r].


At the start and end of each recursive call, the following invariants hold for source node s:

  • C[s] and N[s] are disjoint, and:
  • For any transitively reachable target t ∈ TC(s), of source node s, we have:
    • t is either already in (partial) closure C[s],
    • t ∈ N[s]
    • t ∈ TC(t') for some t' ∈ N[s]

A node s is fully explored when partial closure C(s)=TC(s) Then, the invariants give us that a node s is fully explored iff N(s) = {}

When the call explore(r, r) (depth 0) returns, the root node r will be fully explored.

Larger example

Note: Nodes are highlighted in red when explore starts a recursing on them, green when returning to their caller, and blue when they have just taken backpropagated results from the last explored target. Nodes will be red and green at most once per recursive search, i.e. only visited once, and only when necessary for the root node.

During backpropagation, the partial closure of a node s is updated with the partial closure of an explored target t. You can see how this shared knowlegde propagates throughout the graph looking at the black edges. Red edges denote what targets a node still would need to check and explore to guarantuee completion of it's own transitive closure.



Environment Setup

With Conda (miniconda) installed, in your shell, run: conda env create -f graph_env.yml

Notebook Usage

testgraph.ipynb is the main file of interest. I recommend opening it in vscode as it's support for notebooks has gotten quite awesome.

It uses global variables for everything, so run an init() function first to initialize C and N, then run the Transitive Closure Algorithm by calling explore(root_idx, root_idx)

To see it's steps, visualized using matplotlib in a separate window, use the #explore_debug() definitiion instead of the explore() function definition.


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