The Array Supervisor Board (ASB) was designed for Daybreak in the summer of 2019 during preparations for FSGP 2019. Unfortunately, the team couldn't get it working before the competition and scrapped it (indeed, the team did not end up bringing Daybreak to FSGP 2019 as it wasn't finished in time). The ASB was at that point deemed an unnecessary addition for Daybreak and was never troubleshooted further and installed. That said, it was a useful concept, and the concept has been pursued for UBC Solar's next car following Daybreak.
The board was designed to be capable of measuring several voltages, currents and temperatures for the solar array, as well as controlling 3 relays to individually switch the two MPPTs on and off the high voltage bus. It is based on an STM32 Nucleo board and a TLV2556 ADC.