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Version 4.3.1

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@qishipengqsp qishipengqsp released this 03 Jul 07:00
· 134 commits to master since this release

Version 4.3.1 (2024-06-13)

Breaking Changes:

  1. Support non-unique composite index
  2. Cypher supports GQL ASTNode parsing links
  3. Support bolt data transfer over websocket

Improvements And Bug Fixes:

  1. Fix the built-in stored procedure algo.native.extract
  2. Other bug fixes

Interface Modification:

  1. The function of adding and deleting procedures is not enabled by default when lgraph_server is started. Enable_procedure must be configured to true to add and delete procedures
  2. The java client adds a callCypher interface to return header information

版本 4.3.1 (2024-06-13)


  1. 支持非唯一组合索引
  2. cypher支持GQL ASTNode解析链路
  3. 支持通过websocket进行Bolt数据传输


  1. 修复内置存储过程algo.native.extract
  2. 其他错误修复


  1. lgraph_server启动时默认不打开增删procedure的功能,需配置enable_procedure为true才可增删procedure
  2. java client新增callCypher接口可返回header信息