Kali Linux
BlackArch Linux
Kali Nethunter
Termux ( Rooted/NonRooted Devices)
- [1] Fixed updating
- [2] Fixed Number 3 Option error
- [3] Changed Banner
- [4] Changed User interface
- [5] Added Features
- [6] Improved Speed
- [7] And thats about it, if you face any errors or bugs kindly mail them to me or open an Issue in github
Feel Free To Clone This Project. For Major Changes, Please Open An Issue First To Discuss What You Would Like To Change Or Add, Thank You!!.
sudo apt-get update && apt-get install git
git clone https://github.com/U7P4L-IN/FB-BRUTE.git
sudo python3 FB.py or python FB2.py
If you notice issues while installing this tool or running this tool kindly mail to me at Gmail or Open an issue via github.
Internet Connection
And some other python packages
>> apt-get install git python3 python3-pip python python-pip
rm -rf FB-BRUTE
git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/U7P4L-IN/FB-BRUTE.git
python3 -m pip install requests bs4
python3 -m pip install mechanize
python3 FB.py or python FB2.py
Copyright © [2023-27] [U7P4L-IN]
All rights reserved. This Python project, along with its code, documentation, and any associated files, is the intellectual property of ANONYMOUS CYBER. You may not reproduce, distribute, or modify the contents of this repository without explicit permission from the owner.