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Division & power of 2
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ncough committed Jul 9, 2024
1 parent 17b0aa9 commit 4d02ad6
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Showing 2 changed files with 39 additions and 32 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion libASL/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1567,7 +1567,7 @@ let dis_core (env: Eval.Env.t) (unroll_bound) ((lenv,globals): env) (decode: dec
let stmts' = Transforms.RedundantSlice.do_transform Bindings.empty stmts' in
let stmts' = (globals : IdentSet.t) stmts' in
let stmts' = (enum_types env) stmts' in
let stmts' = Transforms.IntToBits.ints_to_bits stmts' in
(*let stmts' = Transforms.IntToBits.ints_to_bits stmts' in*)
let stmts' = Transforms.CommonSubExprElim.do_transform stmts' in
let stmts' = Transforms.CopyProp.copyProp stmts' in
let stmts' = Transforms.RedundantSlice.do_transform bindings stmts' in
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69 changes: 38 additions & 31 deletions libASL/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -199,16 +199,23 @@ module StatefulIntToBits = struct
ints: abs Bindings.t;

let next_pow_of_2 i =
let bits = Z.numbits (Z.of_int (i - 1)) in
let i2 = Z.to_int (Z.pow (Z.succ bits) in

(** Compute the bitvector width needed to represent an interval *)
let width_of_interval ?(force_signed=false) ((u,l): interval): int * bool =
if not force_signed && Z.geq l then
let i = max (Z.log2up (Z.succ u)) 1 in
let i2 = next_pow_of_2 i in
let u' = if u then 1 + (Z.log2up (Z.succ u)) else 1 in
let l' = if l then 1 + (Z.log2up (Z.neg l)) else 1 in
let i = max u' l' in
let i2 = next_pow_of_2 i in

(** Build an abstract point to represent a constant integer *)
let abs_of_const (c: Z.t): abs =
Expand All @@ -233,8 +240,8 @@ module StatefulIntToBits = struct
(* Basic merge of abstract points *)
let merge_abs ((lw,ls,(l1,l2)): abs) ((rw,rs,(r1,r2)): abs): abs =
let s = ls || rs in
let lw = if s && not ls then lw + 1 else lw in
let rw = if s && not rs then rw + 1 else rw in
let lw = if s && not ls then lw * 2 else lw in
let rw = if s && not rs then rw * 2 else rw in
(max lw rw,s,(Z.max r1 l1,Z.min r2 l2))

(** Max and min of a list of integers *)
Expand All @@ -259,14 +266,14 @@ module StatefulIntToBits = struct
let abs_of_bop ((lw,ls,li): abs) ((rw,rs,ri): abs) (bop: Z.t -> Z.t -> Z.t): abs =
let i = bopInterval li ri bop in
let (iw,s) = width_of_interval ~force_signed:(ls||rs) i in
let lw = if s && not ls then lw + 1 else lw in
let rw = if s && not rs then rw + 1 else rw in
let lw = if s && not ls then lw * 2 else lw in
let rw = if s && not rs then rw * 2 else rw in
let w = max (max lw rw) iw in
let abs_of_uop ((lw,ls,li): abs) (uop: Z.t -> Z.t): abs =
let i = uopInterval li uop in
let (iw,s) = width_of_interval ~force_signed:ls i in
let lw = if s && not ls then lw + 1 else lw in
let lw = if s && not ls then lw * 2 else lw in
let w = max lw iw in

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -296,8 +303,8 @@ module StatefulIntToBits = struct
let force_signed (e,old) =
if signed old then (e,old)
let abs = (width old + 1, true, interval old) in
(sym_zero_extend 1 (width old) e, abs)
let abs = (width old * 2, true, interval old) in
(sym_zero_extend (width old) (width old) e, abs)

