An animal adoption platform that integrated the shelters and meet map in Taiwan. Users can quickly find pets through multiple search conditions or track the pets they are interested in.
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Integrated the pet information from shelters and meet map in Taiwan for multiple condition search. Search conditions include kind, age, sex, ligation, color, city, shelter, status, data reference, and keyword search in color, remark, and title from the detail of the pet.
Users could track the pets they are interested in if user login by Google, and it could filter out easily when clicking the 'My little nest' and pet information also could be sorted by update time.
Dynamic show the count number and result of the pet when the condition is changing at once, and the details of the pet include a link which the user could go to the original data source to adopt the pet.
- Use Docker that makes any deployment consistent, portable, and scalable.
- Scripts generated by TypeORM or manually are about database migration and initial essential elements of a database table in the database deployments.
- Integrating CodeDeploy with GitHub for Amazon EC2 auto-deployment.
- Node-schedule and Cheerio for web crawling and frequent database updates.
- Using Redux Toolkit for centralizing state management and simplifying many common use cases like creating reducer
- Eliminating the need to hand-write data fetching and caching logic yourself by using RTK Query.
- Create a responsive design with SCSS and styled-components.
- Elastic Compute Cloud (Linux t2.micro)
- Simple Storage Service (S3)
- Relational Database Service (MySQL db.t2.micro)
Tsai, Tsai Chieh - [email protected] - Linkedin