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support non 32-bit length opcodes (#89)
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* support non 32-bit length opcodes

this retrofits the eval and dis modules to use a bigint for the opcode
during the decode phase, supporting pcodes of arbitrary length and
(potentially) variable-length opcodes.

once a particular encoding is identified through the decode tree,
we convert the bigint to a fixed-width bitvector. this is then
passed through to the rest of the evaluation / analysis.

* add best-effort error when given opcode is too long

this is not robust, as it only triggers if non-zero bits are set
above the expected length. after parsing into a bigint,
leading zeros become indiscernible.
  • Loading branch information
katrinafyi authored Jul 1, 2024
1 parent 4d0bac9 commit 535a650
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Showing 8 changed files with 69 additions and 58 deletions.
7 changes: 3 additions & 4 deletions bin/
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Expand Up @@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ let rec process_command (tcenv: TC.Env.t) (cpu: Cpu.cpu) (fname: string) (input0
let lenv = Dis.build_env disEnv in

let opcode = input_line inchan in
let op = Value.VBits (Primops.prim_cvt_int_bits (Z.of_int 32) (Z.of_int (int_of_string opcode))) in
let op = Z.of_string opcode in

(* Printf.printf "PRE Eval env: %s\n\n" (Testing.pp_eval_env evalEnv);
Printf.printf "PRE Dis eval env: %s\n\n" (Testing.pp_eval_env disEvalEnv); *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ let rec process_command (tcenv: TC.Env.t) (cpu: Cpu.cpu) (fname: string) (input0
Printf.printf "Decoding instruction %s %s\n" iset (Z.format "%x" op);
cpu'.sem iset op
| ":ast" :: iset :: opcode :: rest when List.length rest <= 1 ->
let op = Value.VBits (Primops.prim_cvt_int_bits (Z.of_int 32) (Z.of_string opcode)) in
let op = Z.of_string opcode in
let decoder = Eval.Env.getDecoder cpu.env (Ident iset) in
let chan_opt = open_out (List.nth_opt rest 0) in
let chan = Option.value chan_opt ~default:stdout in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -226,9 +226,8 @@ let rec process_command (tcenv: TC.Env.t) (cpu: Cpu.cpu) (fname: string) (input0
let cpu' = Cpu.mkCPU (Eval.Env.copy cpu.env) cpu.denv in
let op = Z.of_string opcode in
let bits = VBits (Primops.prim_cvt_int_bits (Z.of_int 32) op) in
let decoder = Eval.Env.getDecoder cpu'.env (Ident iset) in
let stmts = Dis.dis_decode_entry cpu'.env cpu.denv decoder bits in
let stmts = Dis.dis_decode_entry cpu'.env cpu.denv decoder op in
let chan = open_out_bin fname in
Printf.printf "Dumping instruction semantics for %s %s" iset (Z.format "%x" op);
Printf.printf " to file %s\n" fname;
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion bin/
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Expand Up @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ let op_dis (op: int): stmt list opresult =
| e -> Result.Error (Op_DisFail e)

let op_test_opcode (env: Env.t) (iset: string) (op: int): Env.t opresult =
let op' = Value.VBits (Primops.prim_cvt_int_bits (Z.of_int 32) (Z.of_int op)) in
let op' = Z.of_int op in

let initenv = Env.copy env in
Random.self_init ();
Expand Down
6 changes: 2 additions & 4 deletions libASL/
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Expand Up @@ -51,16 +51,14 @@ let mkCPU (env : Eval.Env.t) (denv: Dis.env): cpu =
Eval.eval_proccall loc env (AST.FIdent ("__ELFWriteMemory", 0)) [] [a; b]

and opcode (iset: string) (opcode: Primops.bigint): unit =
let op = Value.VBits (Primops.prim_cvt_int_bits (Z.of_int 32) opcode) in
let decoder = Eval.Env.getDecoder env (Ident iset) in
Eval.eval_decode_case AST.Unknown env decoder op
Eval.eval_decode_case AST.Unknown env decoder opcode

and sem (iset: string) (opcode: Primops.bigint): unit =
let op = Value.VBits (Primops.prim_cvt_int_bits (Z.of_int 32) opcode) in
let decoder = Eval.Env.getDecoder env (Ident iset) in
(fun s -> Printf.printf "%s\n" (pp_stmt s))
(Dis.dis_decode_entry env denv decoder op)
(Dis.dis_decode_entry env denv decoder opcode)

and gen (iset: string) (pat: string) (backend: gen_backend) (dir: string): unit =
if not (Sys.file_exists dir) then failwith ("Can't find target dir " ^ dir);
Expand Down
29 changes: 13 additions & 16 deletions libASL/
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Expand Up @@ -1343,15 +1343,12 @@ and dis_stmt' (x: AST.stmt): unit rws =
DisEnv.write [Stmt_Assert(expr_false, loc)]

