Twiage wrapper around winston for async logging in javascript projects.
If you use twiage-logging without twiage-server you have to add the logging middleware to your express app on your own.
const LoggingMiddleware = require('twiage-logging').Middleware;
To log something simply require the logger.
const logger = require('twiage-logging').logger;'This is an info.');
logger.warn('This is a warning.');
logger.error('This is an error.');
You can also use morgan as an accessLog. Simple set the morgan outputStream to our You can provide a meta object that will be logged with the accessLogMessage.
const morgan = require('morgan');
const logger = require('twiage-logging').logger;
app.use(morgan('combined', {stream:[meta])}));
- twiage:logging:namespace - The logging namespace. (default: "twiage-logging")
- twiage:logging:exitOnError - Should the process exit when an error is logged. (default: true)
- twiage:logging:transports - List of winston transports with their type and options. (default: "Console")
- twiage:logging:meta (optional) - Object of additional key-value pairs for each log entry.
- twiage:logging:headers (optional) - List of HTTP headers which values should be logged with each log entry.