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feat(graphics): ✨ Made it so you can change loading settings easily a…
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…nd quickly mid-loading and also implemented the loading for the wrapping :)
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Tsunami014 (Max) authored and Tsunami014 (Max) committed Dec 14, 2024
1 parent 42d525f commit 76dbe0a
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Showing 3 changed files with 182 additions and 187 deletions.
45 changes: 41 additions & 4 deletions BlazeSudio/graphics/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ def DEFAULT_FORMAT_FUNC(txt, tasks, total, tme):
secsPerCycle = 2
cycle = math.floor((tme*secsPerCycle) / 0.25) % 4
dots = '.'*cycle
perc = (tasks/total)*100
perc = round((tasks/total)*100, 3)
return f'{txt}{dots} ({perc}%)'

class Progressbar(BaseLoadingScreen):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -201,9 +201,18 @@ def DEFAULT_FORMAT_FUNC(txt, tasks, total, tme):
secsPerCycle = 2
cycle = math.floor((tme*secsPerCycle) / 0.25) % 4
dots = '.'*cycle
perc = (tasks/total)*100
perc = round((tasks/total)*100, 3)
return f'{txt}{dots} ({perc}%)'
If in the function that is loading you yield a tuple of 2 items and the second is a dictionary then it will use the first item for text and will change some settings based off of the dict.
e.g. `yield 'hi', {'key': value}`
amount (int): The amount of tasks that need completing.
done (int): The amount of tasks complete (including the one you're setting it with).
formatter (Callable): The formatter (see format_func).
self.yield_start = (-1 if yield_start else 0)
self.amount = amount
Expand All @@ -221,8 +230,36 @@ def func(self, func, d, *args, **kwargs):
gen = func(d, *args, **kwargs)
while True:
self.txt = next(gen)
self.done += 1
out = next(gen)
if isinstance(out, tuple) and len(out) == 2 and isinstance(out[1], dict):
self.txt = out[0]
self.done += 1
for key, it in out[1].items():
if key == 'amount':
if not isinstance(it, int):
raise TypeError(
f"Type of item '{it}' is not int!"
self.amount = it
elif key == 'done':
if not isinstance(it, int):
raise TypeError(
f"Type of item '{it}' is not int!"
self.done = it
elif key == 'done':
if not isinstance(it, Callable):
raise TypeError(
f"Type of item '{it}' is not Callable!"
self.formatter = it
raise ValueError(
f"Key '{key}' is unknown!"
self.txt = out
self.done += 1
except StopIteration as e:
return e.value

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271 changes: 110 additions & 161 deletions BlazeSudio/utils/wrap/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -76,7 +76,8 @@ def wrapSurface(pg: pygame.Surface,
quality: float = 1.0,
startRot: int|float = 0,
constraints: list[Segment] = [],
pg2: bool|pygame.Surface=True
pg2: bool|pygame.Surface = True,
isIter: bool = False
) -> tuple[pygame.Surface]|pygame.Surface:
Wrap a pygame surface and optionally it's alpha separately.
Expand All @@ -92,6 +93,7 @@ def wrapSurface(pg: pygame.Surface,
- `pygame.Surface` -> use that for the alpha only wrap
- `True` -> use `pg` for the alpha wrap
- `False` -> don't return or calculate an alpha wrap
isIter (bool, optional): Whether to return a generator or just run the func itself. Defaults to False (just run the func). The generator is in a format aplicable to `graphics.loading.Progress`.
tuple[pygame.Surface, pygame.Surface]: The output surface or surfaces which are the wrapped image(s)
Expand All @@ -105,174 +107,121 @@ def wrapSurface(pg: pygame.Surface,
-1 = the centroid (or centroid line(s)) of the polygon made by the wrapped image width
width, height = pg.get_size()
if isinstance(pg2, pygame.Surface):
if pg.get_size() != pg2.get_size():
raise ValueError(
'The 2 input surfaces are of different sizes!!!'
shape = MakeShape(width)
def checkX1(x):
for con in constraints:
if x > con.pos[0] and x < con.pos[1]:
return False
return True
segs = [x for x in range(width) if checkX1(x)]
def checkX2(x):
for con in constraints:
if x == con.pos[0]:
return con.angle
return None
segrots = [checkX2(x) for x in segs]
shape.joints = [(i, 0) for i in segs]
shape.setAngs = segrots
# shape.joints = [(0, 100), (100, 200), (200, 200), (300, 100), (200, 0), (100, 0), (0, 100)]
large, main, small = shape.generateBounds(height, True, False, False) # main and small set to None
largePs = large.toPoints()
mins = (min(i[0] for i in largePs), min(i[1] for i in largePs))
for i in range(len(shape.joints)):
shape.joints[i] = (shape.joints[i][0]-mins[0], shape.joints[i][1]-mins[1])
large, main, small = shape.generateBounds(height)
collsegs = shape.collSegments
largePs = large.toPoints()
sze = (math.ceil(max(i[0] for i in largePs)), math.ceil(max(i[1] for i in largePs)))
cir = pygame.Surface(sze, pygame.SRCALPHA)

angs = [collisions.direction(i.p1, i.p2) for i in collsegs]

