Starter mini-project to introduce the concept of Python classes and objects
Download this repository to your working computer to create a directory (folder) in which to do your work. The file is provided for you. You create file The test cases are designed to be run after each little bit of work on
Detailed documentation for this project is provided in the
doc directory. doc/ provides a
conceptual overview and should be read first.
doc/ provides step-by-step instructions,
plus some additional background on how we will approach
projects in CIS 211.
If you encounter difficulty, there are several ways to get help:
Use our Piazza site to post a question. (Also, search it to see if a relevant question and answer has already been posted.)
Ask your teaching assistant during your scheduled lab hour, after completing the lab exercise.
Come to open lab hours (to be posted) and ask any of our learning assistants or a classmate.