(** Extend an expression coupled with its abstract information to a width *)
let extend (abs) ((e,old) : sym * abs) =
Expand All @@ -306,8 +313,8 @@ module StatefulIntToBits = struct
(* Only going from unsigned to signed *)
assert ((not (signed old)) || signed abs);
if signed abs && not (signed old) then
let e = sym_zero_extend 1 (width old) e in
let w = width old + 1 in
let e = sym_zero_extend (width old) (width old) e in
let w = width old * 2 in
if w = width abs then e
else sym_sign_extend (width abs - w) w e
else if width abs = width old then e
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -389,7 +396,7 @@ module StatefulIntToBits = struct
let x = force_signed (bv_of_int_expr st x) in
let y = force_signed (bv_of_int_expr st y) in
assert (is_pos x = is_pos y);
let w = abs_of_div (snd x) (snd y) in
let w = merge_abs (*abs_of_div*) (snd x) (snd y) in
let ex = extend w in
let f = sym_prim (FIdent ("sdiv_bits", 0)) [sym_of_abs w] [ex x; ex y] in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -452,7 +459,7 @@ module StatefulIntToBits = struct
| Expr_TApply (FIdent ("divide_real",0), [], [x; y]) ->
let x = force_signed (bv_of_real_expr st x) in
let y = force_signed (bv_of_real_expr st y) in
let w = abs_of_div (snd x) (snd y) in
let w = merge_abs (*abs_of_div*) (snd x) (snd y) in
let ex = extend w in
let f = sym_prim (FIdent ("sdiv_bits", 0)) [sym_of_abs w] [ex x; ex y] in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2238,7 +2245,7 @@ module LoopClassify = struct
let ld = Bindings.merge (fun k l r ->
match l, r with
| Some l, Some r when l = r -> Some l
| Some l, Some r ->
| Some l, Some r ->
let w = expr_of_int (width_of_expr (Expr_Var k) st1) in
Some (join_abs w cond l r)
| _ -> None) st1.ld st2.ld in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2318,13 +2325,13 @@ module LoopClassify = struct
let vars = Bindings.mapi (fun var def ->
match def, Bindings.find_opt var init_st.vars with
| x, None -> x
| BVIndex(Expr_TApply(FIdent("add_bits",0), [w], [base;mult]),mult',w'), Some (BVIndex(base',mult'',w''))
when base = base' && mult = mult' && w = w' && mult = mult'' && w = w'' ->
| BVIndex(Expr_TApply(FIdent("add_bits",0), [w], [base;mult]),mult',w'), Some (BVIndex(base',mult'',w''))
when base = base' && mult = mult' && w = w' && mult = mult'' && w = w'' ->
| BVIndex(Expr_TApply(FIdent("sub_bits",0), [w], [base;mult]),mult',w'), Some (BVIndex(base',mult'',w''))
when base = base' && neg_bits w mult = mult' && w = w' && mult' = mult'' && w = w'' ->
| BVIndex(Expr_TApply(FIdent("sub_bits",0), [w], [base;mult]),mult',w'), Some (BVIndex(base',mult'',w''))
when base = base' && neg_bits w mult = mult' && w = w' && mult' = mult'' && w = w'' ->
| x, Some y ->
| x, Some y ->
failwith @@ "Failed to re-establish initial conditions: " ^ pp_abs x ^ " and " ^ pp_abs y
) st.vars in
{ st with vars }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2368,15 +2375,15 @@ module LoopClassify = struct
) effects in

(* Run the analysis from an initial state.
(* Run the analysis from an initial state.
Re-runs if we identify abstractions for external state.
let rec fixed_point init_st body =
let cand_st = tf_stmts init_st body in
let cand_st = amend_pre_load init_st cand_st in
let fixes = validate_summary cand_st.vars in
if fixes = Bindings.empty then cand_st
let init_st' = { init_st with vars = fixes } in
fixed_point init_st' body

Expand All @@ -2388,7 +2395,7 @@ module LoopClassify = struct
Convert abstract points into expressions.

