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UA3MQJ edited this page Apr 8, 2015 · 1 revision

Wiring diagram of a single button

Button, which requires a single input FPGA.

IMPORTANT. When reading from the buttons required buffering / input processing, otherwise it may be a signal line, characterized by 0 or 1, leading to errors in the modules which will cause very difficult to understand (Z-state of input).

IMPORTANT2. Inverted input: if the button is pressed, the result is 0.


//3bit buffer
reg [2:0] gate_buff;

always @ (posedge clk50M)
  gate_buff <= {gate_buff[1:0],~key0}; 

//buffered value
assign GATE_D = (gate_buff == 3'b111);

//pos edge
assign GATE_POSEDGE = (gate_buff == 3'b011);

//neg adge
assign GATE_NEGEDGE = (gate_buff == 3'b110);
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