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Improve documentation and implementation of custom distributions (#1431)
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devmotion authored Oct 9, 2020
1 parent c05472c commit 6dca57e
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Showing 3 changed files with 189 additions and 77 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Project.toml
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
name = "Turing"
uuid = "fce5fe82-541a-59a6-adf8-730c64b5f9a0"
version = "0.14.7"
version = "0.14.8"

AbstractMCMC = "80f14c24-f653-4e6a-9b94-39d6b0f70001"
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/Turing.jl
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Expand Up @@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ using Tracker: Tracker

import AdvancedVI
import DynamicPPL: getspace, NoDist, NamedDist
import Random

const PROGRESS = Ref(true)

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263 changes: 187 additions & 76 deletions src/stdlib/distributions.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,139 +1,250 @@
import Random: AbstractRNG

# No info
Flat <: ContinuousUnivariateDistribution
The *flat distribution* is the improper distribution of real numbers that has the improper
probability density function
A distribution with support and density of one
f(x) = 1.
struct Flat <: ContinuousUnivariateDistribution end

Distributions.rand(rng::AbstractRNG, d::Flat) = rand(rng)
Distributions.logpdf(d::Flat, x::Real) = zero(x)
Distributions.minimum(d::Flat) = -Inf
Distributions.maximum(d::Flat) = +Inf
Base.minimum(::Flat) = -Inf
Base.maximum(::Flat) = Inf

Base.rand(rng::Random.AbstractRNG, d::Flat) = rand(rng)
Distributions.logpdf(::Flat, x::Real) = zero(x)

# TODO: only implement `logpdf(d, ::Real)` if support for Distributions < 0.24 is dropped
Distributions.pdf(d::Flat, x::Real) = exp(logpdf(d, x))

# For vec support
Distributions.logpdf(d::Flat, x::AbstractVector{<:Real}) = zero(x)
Distributions.logpdf(::Flat, x::AbstractVector{<:Real}) = zero(x)
Distributions.loglikelihood(::Flat, x::AbstractVector{<:Real}) = zero(eltype(x))

A distribution with a lower bound of `l` and a density
of one at every `x` above `l`.
The *positive flat distribution* with real-valued parameter `l` is the improper distribution
of real numbers that has the improper probability density function
f(x) = \\begin{cases}
0 & \\text{if } x \\leq l, \\\\
1 & \\text{otherwise}.
struct FlatPos{T<:Real} <: ContinuousUnivariateDistribution

Distributions.rand(rng::AbstractRNG, d::FlatPos) = rand(rng) + d.l
Distributions.logpdf(d::FlatPos, x::Real) = x <= d.l ? -Inf : zero(x)
Distributions.minimum(d::FlatPos) = d.l
Distributions.maximum(d::FlatPos) = Inf
Base.minimum(d::FlatPos) = d.l
Base.maximum(d::FlatPos) = Inf

Base.rand(rng::Random.AbstractRNG, d::FlatPos) = rand(rng) + d.l
function Distributions.logpdf(d::FlatPos, x::Real)
z = float(zero(x))
return x <= d.l ? oftype(z, -Inf) : z

# TODO: only implement `logpdf(d, ::Real)` if support for Distributions < 0.24 is dropped
Distributions.pdf(d::FlatPos, x::Real) = exp(logpdf(d, x))

# For vec support
function Distributions.logpdf(d::FlatPos, x::AbstractVector{<:Real})
return any(x .<= d.l) ? -Inf : zero(x)
function Distributions.loglikelihood(d::FlatPos, x::AbstractVector{<:Real})
lower = d.l
T = float(eltype(x))
return any(xi <= lower for xi in x) ? T(-Inf) : zero(T)

BinomialLogit(n<:Real, I<:Integer)
BinomialLogit(n, logitp)
The *Binomial distribution* with logit parameterization characterizes the number of
successes in a sequence of independent trials.
It has two parameters: `n`, the number of trials, and `logitp`, the logit of the probability
of success in an individual trial, with the distribution
P(X = k) = {n \\choose k}{(\\text{logistic}(logitp))}^k (1 - \\text{logistic}(logitp))^{n-k}, \\quad \\text{ for } k = 0,1,2, \\ldots, n.
A univariate binomial logit distribution.
See also: [`Binomial`](@ref)
struct BinomialLogit{T<:Real, I<:Integer} <: DiscreteUnivariateDistribution
struct BinomialLogit{T<:Real,S<:Real} <: DiscreteUnivariateDistribution

