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Documenter.jl committed Feb 14, 2024
1 parent 5e6bb6a commit 8e7cda4
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions v0.24.7/index.html
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using Distributions
using FillArrays

using LinearAlgebra
using Random

@model function gdemo(n)
μ ~ Normal(0, 1)
x ~ MvNormal(Fill(μ, n), I)
return nothing
end</code></pre><p>We generate some data using <code>μ = 0</code>:</p><pre><code class="language-julia hljs">Random.seed!(1776)
dataset = randn(100)</code></pre><h2 id="Conditioning-and-Deconditioning"><a class="docs-heading-anchor" href="#Conditioning-and-Deconditioning">Conditioning and Deconditioning</a><a id="Conditioning-and-Deconditioning-1"></a><a class="docs-heading-anchor-permalink" href="#Conditioning-and-Deconditioning" title="Permalink"></a></h2><p>Bayesian models can be transformed with two main operations, conditioning and deconditioning (also known as marginalization). Conditioning takes a variable and fixes its value as known. We do this by passing a model and a collection of conditioned variables to <a href="../../api/#Base.:|-Tuple{Model, Any}"><code>|</code></a> or its alias <a href="../../api/#AbstractPPL.condition"><code>condition</code></a>:</p><pre><code class="language-julia hljs">model = gdemo(length(dataset)) | (x=dataset, μ=0)</code></pre><p>This operation can be reversed by applying <a href="../../api/#AbstractPPL.decondition"><code>decondition</code></a>:</p><pre><code class="language-julia hljs">decondition(model)</code></pre><p>We can also decondition only some of the variables:</p><pre><code class="language-julia hljs">decondition(model, :μ)</code></pre><div class="admonition is-info"><header class="admonition-header">Note</header><div class="admonition-body"><p>Sometimes it is helpful to define convenience functions for conditioning on some variable(s). For instance, in this example we might want to define a version of <code>gdemo</code> that conditions on some observations of <code>x</code>:</p><pre><code class="language-julia hljs">gdemo(x::AbstractVector{&lt;:Real}) = gdemo(length(x)) | (; x)</code></pre><p>For illustrative purposes, however, we do not use this function in the examples below.</p></div></div><h2 id="Probabilities-and-Densities"><a class="docs-heading-anchor" href="#Probabilities-and-Densities">Probabilities and Densities</a><a id="Probabilities-and-Densities-1"></a><a class="docs-heading-anchor-permalink" href="#Probabilities-and-Densities" title="Permalink"></a></h2><p>We often want to calculate the (unnormalized) probability density for an event. This probability might be a prior, a likelihood, or a posterior (joint) density. DynamicPPL provides convenient functions for this. For example, we can calculate the joint probability of a set of samples (here drawn from the prior) with <a href="../../api/#DynamicPPL.logjoint"><code>logjoint</code></a>:</p><pre><code class="language-julia hljs">model = gdemo(length(dataset)) | (x=dataset,)

sample = rand(model)
logjoint(model, sample)</code></pre><pre class="documenter-example-output"><code class="nohighlight hljs ansi">-181.7247437162069</code></pre><p>For models with many variables <code>rand(model)</code> can be prohibitively slow since it returns a <code>NamedTuple</code> of samples from the prior distribution of the unconditioned variables. We recommend working with samples of type <code>DataStructures.OrderedDict</code> in this case:</p><pre><code class="language-julia hljs">using DataStructures

sample_dict = rand(OrderedDict, model)
logjoint(model, sample_dict)</code></pre><pre class="documenter-example-output"><code class="nohighlight hljs ansi">-181.7247437162069</code></pre><p>The prior probability and the likelihood of a set of samples can be calculated with the functions <a href="../../api/#StatsAPI.loglikelihood"><code>loglikelihood</code></a> and <a href="../../api/#DynamicPPL.logjoint"><code>logjoint</code></a>, respectively:</p><pre><code class="language-julia hljs">logjoint(model, sample) ≈ loglikelihood(model, sample) + logprior(model, sample)</code></pre><pre class="documenter-example-output"><code class="nohighlight hljs ansi">true</code></pre><pre><code class="language-julia hljs">logjoint(model, sample_dict) ≈
loglikelihood(model, sample_dict) + logprior(model, sample_dict)</code></pre><pre class="documenter-example-output"><code class="nohighlight hljs ansi">true</code></pre><h2 id="Example:-Cross-validation"><a class="docs-heading-anchor" href="#Example:-Cross-validation">Example: Cross-validation</a><a id="Example:-Cross-validation-1"></a><a class="docs-heading-anchor-permalink" href="#Example:-Cross-validation" title="Permalink"></a></h2><p>To give an example of the probability interface in use, we can use it to estimate the performance of our model using cross-validation. In cross-validation, we split the dataset into several equal parts. Then, we choose one of these sets to serve as the validation set. Here, we measure fit using the cross entropy (Bayes loss).<sup class="footnote-reference"><a id="citeref-1" href="#footnote-1">[1]</a></sup></p><pre><code class="language-julia hljs">using MLUtils

function cross_val(
# Initialize `loss` in a way such that the loop below does not change its type
model = gdemo(1) | (x=[first(dataset)],)
loss = zero(logjoint(model, rand(rng, model)))

for (train, validation) in kfolds(dataset, nfolds)
# First, we train the model on the training set, i.e., we obtain samples from the posterior.
# For normally-distributed data, the posterior can be computed in closed form.
# For general models, however, typically samples will be generated using MCMC with Turing.
posterior = Normal(mean(train), 1)
samples = rand(rng, posterior, nsamples)

# Evaluation on the validation set.
validation_model = gdemo(length(validation)) | (x=validation,)
loss += sum(samples) do sample
logjoint(validation_model, (μ=sample,))

return loss

cross_val(dataset)</code></pre><pre class="documenter-example-output"><code class="nohighlight hljs ansi">-212760.30282411768</code></pre><section class="footnotes is-size-7"><ul><li class="footnote" id="footnote-1"><a class="tag is-link" href="#citeref-1">1</a>See <a href="">ParetoSmooth.jl</a> for a faster and more accurate implementation of cross-validation than the one provided here.</li></ul></section></article><nav class="docs-footer"><a class="docs-footer-prevpage" href="../../api/">« API</a><div class="flexbox-break"></div><p class="footer-message">Powered by <a href="">Documenter.jl</a> and the <a href="">Julia Programming Language</a>.</p></nav></div><div class="modal" id="documenter-settings"><div class="modal-background"></div><div class="modal-card"><header class="modal-card-head"><p class="modal-card-title">Settings</p><button class="delete"></button></header><section class="modal-card-body"><p><label class="label">Theme</label><div class="select"><select id="documenter-themepicker"><option value="documenter-light">documenter-light</option><option value="documenter-dark">documenter-dark</option><option value="auto">Automatic (OS)</option></select></div></p><hr/><p>This document was generated with <a href="">Documenter.jl</a> version 1.2.1 on <span class="colophon-date" title="Wednesday 14 February 2024 16:34">Wednesday 14 February 2024</span>. Using Julia version 1.10.0.</p></section><footer class="modal-card-foot"></footer></div></div></div></body></html>
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@@ -11,5 +11,5 @@ var DOC_VERSIONS = [
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var DOCUMENTER_NEWEST = "v0.24.7";
var DOCUMENTER_STABLE = "stable";

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