- A web demo of face detection, whether an image or video have been edited.
- A Convolution Neural Network model training, and use it in demo page.
- API from chatgpt to describe the Image, or video.
- Deploy on website
- Add Google Analytics
- MySQL store
install: pip install -r requirements.txt
run with uvicorn web.run:app --reload
- Go to https://dashboard.render.com/web/new
- Start command:
uvicorn web.run:app --host --port 5000
- Add Python version in additional
- Website: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0BEBquff6rI
- GA4 tag: gradio-app/gradio#5954
- GA4 note: https://hackmd.io/15X08z7DSz-pSctKHLAn3Q
- GA4 issue: gradio-app/gradio#6426 (solved: gradio-app/gradio#5954)
- GAN implementation: https://github.com/bryandlee/animegan2-pytorch/blob/main/demo.ipynb & https://github.com/gradio-app/gradio/blob/2780d067f9f801016c0254de679b56794859abed/demo/animeganv2/run.py#L4
https://ai-classification.onrender.com/gradio/ (no longer support)