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CSCI 3601 Lab #3 - Angular and Spark Lab

Server Build Status Client Build Status End to End Build Status

During this lab, you will use a ToDo API like you created in the previous lab by building a basic client-side application using Angular. This will enable you to better handle user input and display data returned from the server. As always, you'll be expected to make good use of the version control (e.g., branching for features and merging changes to the master branch as appropriate) and project management tools available to you: write good commit messages, test things, document issues, etc.

Your specific tasks for this lab can be found in the file in this repository.

⚠️ One thing to keep in mind is that the Angular developers provide two major updates to Angular each year. This lab is built using Angular 9. Pay attention to the version of Angular being used in examples and on-line documentation that you find. Most of the time, it won't matter very much, but there are times when something you find doesn't match what we're doing. If things seem odd, look at the versions for the example or documentation you're looking at just in case there's a mismatch that matters.


As in the previous lab, you'll be using VS Code and GitKraken. Once you've all joined your group using GitHub classroom, you can clone your repository using the command line or GitKraken:

  • From the file menu, choose Clone Repo
  • Choose in the middle column (as the source location of your repo)
  • Browse to the location you'd like to put the local copy of this project repo
  • Select the correct repo from the list of repositories
  • Select Clone the repo!

Running your project

Now that the structure of the project is a little different, the way we run the project is different too.

  • The familiar run Gradle task will still run your Javalin server. (which is available at localhost:4567)
  • The build task (or its alias buildExecutable) will still build the entire project, but not run it.

The major difference here is that the client side of your project is, effectively, an entirely separate project from your Javalin server. We've included a full API for the ToDo's, which you implemented in lab 2, so no need to copy your old project over.

The first time you run your Angular project, you will need to run move into your client directory and run npm install so that all the dependencies managed by npm will be installed. Once you have successfully run npm install, in order to serve up the client side of your project, you will type ng serve. This will trigger the various tools in the client side portion of the project to build and host your client side application on their own little web-server, available by default at localhost:4200. If your server is running, you will be able to see data for users if you navigate to the right place in the project.

Testing and Continuous Integration

There are now more testing options! You can test the client, or the server or both.

Testing client:

  • ng test runs the client tests once.
  • ng test --code-coverage runs the client tests and generates a coverage file you can find in your client directory client/coverage/client/index.html. Right click on index.html and select Copy path and paste it into your browser of choice. For Chrome users, you can drag and drop index.html onto the tab area of Chrome and it will open it.
  • npm run e2e runs end to end tests. What are e2e tests? They are tests that run the real application and simulate user behavior. They assert that the app is running as expected. NOTE: The server (./gradlew run) needs to be actively executing for these tests to work!

There are GitHub Actions set up in your repo for each of the three checks: JUnit tests for the server, Karma tests for the client, and Protractor tests for end-to-end testing. There are badges above that show the status of these checks on the master branch.