function logpdf_binomial_logit(n, logitp, k)
logcomb = -StatsFuns.log1p(n) - SpecialFunctions.logbeta(n - k + 1, k + 1)
return logcomb + k * logitp - n * StatsFuns.log1pexp(logitp)
function BinomialLogit{T}(n::Int, logitp::T) where T
n >= 0 || error("parameter `n` has to be non-negative")
logconstant = - (log1p(n) + n * StatsFuns.log1pexp(logitp))
return new{T,typeof(logconstant)}(n, logitp, logconstant)

function Distributions.logpdf(d::BinomialLogit{<:Real}, k::Int)
return logpdf_binomial_logit(d.n, d.logitp, k)
BinomialLogit(n::Int, logitp::Real) = BinomialLogit{typeof(logitp)}(n, logitp)

Base.minimum(::BinomialLogit) = 0
Base.maximum(d::BinomialLogit) = d.n

# TODO: only implement `logpdf(d, k::Real)` if support for Distributions < 0.24 is dropped
Distributions.pdf(d::BinomialLogit, k::Real) = exp(logpdf(d, k))
Distributions.logpdf(d::BinomialLogit, k::Real) = _logpdf(d, k)
Distributions.logpdf(d::BinomialLogit, k::Integer) = _logpdf(d, k)

function _logpdf(d::BinomialLogit, k::Real)
n, logitp, logconstant = d.n, d.logitp, d.logconstant
_insupport = insupport(d, k)
_k = _insupport ? round(Int, k) : 0
result = logconstant + _k * logitp - SpecialFunctions.logbeta(n - _k + 1, _k + 1)
return _insupport ? result : oftype(result, -Inf)

function Distributions.pdf(d::BinomialLogit{<:Real}, k::Int)
return exp(logpdf_binomial_logit(d.n, d.logitp, k))
function Base.rand(rng::Random.AbstractRNG, d::BinomialLogit)
return rand(rng, Binomial(d.n, logistic(d.logitp)))
Distributions.sampler(d::BinomialLogit) = sampler(Binomial(d.n, logistic(d.logitp)))

A univariate logit-parameterised Bernoulli distribution.
Create a univariate logit-parameterised Bernoulli distribution.
function BernoulliLogit(logitp::Real)
return BinomialLogit(1, logitp)
BernoulliLogit(logitp::Real) = BinomialLogit(1, logitp)

OrderedLogistic(η::Any, cutpoints<:AbstractVector)
An ordered logistic distribution.
OrderedLogistic(η, c::AbstractVector)
The *ordered logistic distribution* with real-valued parameter `η` and cutpoints `c` has the
probability mass function
P(X = k) = \\begin{cases}
1 - \\text{logistic}(\\eta - c_1) & \\text{if } k = 1, \\\\
\\text{logistic}(\\eta - c_{k-1}) - \\text{logistic}(\\eta - c_k) & \\text{if } 1 < k < K, \\\\
\\text{logistic}(\\eta - c_{K-1}) & \\text{if } k = K,
where `K = length(c) + 1`.
struct OrderedLogistic{T1, T2<:AbstractVector} <: DiscreteUnivariateDistribution

function OrderedLogistic(η, cutpoints)
if !issorted(cutpoints)
error("cutpoints are not sorted")
function OrderedLogistic{T1,T2}::T1, cutpoints::T2) where {T1,T2}
issorted(cutpoints) || error("cutpoints are not sorted")
return new{typeof(η), typeof(cutpoints)}(η, cutpoints)


function Distributions.logpdf(d::OrderedLogistic, k::Int)
K = length(d.cutpoints)+1
c = d.cutpoints

if k==1
logp= -softplus(-(c[k]-d.η)) #logp= log(logistic(c[k]-d.η))
elseif k<K
logp= log(logistic(c[k]-d.η) - logistic(c[k-1]-d.η))
logp= -softplus(c[k-1]-d.η) #logp= log(1-logistic(c[k-1]-d.η))

return logp
function OrderedLogistic(η, cutpoints::AbstractVector)
return OrderedLogistic{typeof(η),typeof(cutpoints)}(η, cutpoints)

Distributions.pdf(d::OrderedLogistic, k::Int) = exp(logpdf(d,k))
Base.minimum(d::OrderedLogistic) = 0
Base.maximum(d::OrderedLogistic) = length(d.cutpoints) + 1

function Distributions.rand(rng::AbstractRNG, d::OrderedLogistic)
cutpoints = d.cutpoints
η = d.η
# TODO: only implement `logpdf(d, k::Real)` if support for Distributions < 0.24 is dropped
Distributions.pdf(d::OrderedLogistic, k::Real) = exp(logpdf(d, k))
Distributions.logpdf(d::OrderedLogistic, k::Real) = _logpdf(d, k)
Distributions.logpdf(d::OrderedLogistic, k::Integer) = _logpdf(d, k)

