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TrueLayer Android SDK Demo

This project provides examples for integrating the TrueLayer Android SDK. Check out the integration guide for more details.

Before you begin

Register truelayer://demo as a redirect_uri in your developer console. This is used at the end of the payment journey to redirect back to this app.

You may register a different scheme but then you need to modify the Manifest file and ProcessorContextProvider.redirectUri property.

API Setup

This app uses our Payments Quickstart API to simplify the process of creating payments and retrieving their status. You will need to setup your own installation of this project to use this app. Payments Quickstart is a project that will allow you to instantly get up to speed with SDK integration without a need for your own backend to be ready.

Beware this project is meant to be used for testing only, and the functionality behind (or at least part of it) will need to be implemented on your own backend service.


The app allows you to configure your use of the Payments Quickstart API within the app. Simply add the URI to the API in the field on the app's main screen and select your environment from the dropdown.

You can also select between launching flows for payments in different currencies or mandates.

⚠️ For SDK version 3.8.0+ go here ⚠️

Version 3.9.0

Introduction of AIS+PIS flow for EUR payments. This allows users to select their account instead of typing in the IBAN.

This version is set to use:

  • kotlin : 1.9.25
  • compose-bom : 2024.11.00
  • desugaring : 2.1.3
  • : 8.7.0
  • gradle-8.9
  • targetSDK: 35
  • jvmTarget: 19
  • javaVersion: JavaVersion.VERSION_19

Version 3.9.1

The Java version has been downgraded from 19 to 17 to allow more flexibility for integrators.

jvmTarget = 17 
sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_17 
targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_17

How does the payment flow with the SDK works?

	participant app as Demo App
	participant backend as Payments Quickstart
	participant SDK as TrueLayer SDK
	participant Bank as Bank App

	app ->> backend: Create Payment
	backend ->> app: Processor Context
	app ->>+ SDK: Start Processor Flow (ProcessorContext)
	SDK ->> SDK: Execute authorization flow

	note left of app: Depending on the payment provider (the bank) <br/>there are two possible scenarios:<br/>redirect flow(1) or embedded flow(2).

	alt 1. Redirect flow
	note left of app: Redirect flow involves launching<br/> the Bank app or Bank website.
	SDK -->>+ Bank: Redirect to bank app
	SDK --x app: Notify result
	Bank -->>- app: Redirect after authorization process (with redirect uri eg. truelayer://demo )
	else 2. Embedded flow
		note left of app: Embedded flow covers entire process<br/> inside the SDK.
	SDK --x- app: Notify result

	loop query payment status
	note left of app: Query the payment status<br/>until payment is no longer<br/>in AUTHORISING state.
	app ->> backend: Query payment status
	backend ->> app: Payment status


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