Java solutions to problems in the book Cracking the Coding Interview(6th Edition).
- Arrays and Strings
- LinkedList
- Stacks and Queues
- Trees and Graphs
- Bit Manipulation
- Math and Logic Puzzles
- Object Oriented Design
- Recursion and Dynamic Programming
- System Design and Scalability
- Sorting and Searching
- Testing
- Additional Review Problems
- Check Permutation
- Is Unique
- One Away
- Palindrome Permutation
- Rotate Matrix
- String Compression
- String Rotation
- Urlify
- Zero Matrix
- Delete Middle Node
- Intersection
- ListNode
- Loop Detection
- Palindrome
- Partition
- Remove Duplicates
- Return Kth To Last
- Sum Lists
- Check Balanced Tree
- First Common Ancestor
- List of Depths
- Minimal Tree
- Paths with Sum
- Random Node
- Route between Nodes
- Successor
- Tree Node
- Validate BST