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Eric Tucker edited this page Jul 12, 2018 · 3 revisions

Defining The Filter Logic

Define the filter logic based on the camel cased input key passed to the filter() method.

  • Empty strings are ignored
  • setup() will be called regardless of input
  • _id is dropped from the end of the input to define the method so filtering user_id would use the user() method
  • Input without a corresponding filter method are ignored
  • The value of the key is injected into the method
  • All values are accessible through the $this->input() method or a single value by key $this->input($key)
  • All Eloquent Builder methods are accessible in this context in the model filter class.

To define methods for the following input:

    'company_id'   => 5,
    'name'         => 'Tuck',
    'mobile_phone' => '888555'

You would use the following methods:

class UserFilter extends ModelFilter
    protected $blacklist = ['secretMethod'];

    // This will filter 'company_id' OR 'company'
    public function company($id)
        return $this->where('company_id', $id);

    public function name($name)
        return $this->where(function($q) use ($name) {
            return $q->where('first_name', 'LIKE', "%$name%")
                ->orWhere('last_name', 'LIKE', "%$name%");

    public function mobilePhone($phone)
        return $this->where('mobile_phone', 'LIKE', "$phone%");

    public function setup()

    public function onlyShowDeletedForAdmins()
        if(Auth::user()->isAdmin()) {
    public function secretMethod($secretParameter)
        return $this->where('some_column', true);

Note: In the above example if you do not want _id dropped from the end of the input you can set protected $drop_id = false on your filter class. Doing this would allow you to have a company() filter method as well as a companyId() filter method.

Note: In the example above all methods inside setup() will be called every time filter() is called on the model

Additional Filter Methods

The Filterable trait also comes with the below query builder helper methods:

EloquentFilter Method QueryBuilder Equivalent
$this->whereLike($column, $string) $query->where($column, 'LIKE', '%'.$string.'%')
$this->whereBeginsWith($column, $string) $query->where($column, 'LIKE', $string.'%')
$this->whereEndsWith($column, $string) $query->where($column, 'LIKE', '%'.$string)

Since these methods are part of the Filterable trait they are accessible from any model that implements the trait without the need to call in the Model's EloquentFilter.

Applying The Filter To A Model

Implement the EloquentFilter\Filterable trait on any Eloquent model:

<?php namespace App;

use EloquentFilter\Filterable;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class User extends Model
    use Filterable;

    //User Class

This gives you access to the filter() method that accepts an array of input:

class UserController extends Controller
    public function index(Request $request)
        return User::filter($request->all())->get();
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