Build vector primitive operations from the abstract state.
let rec build_vec_prim st f i tes es =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2487,7 +2494,7 @@ module LoopClassify = struct
let w = expr_of_int (width_of_expr expr st) in
replicate st.iterations w expr
(* Vector Operation *)
| VecOp(FIdent(f,i), tes, es) ->
| VecOp(FIdent(f,i), tes, es) ->
build_vec_prim st f i tes es
(* Read becomes a select operation, building based on its stride and width *)
| Read(expr,Index(base,mult),width,expr_width) ->
Expand All @@ -2497,7 +2504,7 @@ module LoopClassify = struct
(* Write is a select between a base variable and the overwritten component *)
| Write(var,Index(base,mult),width,var_width,e) ->
let elems = div_int var_width width in
let sels = build_sels elems (fun i ->
let sels = build_sels elems (fun i ->
ite_int (eq_int (mod_int (sub_int i base) mult) zero_int)
(add_int (div_int (sub_int i base) mult) elems) i) in
let expr = append_bits (mul_int st.iterations width) var_width (build_vec_expr st e) (Expr_Var var) in
Expand All @@ -2521,7 +2528,7 @@ module LoopClassify = struct
let summarize_assign st var abs =
match abs with
(* Result is not dependent on itself in anyway *)
| a when not (IdentSet.mem var (deps a)) ->
| a when not (IdentSet.mem var (deps a)) ->
build_vec_expr st abs
(* Parallel Write, element is only dependent on itself *)
| Write(var',pos,width,exprw,e) when var = var' && parallel_write var pos width e ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2630,12 +2637,12 @@ module LoopClassify = struct

let rec push_select elems w x sels st =
match x with
| Expr_TApply (FIdent ("append_bits", 0), [wr;wl], [r;l])
| Expr_TApply (FIdent ("append_bits", 0), [wr;wl], [r;l])
when List.for_all (fun i -> check_leq (mul_int w (add_int i (Expr_LitInt "1"))) wl) sels &&
is_div wr w && is_div wl w ->
let elems = sub_int elems (div_int wr w) in
push_select elems w l sels st
| Expr_TApply (FIdent ("append_bits", 0), [wr;wl], [r;l])
| Expr_TApply (FIdent ("append_bits", 0), [wr;wl], [r;l])
when List.for_all (fun i -> check_leq wl (mul_int w i)) sels && is_div wl w && is_div wr w ->
let shift = div_int wl w in
let sels = (fun i -> sub_int i shift) sels in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2697,10 +2704,10 @@ module LoopClassify = struct
| Expr_LitBits x when is_const_sels sels && is_const w ->
let sels = force_const_sels sels in
let w = force_const w in
Expr_LitBits (apply_sels x w sels)
Expr_LitBits (apply_sels x w sels)

(* Failure case, wasn't able to reduce *)
| _ ->
| _ ->
Printf.printf "push_select: %s\n" (pp_expr x);
select_vec elems w x sels

Expand All @@ -2715,13 +2722,13 @@ module LoopClassify = struct
| _ -> DoChildren)

(*| Expr_TApply (FIdent ("zcast_vec", 0), tes, [Expr_TApply (FIdent ("add_vec", 0), tes', [
Expr_TApply (FIdent ("zcast_vec", 0), [n;nw;ow], [x;_;_]) ;
Expr_TApply (FIdent ("zcast_vec", 0), [n;nw;ow], [x;_;_]) ;
Expr_TApply (FIdent ("zcast_vec", 0), _, [y;_;_]) ;
_ ]) ; _ ; nw']) ->
Expr_TApply (FIdent ("add_vec", 0), [n;nw'], [
Expr_TApply (FIdent ("zcast_vec", 0), [n;nw';ow], [x;n;nw']) ;
Expr_TApply (FIdent ("zcast_vec", 0), [n;nw';ow], [y;n;nw']) ;
| _ -> e) in
ChangeDoChildrenPost(e,fn) *)
Expand Down

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