Estimate ETA for Twiage Cases
- Install nvm:
macOS or Ubuntu using bash
curl -o- | bash
and then run
source ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.zshrc
and check if nvm is installed (v0.39.3)
nvm --version
In case you get a nvm command not found
message, add the following lines in the end of your ~/.bash_profile
or ~/.zshrc
export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/" # This loads nvm
- Install Node 16:
nvm install 16 && nvm use 16
install yarn
with brew:
brew install yarn
with npm
npm install -g yarn
We are using Jest as a testing framework.
We put out tests at the same directory with testing code.
- directory name for system tests
- directory name for unit tests
WebStorm users can use run configuration.
yarn test:unit
For mac users
You need to install watchman using brew
brew update && brew install watchman
WebStorm users can use run configuration
yarn test:system
Make this lambda function handle individual location update.
We have red unit test for getLocation function under MongoManager. Implement code so test is no longer red.
distanceMatrixRequest method under distanceMatrixService is designed to use a special data structure. Refactor it so instead it takes 2 arguments: point A and point B
Add all necessary tests and implement code to handle individual location update
To add prod dependency
yarn add {DEPENDENCY}
To add dev dependency (testing framework, build tool, assertion library linters etc)
yarn add -D {DEPENDENCY}
To remove dependency
yarn remove {DEPENDENCY}