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R, Python, Julia, and MATLAB in HPC

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This repository contains the source code for the UPPMAX/HPC2N R, Python, Julia, and Matlab in HPC course

Getting PDFs of the material

You can clone the repository: git clone

After doing that, you can convert the .rst files to .pdf files with this online tool:

The documentation files you see on the rendered pages ( are found under R-matlab-julia-HPC/docs/<language>.


Built with Sphinx using a theme provided by Read the Docs.

Files used by continuous integration scripts

Filename Descriptions
.lycheeignore URLs ignored by the link checker
.spellcheck.yml Configuration of the spell checker, use pyspelling -c .spellcheck.yml to do spellcheck locally
.wordlist.txt Whitelisted words for the spell checker, use pyspelling -c .spellcheck.yml to do spellcheck locally
