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IMDB Movie ETL - Data Engineering Project

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As a passionate movie enthusiast and data engineer, I've always been fascinated by the stories behind the numbers in the film industry. Movies have the power to captivate, inspire, and move us, and I've often wondered what makes a movie successful. Is it the storyline, the cast, the director, or perhaps something less obvious? This curiosity has driven me to embark on this project to scrape IMDb movies and perform ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) processes for further analysis.

IMDb is a treasure trove of information, encompassing user ratings, reviews, detailed cast and crew lists, box office figures, and more. By leveraging this data, I aim to uncover patterns and insights that can illuminate the intricacies of the film industry.


The architecture of this project includes:

  • Azure Function: Scrape, extract using selenium and beautifulsoup. Then load data to Azure Datalake Gen 2
  • Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2: Store raw/transformed data
  • Docker: Containerize the source code folder and deploy the image to Azure Function for auto-scaling crawler
  • Spark Streaming: Process data in micro-batches. This includes performing necessary transformations such as cleaning, filtering, and restructuring the data.
  • Azure Databricks: Utilize Spark Streaming seamlessly integrated with Delta Lake architecture, eliminating the need for manual infrastructure setup.
  • Power BI: Read data from Azure Datalake Gen 2 in Delta format and create intuitive and interactive visualizations

Data Sources

  • Web scraping: Extracting movies information from IMDB websites.

ETL Process

  1. Extraction:

Start by trigger HTTP Azure Function, the crawler scrapes all properties's information in each page. All required parameters are:

  • start_date: The minimum release date you want to scrape. All movie release dates will greater than this parameters
  • end_date: The maximum release date you want to scrape. All movie release dates will lesser than this parameters.
  • nthreads: The number of threads, each thread is a Selenium Chrome browser (i.e: if you set 3 threads, you will have 3 Selenium Chrome browser scraping concurrently)
  • limit_each_month: The number of movies in a month. Because IMBb website show all movies in one page, to manage the large volume of movies listed on the IMDb website, the process is divided into multiple months to prevent overwhelming the system with data from a single page.

Raw data upload to Bronze container in ADLS in json format

  1. Transformation:

Run azure databricks notebook job to do following tasks: (1) create Bronze Delta Table for data in bronze container. (2) Transformed into silver container in Silver Delta Table format. I lend my friend's free azure account so the cluster's name is not my name

  1. Loading:

Transformed data in silver container is loaded into the PowerBI

Data Analysis and Reporting

  • After the ETL process, the data is analyzed to generate meaningful insights.
  • In powerBI model, i opted for the One Big Table (OBT) approach for this project due to the dataset's simplicity and limited number of attributes. Some attributes have type list (i.e: genre attribute have example value "Action, Thriller, Honor"), so i am explode it to multiple rows and use url as foreign key.

Setup and Installation


  • Docker
  • Azure function tool
  • Azure subscription
  • Postman

Create Azure Function local project

Clone this project

git clone

Create a Python virtual environment and activate it. I am using python3.11

python -m venv .venv 

Install the dependencies by running pip instal

pip install -r requirements.txt

Set up ADLS and ACR

Create two containers named bronze and silver in your Azure Storage account

Create .env file to store these environment variables

  • In your storage account portal, navigate to Security + networking > Access keys to get CONNECTION_STRING and KEY
  • After creating Azure Container Registry. Go to the newly created resource > Access Keys, and click the checkbox “Admin User” to allow logging in through username & password. Copy your ACR login server name, username, and password from here.

Testing in local

Start the function app

func start

You’d see the following output

Paste the http://localhost:7071/api/MovieScrapping to your web browser or Postman. Pass the parameter if needed. It took me more than 8 hours to scrape all movies from 2023-01-01 to 2023-10-01 with 500 movies each month.

Go to bronze container created previous before you will see our data store in multiple json files.

Deploying to ACR using Shell Script

Run this file from terminal. Replace image_name with yours


Wait for the process to complete. Once completed, head over to your ACR, and click Repositories. You’ll see your newly created repository over there.

Deploy to Azure Functions App

From azure portal > Function App and choose Container Apps environment

Fill in the necessary details. Navigate to Deployment header tag, in Image type click Private. Choose Container Image as the deployment method and other authentication information.

Once created, head over to the Function App and copy the app url. Try hitting the page FunctionAppBaseUrl/api/MovieScrapping?start_date=2023-01-01&end_date=2023-01-15&nthreads=1&limit_each_month=1 and it should work.

Set up Databricks

Upload three notebook files in /adb_notebook folder: bronze_process, silver_process and pipeline_function to Azure Databricks workspace

  • pipeline_function: Determines all function need to implement pipeline
  • bronze_process: Use function in pipeline_function to read data in bronze container and store in delta format.
  • silver_process: Use function in pipeline_function to read delta table in bronze container and transform into silver container.

Create task with notebook type as below. Change the value of parameter trigger to streaming type if you want.

Do samething with silver_process. Finally, run the job.


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