# print('initialising lines...')

lns = []
angs2 = []

r = (shape.lastRadius + height)*2

for idx, seg in enumerate(collsegs):
#d2 = shape.jointDists[idx]**2

sin_sum = math.sin(angs[idx]) + math.sin(angs[idx-1])
cos_sum = math.cos(angs[idx]) + math.cos(angs[idx-1])

# Calculate the circular mean using arctan2
mean_rad = math.atan2(sin_sum, cos_sum)
avg = math.degrees(mean_rad)

lns.append(collisions.Line(collisions.rotate(seg.p1, (seg.p1[0], seg.p1[1]-r), avg),
collisions.rotate(seg.p1, (seg.p1[0], seg.p1[1]+r), avg)))
def wrap():
yield 'Initialising wrap', {'amount': 3}
width, height = pg.get_size()
if isinstance(pg2, pygame.Surface):
if pg.get_size() != pg2.get_size():
raise ValueError(
'The 2 input surfaces are of different sizes!!!'
shape = MakeShape(width)
def checkX1(x):
for con in constraints:
if x > con.pos[0] and x < con.pos[1]:
return False
return True
segs = [x for x in range(width) if checkX1(x)]
def checkX2(x):
for con in constraints:
if x == con.pos[0]:
return con.angle
return None
segrots = [checkX2(x) for x in segs]
shape.joints = [(i, 0) for i in segs]
shape.setAngs = segrots
# shape.joints = [(0, 100), (100, 200), (200, 200), (300, 100), (200, 0), (100, 0), (0, 100)]
large, main, small = shape.generateBounds(height, True, False, False) # main and small set to None
largePs = large.toPoints()
mins = (min(i[0] for i in largePs), min(i[1] for i in largePs))
for i in range(len(shape.joints)):
shape.joints[i] = (shape.joints[i][0]-mins[0], shape.joints[i][1]-mins[1])
large, main, small = shape.generateBounds(height)
collsegs = shape.collSegments
largePs = large.toPoints()
sze = (math.ceil(max(i[0] for i in largePs)), math.ceil(max(i[1] for i in largePs)))
cir = pygame.Surface(sze, pygame.SRCALPHA)

angs = [collisions.direction(i.p1, i.p2) for i in collsegs]

yield 'Initialising lines'

lns = []
angs2 = []

r = (shape.lastRadius + height)*2

for idx, seg in enumerate(collsegs):
#d2 = shape.jointDists[idx]**2

sin_sum = math.sin(angs[idx]) + math.sin(angs[idx-1])
cos_sum = math.cos(angs[idx]) + math.cos(angs[idx-1])

# Calculate the circular mean using arctan2
mean_rad = math.atan2(sin_sum, cos_sum)
avg = math.degrees(mean_rad)

# pygame.draw.line(cirs[0], (255, 50, 255), seg[0], seg[1], 2)

# print('finding delaunay triangles...')

lns = collisions.Shapes(*lns)

# edges = shapely.delaunay_triangles(shapely.MultiPoint([shapely.Point(p) for p in lns.whereCollides(lns)]), only_edges=True)

# shapelyOuter = collisions.collToShapely(large)

# hitsLns = [collisions.shapelyToColl(i) for i in edges.geoms if not shapelyOuter.intersects(i)]

# hitsLns = collisions.shapelyToColl([edges])
print('0 %')
# import time
# t = time.time()
hitsLge = collisions.Shapes(*large.toLines())

def closestTo(li, p):
d = None
clo = None
for p2 in li:
d2 = (p2[0]-p[0])**2+(p2[1]-p[1])**2
if d is None or d2 < d:
d = d2
clo = p2
return clo

# for ln in lns:
# pygame.draw.line(cir, (125, 125, 125), ln[0], ln[1])

# for p in lns.whereCollides(lns):
#, (0, 0, 0), p, 2)

totd = 0
total = sum(shape.jointDists)

# def sort_points(points, centre = None): # *slightly* modified from
# if centre:
# centre_x, centre_y = centre
# else:
# centre_x, centre_y = sum([x for x,_ in points])/len(points), sum([y for _,y in points])/len(points)
# angles = [(math.atan2(y - centre_y, x - centre_x)-(math.pi/4))%360 for x,y in points]
# idxs = sorted(range(len(points)), key=lambda i: angles[i])
# points = [points[i] for i in idxs]
# return points

# if not pg.get_flags() & pygame.SRCALPHA:
# pg = pg.convert_alpha()

for idx, seg in enumerate(collsegs):
d = shape.jointDists[idx]

