Katherine Hsu: [email protected],
Hailey Lin: [email protected],
Jiaen Zhang: [email protected],
Yi-Ju Tsai,
Gabrielle Palar
Double check Python3
and Pip3
are installed
Homebrew installation for macOS
`/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"`
`brew install git`
`brew install postgresql`
`brew install [email protected]`
Chocolatey installation for Windows
`Run Powershell as Admin`
`Set-ExecutionPolicy AllSigned`
`Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://community.chocolatey.org/install.ps1'))`
verify `chocolatey` is installed: `choco -?`
`choco install git`
`choco install postgresql`
`choco install python --version=3.10.7`
Setup virtual environment
cd UCI-CubeSat-Server
python3 -m venv venv
Activate venv:
. venv/bin/activate
. venv/Scripts/activate
Install postgreSQL:
brew install postgresql
choco install postgresql
Install requirements.txt:
pip3 install -r 'requirements.txt'
fileCreate a new file under the UCI-CubeSat-Server root folder, named
Ask in the #gs-server-secret discord channel for a copy of the
file. -
Run Quart:
quart run
Reopen your IDE and retry if
quart run
does not work initially
Double check you have PostgreSQL installed:
pg_config --version
More information about our database information can be found on: heroku-postgresql
Access Database:
Method a. Command Line Interface(CLI)
heroku pg:psql postgresql-solid-33882 --app uci-cubesat-server-dev SELECT * FROM "two_line_element";
Method b. DataGrip
Elephant SQL is a software-as-a-service company that host PostgreSQL databases and handles the server configuration, backups and data connections on top of AWS.
Visit ElephantSQL Dashboard to access connection credential information
Open DataGrip
Open manage data sources using command+;
Click on the add button on the top left corner, find PostgreSql, fill in the config based on ElephantSQL
- DG[Host] = ElephantSQL[Server]
- DG[User] = ElephantSQL[User & Default Database]
- DG[Password] = ElephantSQL[password]
- DG[Database] = ElephantSQL[User & Default Database]
- DG[URL] = jdbc:postgresql://castor.db.elephantsql.com/omoglffn
- Click on "Test Connection"
- If Succeed, click on apply and OK
Now, you can write SQL query inside console. To open the console, use shift + command + L
cd to UCI-CubeSat-Server:
create venv environment
quart run
cd to UCI-CubeSat-Dashboard:
npm start
Deploying to Heroku require significant configuration
The client and server must be deploy to different dyno/app
For Python Quart server, Heroku require you to have:
at project's root directory
web: hypercorn app:app
inside Procfile
at project's root directory
at project's root directory
Adding Python
build pack