(I will do my best to remember all dependencies you need to get this up and running.)
- MySQL (I have 5.6.19; not sure exactly which is necessary; latest stable build should be fine)
- Ruby (duh. I'm running 1.9.3)
- Rails (4.0)
There may be other things but I can't think of them; let me know when you get stuck and I'll try to help you out (also definitely update this doc if you find more things of note)
- There is a to do list in this directory (todo.txt); not sure how up to date it is; haven't looked in a while.
- I also mark todos in the files with a comment line like "#TODO: blah". To find all of these, run
fgrep -r --exclude="./.git*" TODO .
from the command line in the main project directory.