# TODO: Trace the large poly along bcos it may have multiple segments
poly = [
closestTo(lns[idx-1].whereCollides(hitsLge), seg.p1),
closestTo(lns[idx].whereCollides(hitsLge), seg.p2),
closestTo(lns[idx].whereCollides(lns), seg.p2),
closestTo(lns[idx-1].whereCollides(lns), seg.p1),

draw_quad(cir, poly, pg.subsurface(((totd/total)*width, 0, math.ceil((d/total)*width), pg.get_height())))

# collpoly = collisions.Polygon(*poly)

# mins = (min(i[0] for i in poly), min(i[1] for i in poly))
# zeroPoly = [(i[0]-mins[0], i[1]-mins[1]) for i in poly]

# sur = pygame.Surface((max(i[0] for i in zeroPoly), max(i[1] for i in zeroPoly)), pygame.SRCALPHA)
# pygame.gfxdraw.textured_polygon(sur, zeroPoly, pg.subsurface(((totd/total)*width, 0, math.ceil((d/total)*height), height)), 0, 0)
# pygame.gfxdraw.textured_polygon(cir, poly, pg.subsurface(((totd/total)*width, 0, math.ceil((d/total)*height), height)), 0, 0)
# ns = pygame.transform.scale(pg.subsurface(((totd/total)*width, 0, max((d/total)*width, 1), height)), (d/total*width, height))
# pygame.gfxdraw.textured_polygon(cir, poly, pygame.transform.rotate(ns, math.degrees(angs[idx])), 0, 0)
# pygame.gfxdraw.textured_polygon(cir, poly, pygame.transform.rotate(pg, math.degrees(angs[idx])), (totd/total)*width, 0)
lns.append(collisions.Line(collisions.rotate(seg.p1, (seg.p1[0], seg.p1[1]-r), avg),
collisions.rotate(seg.p1, (seg.p1[0], seg.p1[1]+r), avg)))

# pygame.draw.line(cirs[0], (255, 50, 255), seg[0], seg[1], 2)

lns = collisions.Shapes(*lns)

hitsLge = collisions.Shapes(*large.toLines())

def closestTo(li, p):
d = None
clo = None
for p2 in li:
d2 = (p2[0]-p[0])**2+(p2[1]-p[1])**2
if d is None or d2 < d:
d = d2
clo = p2
return clo

# for ln in lns:
# pygame.draw.line(cir, (125, 125, 125), ln[0], ln[1])

# for p in lns.whereCollides(lns):
#, (0, 0, 0), p, 2)

#poly[-1][0] -= 0.1
#poly[-1][1] -= 0.1
totd = 0
total = sum(shape.jointDists)

#cir.blit(*warp(pg.subsurface(((totd/total)*width, 0, max((d/total)*height, 1), height)), poly, False))
yield 'Calculating segments', {'amount': len(collsegs), 'done': 0}

# pygame.draw.polygon(cir, ((totd/total)*255, 125, 125, 255), poly)
# r = collpoly.rect()
# for y in range(math.floor(r[1]), math.ceil(r[3])):
# for x in range(math.floor(r[0]), math.ceil(r[2])):
# if collpoly.collides(collisions.Point(x, y)):
# cir.set_at((x, y), (c, 125, 125))
# alphaArray[x, y] = 255
for idx, seg in enumerate(collsegs):
d = shape.jointDists[idx]

totd += d
# print((totd/total)*100, '%')
# print(time.time()-t) # 6.692249059677124
# TODO: Trace the large poly along bcos it may have multiple segments
poly = [
closestTo(lns[idx-1].whereCollides(hitsLge), seg.p1),
closestTo(lns[idx].whereCollides(hitsLge), seg.p2),
closestTo(lns[idx].whereCollides(lns), seg.p2),
closestTo(lns[idx-1].whereCollides(lns), seg.p1),

# for idx, poly in enumerate(polys):
# d2 = shape.jointDists[idx]**2
draw_quad(cir, poly, pg.subsurface(((totd/total)*width, 0, math.ceil((d/total)*width), pg.get_height())))

# ang1 = (math.cos(angs[idx]), math.sin(angs[idx]))
# avgs = []
# for a in (angs[idx-1], angs[idx+1]):
# ang2 = (math.cos(a), math.sin(a))
# avgs.append(collisions.direction((0, 0), ((ang1[0]+ang2[0])/2, (ang1[1]+ang2[1])/2)))
totd += d
yield 'Calculating segments'

# ps1 = []

# thisPoly = collisions.Polygon()

# totd2 += d2
# print((idx+1)/totL, '%')

# TODO: if pg2 is True: # just mask the output
return cir.copy()
# return cirs
# TODO: if pg2 is True: # just mask the output
return cir.copy()
# return cirs
if isIter:
return wrap()
w = wrap()
for msg in w:
except StopIteration as e:
return e.value

def save(imgs, fname, szes, spacing=None): # TODO: Think about removing
ms = max(szes)
Expand Down

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