K = length(cutpoints)+1
c = vcat(-Inf, cutpoints, Inf)
function _logpdf(d::OrderedLogistic, k::Real)
η, cutpoints = d.η, d.cutpoints
K = length(cutpoints) + 1

ps = [logistic- i[1]) - logistic- i[2]) for i in zip(c[1:(end-1)],c[2:end])]
_insupport = insupport(d, k)
_k = _insupport ? round(Int, k) : 1
logp = unsafe_logpdf_ordered_logistic(η, cutpoints, K, _k)

return _insupport ? logp : oftype(logp, -Inf)

function Base.rand(rng::Random.AbstractRNG, d::OrderedLogistic)
η, cutpoints = d.η, d.cutpoints
K = length(cutpoints) + 1
# evaluate probability mass function
ps = map(1:K) do k
exp(unsafe_logpdf_ordered_logistic(η, cutpoints, K, k))
k = rand(rng, Categorical(ps))
return k
function Distributions.sampler(d::OrderedLogistic)
η, cutpoints = d.η, d.cutpoints
K = length(cutpoints) + 1
# evaluate probability mass function
ps = map(1:K) do k
exp(unsafe_logpdf_ordered_logistic(η, cutpoints, K, k))
return sampler(Categorical(ps))

if all(x -> x > zero(x), ps)
# unsafe version without bounds checking
function unsafe_logpdf_ordered_logistic(η, cutpoints, K, k::Int)
@inbounds begin
logp = if k == 1
-StatsFuns.log1pexp- cutpoints[k])
elseif k < K
tmp = StatsFuns.log1pexp(cutpoints[k-1] - η)
-tmp + StatsFuns.log1mexp(tmp - StatsFuns.log1pexp(cutpoints[k] - η))
-StatsFuns.log1pexp(cutpoints[k-1] - η)
return logp

Numerically stable Poisson log likelihood.
* `logλ`: log of rate parameter
The *Poisson distribution* with logarithmic parameterization of the rate parameter
descibes the number of independent events occurring within a unit time interval, given the
average rate of occurrence ``exp(logλ)``.
The distribution has the probability mass function
P(X = k) = \\frac{e^{k \\cdot logλ}{k!} e^{-e^{logλ}}, \\quad \\text{ for } k = 0,1,2,\\ldots.
See also: [`Poisson`](@ref)
struct LogPoisson{T<:Real} <: DiscreteUnivariateDistribution
struct LogPoisson{T<:Real,S} <: DiscreteUnivariateDistribution

function LogPoisson{T}(logλ::T) where T
λ = exp(logλ)
return new{T,typeof(λ)}(logλ, λ)

function Distributions.logpdf(lp::LogPoisson, k::Int)
return k * lp.logλ - exp(lp.logλ) - SpecialFunctions.loggamma(k + 1)
LogPoisson(logλ::Real) = LogPoisson{typeof(logλ)}(logλ)

Base.minimum(d::LogPoisson) = 0
Base.maximum(d::LogPoisson) = Inf

function _logpdf(d::LogPoisson, k::Real)
_insupport = insupport(d, k)
_k = _insupport ? round(Int, k) : 0
logp = _k * d.logλ - d.λ - SpecialFunctions.loggamma(_k + 1)

return _insupport ? logp : oftype(logp, -Inf)

# TODO: only implement `logpdf(d, ::Real)` if support for Distributions < 0.24 is dropped
Distributions.pdf(d::LogPoisson, k::Real) = exp(logpdf(d, k))
Distributions.logpdf(d::LogPoisson, k::Integer) = _logpdf(d, k)
Distributions.logpdf(d::LogPoisson, k::Real) = _logpdf(d, k)

Base.rand(rng::Random.AbstractRNG, d::LogPoisson) = rand(rng, Poisson(d.λ))
Distributions.sampler(d::LogPoisson) = sampler(Poisson(d.λ))

Bijectors.logpdf_with_trans(d::NoDist{<:Univariate}, ::Real, ::Bool) = 0
Bijectors.logpdf_with_trans(d::NoDist{<:Multivariate}, ::AbstractVector{<:Real}, ::Bool) = 0
function Bijectors.logpdf_with_trans(d::NoDist{<:Multivariate}, x::AbstractMatrix{<:Real}, ::Bool)
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