an open source re-creation of Emoniph's Witchery, updated for 1.10+
Notice: This mod, or at least the pre-1.15 branch of it, is officially on hiatus while I am working on my general education courses in college. When it does come off of hiatus, I am much more likely to work on a 1.15 branch and leave the other branches as-is until/unless I have time and motivation to work on it full-time. I will EVENTUALLY™ return to this at some point, but I just don't have time or stamina with college taking up most of my time and all of my stamina
Follow up notice: I still intend to come back to this Some day™. I'm trying again to get into modding in 1.15, but before I tackle anything like this I want to make a basic "library" mod. Way too much boilerplate code involved not to handle it in a "reusable code" way.
User advised, this is the first mod I've ever attempted to make or, as is in this particular case, remake. As such, it is distributed as is, without warranty of ANY KIND, expressed or implied. I am not affiliated with Emoniph, and in fact did not actually get permission to do this (he never responded to my request), but I don't think I really need it since all the code is my own. If he actually does have a problem with this, he is welcome to speak up and say so, though I can't promise I won't go ahead anyway since, again, it's my own code. I will at least comply legally if he asks, but my code, my rules. I respect him as a modder, but you can't seriously expect people to just let something die if you abandon it and they are willing to pick it up. On that note, thanks for making a wonderful mod for us to enjoy in 1.7, and I hope to make mine just as good!