The latest commit for some reason has seg fault issue while trying to compile. Idk i prolly fucked up some file upload and one or more files are with old changes that I am currently unable to fix it due to my the SSD that had my Arch dev setup crashed on me.
So untill I get a new SSD I am sadly unable to fix the issue ;(
Cerium my own hobby programming language that i am building to learn and unravel how compilers actually work under the hood. th compiler is built on C++ and is called cer
for now.
P.S. this project was acutally inspired by hydrogen by orosmatthew.
Currently only supports
- Operating systems: Linux
- Architectures: x86_64
Current working features are:
- Varaible declaration
- Varaible initialization
- Working Scopes
- Arithmetic operations
- Bitwise operations
- Operator precendenc
- If else and else if
- Comments
- Some what readable error messages
Requires nasm
and ld
on a Linux operating system.
git clone
cd Cerium
mkdir build
cmake -S . -B build
cmake --build build
Executable will be cer
in the build/
- Imports
- Main function
- Macro definitions
- Conditional logic
- More data types
- Funtions and funtion calls
- Better error messages from the compiler.
This for now is a hobby project which migh change in the future >to an actual language but lets not get ahead of ourselves.