Add the package to your project, as a dev dependency :
$ npm i --save-dev Twiage/generator-twiage-vue
$ npx yo twiage-vue:page <name>
This will create a <name> folder under your src/ directory. Page components also include the following:
- service (Business logic and back-end communication)
- store (State Management - Vuex)
- ui (Single File Components)
Unit and E2E tests are also generated.
$ npx yo twiage-vue:component <name>
This will create a <name>.vue file under your src/App/components/ directory
Unit test is also generated.
$ npx yo twiage-vue:component <name> <pageName>
This will create a <name>.vue file under your /src/<pageName>/ui/ directory.
Unit test is also generated.