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The TAG Network Communication Simulator (or TAG ComSim) is a white-label console utility application written in C# provided by Trust Anchor Group (TAG for short). It can be used to simulate network communication traffic in large-scale networks. Features:

  • Extensible: It can be extended by external modules to provide support for new features, communication protocols, etc.
  • Scriptable: Logic can be provided through use of script.
  • Models: Models are defined in XML files, and include support for defining:
    • Actors
    • Probability Distributions
    • Actions
    • Events
    • Statistics
    • Report Output


You should carefully read the following terms and conditions before using this software. Your use of this software indicates your acceptance of this license agreement and warranty. If you do not agree with the terms of this license, or if the terms of this license contradict with your local laws, you must remove any files from the TAG ComSim from your storage devices and cease to use it. The terms of this license are subjects of changes in future versions of the TAG ComSim.

You may not use, copy, emulate, clone, rent, lease, sell, modify, decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or transfer the licensed program, or any subset of the licensed program, except as provided for in this agreement. Any such unauthorised use shall result in immediate and automatic termination of this license and may result in criminal and/or civil prosecution.

The source code and libraries provided in this repository (including references to external libraries) is provided open and without charge for the following uses:

  • For Personal evaluation. Personal evaluation means evaluating the code, its libraries and underlying technologies, including learning about underlying technologies. Redistribution of artefacts or source code requries attribution to the original source code repository, as well as a license agreement including provisions equivalent to this license agreement.

  • For Academic use. This includes research projects, student projects or classroom projects. Redistribution of artefacts or source code requries attribution to the original source code repository, as well as a license agreement including provisions equivalent to this license agreement. Attribution and reference in published articles is encouraged. If access to other technologies based on Neuro-Foundation interfaces is desired, please contact Trust Anchor Group AB.

  • For Security analysis. If you perform any security analysis on the code, to see what security aspects the code might have, all we request of you, is that you maintain the information in a confidential manner, inform us of any findings privately, with sufficient anticipation, before publishing your findings, in accordance with ethical hacking guidelines. By informing us at least forty-five (45) days before publication of the findings, you provide us with sufficient time to address any vulnerabilities you have found. Such contributions are much appreciated and will be acknowledged. (Note that informing us about vulnerabilities in public fora, such as issues here on GitHub, counts as publishing, and not private.)

  • For Commercial use. Use of the white-label TAG ComSim for commercial use is permitted. Replication and re-publication of source code is permitted with attribution to the original source code repository, as well as a license agreement including provisions equivalent to this license agreement.

Note: All rights to the source code are reserved and exclusively owned by Trust Anchor Group AB. Any contributions made to the TAG ComSim repository become the intellectual property of Trust Anchor Group AB.

This software is provided by the copyright holder and contributors "as is" and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event shall the copyright owner or contributors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.

The TAG ComSim is © Trust Anchor Group AB 2020-2024. All rights reserved.

Command-line arguments

The TAG ComSim console application is run from a command-prompt. Command-line arguments are as follows:

Argument Description
-i FILENAME Specifies the filename of the model to use during simulation. The file must be an XML file that conforms to the namespace. Schema: ComSim.xsd in the repository.
-l LOG_FILENAME Redirects logged events to a log file.
-lt LOG_TRANSFORM File name of optional XSLT transform for use with log file.
-lc Log events to the console.
-s SNIFFER_FOLDER Optional folder for storing network sniff files.
-st SNIFFER_TRANSFORM File name of optional XSLT transform for use with sniffers.
-d APP_DATA_FOLDER Points to the application data folder. Required if storage of data in a local database is necessary for the simulation. (Storage can include generated user credentials so that the same user identities can be used across simulations.)
-af FOLDER Adds an assembly folder. Assemblies can be loaded from this folder.
-e If encryption is used by the database. Default=no encryption.
-bs BLOCK_SIZE Block size, in bytes. Default=8192.
-bbs BLOB_BLOCK_SIZE BLOB block size, in bytes. Default=8192.
-enc ENCODING Text encoding. Default=UTF-8
-mr FILENAME Generates a Markdown Report file after simulation.
-xr FILENAME Generates an XML report file after simulation.
-master RELNAME Adds a Master file declaration to the top of markdown reports. The reference must be relative to the generated report file.
-css RELNAME Adds a CSS file declaration to the top of markdown reports. The reference must be relative to the generated report file.
-ik KEYNAME FILENAME Import keys from a CSV file. The CSV file must consist of two columns. The first, contains lookup values, the second, the key values corresponding to the lookup values. The KEYNAME argument defines the key name to which the keys are associated. FILENAME must point to a CSV file.
-? Displays command-line help.


