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Step 0: Installation

Hélio Guilherme edited this page Nov 16, 2015 · 15 revisions

NOTE: This is work in progress and not complete yet!!!

This How-To is for Windows 7 & Windows 8.1. For other Windows versions (e.g. XP) at least the screenshots of calculator and his buttons have to be changed. Moreover this was made with a German Windows version but adjusting to English version requires only little change and is described below.


The correct installation of all components might be the hardest part of this tutorial and the key factor to success 👍.

Please try to stick to this instructions and especially if you are on a 64-bit system (e.g. Windows 7/8.1 64-bit) DO NOT MIX 32-bit and 64-bit versions of components to be installed. For example if you choose Java 32-bit then you will have to use 32-bit Python and Robot Framework as well. If you choose Java 64-bit then you will have to install Python and Robot Framework as 64-bit versions, too!

Users of 32-bit systems can chill at this point - they have no choice and so they can´t do anything wrong :-)


You will need the following components (preferably as 32-bit versions) to be installed on your 32-bit or 64-bit test machine AND some system configuration done to get all three steps of the tutorial working:

  • Java 1.8.0_05 JRE or JDK
  • Jython 2.7.0
  • Python 2.7.3
  • Robot Framework 2.9.2
  • SikuliX 1.1.0
  • Configuration of system environment variables

Earlier versions of above components may work, too - but we want this to be up to date and easy to support you with possible questions. So if you don´t have to use a specific legacy versions please use or update to the above mentioned. If your system already meets this preconditions then you can skip or just skim the next sections and after checking the configuration of your system environment variables start with step 1 of the tutorial.

Installation Instructions

  1. Install Java & add it to PATH
  2. Install SikuliX
  3. Install Jython & add it to PATH
  4. Install Robot Framework twice (once for Python, once for Jython) ... Yes man, really!
  5. Install IntelliJ IDEA IDE (optional)

The following sections will describe each of the installation steps in detail.

1. Installing Java

  1. Download (jre-8u31-windows-i586.exe - 29.02 MB) from Oracle Website
  2. Double click downloaded .exe & follow the instructions
  3. Add Java to system environment variable PATH (TODO: How-To) if it wasn´t done automatically during the installation process.

2. Installing SikuliX 1.1.0

  1. Download and install according to the [SikuliX quick start information] (
  2. Put the downloaded sikulixsetup….jar for example in C:\SikuliX_110. Let´s call this ~your_path_to~\SikuliX_110 from now on.
  3. Doubleclick sikulixsetup….jar or alternatively in console cd into ~your_path_to~\SikuliX_110 and type java -jar sikulixsetup….jar and follow the installation instructions - I suggest to install all available options.
  4. Create a system environment variable SIKULIX_HOME with the value ~your_path_to~\SikuliX_110\ (note the \ at the end!).

Environment variable SIKULIX_HOME is a convenience to be able to easily execute runsikulix.cmd command from console.

3. Installing Jython


4. Installing Robot Framework


5. Installing IntelliJ IDEA 14.02 with Python Plugin

In IntelliJ IDEA (let´s call it IDE from now on) set Jython as project SDK and add sikulixapi.jar and Lib folder from SikuliX installation (your_path_to\SikuliX_110\Lib or your_path_to\SikuliX_110\sikulixapi.jar\Lib) as external libraries to have syntax highlighting and code completion for both SikuliX and Python/Jython.

To be continued ...

Adjusting for English Windows version

On English Windows version you will have to make a new screenshot of your calculator and replace CalcApp.png in all three step_x folders AND in all three folders in you will have to replace the string "Rechner" with "Calculator". To do that in each search the line calcApp = App("Rechner") and change it to calcApp = App("Calculator").