Following is a list of simulation examples that introduces different concepts in simple examples. They can also be used as the basis for new simulation models:

Example Description Simulation Report
SimpleChatMessages.xml Simulates a few users using XMPP to send chat messages between each other. Illustrates stochastic and external events. Report
GuessANumber.xml Simulates a few users using XMPP to play the simple game of guessing a number. Demonstrates how to persist states across events, use event guards, custom logging, simplified actions and custom graphs. Builds on the SimpleChatMessages example. Report
ServerPerformance.xml Shows how to measure server performance during a simulation. Introduces Performance Counters, Web Services and Timers. Builds on the GuessANumber example. Report
XmlMessages.xml Demonstrates how to send, receive and validate custom XML messages between XMPP Clients. Introduces custom messages, message handlers, public key cryptography, XMLDSIG, local performance counters, parallel actions and comparative graphs. Report
Protocols.xml Demonstrates how to send, receive messages using different communication protocols. Apart from XMPP, it also uses HTTP, MQTT and IBM MQ. Also measures and compares protocol-specific performance metrics. Report
BreakingPoint.xml Simulation that gradually increases load on services using different protocols, to investiate possible breaking points and (rate) limits in underlying technologies. Demonstrates the use of the normal distribution. Builds on the Protocols example. Report
HighLoad.xml Simulation that gradually increases load on services using different protocols, to analyze the effects of a relative high load on the underlying technologies. Builds on the BreakingPoint example. Report
Federation.xml Demonstrates how to send and receive messages between clients connected to different federated brokers. Builds on the XmlMessages example. Also introduces measurement control, such as individual bucket times and outlier removal. Report
ContentType.xml Tests publishing information using either XML, JSON or binary over MQTT, to see if there are any noticeable differences on the choice of content type on performance. Builds on the Protocols example. Report
Distributions.xml Simple simulation that demonstrates the use of different distributions in the simulator. Report
RequestResponse.xml Illustrates the use of the Request/Response communication pattern in simulation. Builds on the XmlMessages example. Report
XmppDeviceControl.xml Simulates Outdoor and Indoor Temperature Sensors, Heaters and Thermostats, controlling Heater output, based on Sensor output. Outdoor Temperature varies randomly over time. Indoor Temperature varies depending on Outdoor Temperature and Heater output. Communication is done using XMPP. Report
ModBusDeviceControl.xml Same devices as defined in XmppDeviceControl.xml, here communicate over ModBus. Report

Extending the Simulator

You can extend the simulator by providing links to your own .NET Standard assemblies, and reference them from your simulation model. To extend the simulator, create classes that implement the ISimulationNode interface, defined in the TAG.Simulator library. The classes must implement the public a constructor taking a ISimulationNode argument representing its parent node, and a Model parameter, representing the simulation model in which the object is created. To extend the simulator with new types of actors (for instance, new communication protocols), these classes must also implement the IActorNode interface, or derive from the Actor class.

Following is a list of extension modules provided in the repository:

Example Description
TAG.Simulator.ModBus Defines simulation extensions for creating simulated ModBus devices and ModBus clients.
TAG.Simulator.MQ Defines simulation extensions for actors communicating MQ.
TAG.Simulator.MQTT Defines simulation extensions for actors communicating MQTT.
TAG.Simulator.Performance Defines simulation extensions for sampling of local performance counters.
TAG.Simulator.XMLDSIG Defines simulation extensions for XML Digital Signatures (XMLDSIG).
TAG.Simulator.XMPP Defines simulation extensions for actors communicating XMPP, as well as common XMPP Extensions.
TAG.Simulator.XMPP.IoT Defines XMPP extensions for Neuro-Foundation IoT interfaces.
TAG.Simulator.XMPP.Legal Defines simulator XMPP extensions providing support for extensions to XMPP supporting digital IDs and smart contracts.

Script extensions

You can extend the script engine using in the simulator, by implementing new functions or custom parsers. See Script reference for more information. Any assembly you reference in your simulation model that contains script extensions, will automatically be used to extend the script engine of the simulator.

The simulator itself provides the following extensions:

Entity Description
Model A predefined variable pointing to the simulation model being executed.
Global A set of global variables. Accessible across events. Variables used in event handlers are accessible only from that event handler.

Schema Files

Syntax of simulation nodes are defined in XML Schema files. The following table lists XML Schema files defined by the project:

Schema Namespace Description
ComSim.xsd Defines the main structure of a simulation model file.
ComSimModBus.xsd Defines simulation extensions for actors communicating ModBus.
ComSimMq.xsd Defines simulation extensions for actors communicating MQ.
ComSimMqtt.xsd Defines simulation extensions for actors communicating MQTT.
ComSimPerformance.xsd Defines simulation extensions for Performance Counters.
ComSimXmlDSig.xsd Defines simulation extensions for Digital XML Signatures.
ComSimXmpp.xsd Defines simulation extensions for actors communicating XMPP.
ComSimXmppIoT.xsd Defines simulator XMPP extensions for Neuro-Foundation IoT interfaces.
ComSimXmppLegal.xsd Defines simulator XMPP extensions providing support for extensions to XMPP supporting digital IDs and smart contracts.


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Network Communication Simulator






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