let dis_encoding (x: encoding) (op: value): bool rws =
let dis_encoding (x: encoding) (op: Primops.bigint): bool rws =
let Encoding_Block (nm, iset, fields, opcode, guard, unpreds, b, loc) = x in
(* todo: consider checking iset *)
(* Printf.printf "Checking opcode match %s == %s\n" (Utils.to_string (PP.pp_opcode_value opcode)) (pp_value op); *)
let ok = (match opcode with
| Opcode_Bits b -> eval_eq loc op (from_bitsLit b)
| Opcode_Mask m -> eval_inmask loc op (from_maskLit m)
) in
if ok then begin
match Eval.eval_opcode_guard loc opcode op with
| Some op ->
if !Eval.trace_instruction then Printf.printf "TRACE: instruction %s\n" (pprint_ident nm);

let@ () = DisEnv.traverse_ (function (IField_Field (f, lo, wd)) ->
Expand All @@ -1372,13 +1369,12 @@ let dis_encoding (x: encoding) (op: value): bool rws =
end else begin
DisEnv.pure false
end else begin
DisEnv.pure false
| None -> DisEnv.pure false

let dis_decode_slice (loc: l) (x: decode_slice) (op: value): value rws =
let dis_decode_slice (loc: l) (x: decode_slice) (op: Primops.bigint): value rws =
(match x with
| DecoderSlice_Slice (lo, wd) ->
let op = Value.from_bitsInt (lo+wd) op in
DisEnv.pure @@ extract_bits' loc op lo wd
| DecoderSlice_FieldName f ->
(* assumes expression always evaluates to concrete value. *)
Expand All @@ -1390,11 +1386,11 @@ let dis_decode_slice (loc: l) (x: decode_slice) (op: value): value rws =

(* Duplicate of eval_decode_case modified to print rather than eval *)
let rec dis_decode_case (loc: AST.l) (x: decode_case) (op: value): unit rws =
let rec dis_decode_case (loc: AST.l) (x: decode_case) (op: Primops.bigint): unit rws =
let body = dis_decode_case' loc x op in
if no_debug() then body
else DisEnv.scope loc "dis_decode_case" (pp_decode_case x) Utils.pp_unit body
and dis_decode_case' (loc: AST.l) (x: decode_case) (op: value): unit rws =
and dis_decode_case' (loc: AST.l) (x: decode_case) (op: Primops.bigint): unit rws =
(match x with
| DecoderCase_Case (ss, alts, loc) ->
let@ vs = DisEnv.traverse (fun s -> dis_decode_slice loc s op) ss in
Expand All @@ -1413,11 +1409,11 @@ and dis_decode_case' (loc: AST.l) (x: decode_case) (op: value): unit rws =

(* Duplicate of eval_decode_alt modified to print rather than eval *)
and dis_decode_alt (loc: l) (x: decode_alt) (vs: value list) (op: value): bool rws =
and dis_decode_alt (loc: l) (x: decode_alt) (vs: value list) (op: Primops.bigint): bool rws =
let body = dis_decode_alt' loc x vs op in
if no_debug() then body
else DisEnv.scope loc "dis_decode_alt" (pp_decode_alt x) string_of_bool body
and dis_decode_alt' (loc: AST.l) (DecoderAlt_Alt (ps, b)) (vs: value list) (op: value): bool rws =
and dis_decode_alt' (loc: AST.l) (DecoderAlt_Alt (ps, b)) (vs: value list) (op: Primops.bigint): bool rws =
if List.for_all2 (Eval.eval_decode_pattern loc) ps vs then
(match b with
| DecoderBody_UNPRED loc -> raise (Throw (loc, Exc_Unpredictable))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1461,6 +1457,7 @@ and dis_decode_alt' (loc: AST.l) (DecoderAlt_Alt (ps, b)) (vs: value list) (op:
| DecoderBody_Decoder (fs, c, loc) ->
let@ () = DisEnv.modify (LocalEnv.addLevel) in
let@ () = DisEnv.traverse_ (function (IField_Field (f, lo, wd)) ->
let op = Value.from_bitsInt (lo+wd) op in
let v = extract_bits' loc op lo wd in
declare_assign_var loc (val_type v) f (Val v)
) fs
Expand All @@ -1483,7 +1480,7 @@ let enum_types env i =
| Some l -> Some (Z.log2up (Z.of_int (List.length l)))
| _ -> None

let dis_decode_entry (env: Eval.Env.t) ((lenv,globals): env) (decode: decode_case) (op: value): stmt list =
let dis_decode_entry (env: Eval.Env.t) ((lenv,globals): env) (decode: decode_case) (op: Primops.bigint): stmt list =
let DecoderCase_Case (_,_,loc) = decode in
let ((),lenv',stmts) = (dis_decode_case loc decode op) env lenv in
let varentries = List.(concat @@ map (fun vars -> StringMap.(bindings (map fst vars))) lenv.locals) in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1553,4 +1550,4 @@ let retrieveDisassembly ?(address:string option) (env: Eval.Env.t) (lenv: env) (
let lenv = match address with
| Some v -> setPC env lenv (Z.of_string v)
| None -> lenv in
dis_decode_entry env lenv decoder (Value.VBits (Primops.prim_cvt_int_bits (Z.of_int 32) (Z.of_string opcode)))
dis_decode_entry env lenv decoder (Z.of_string opcode)
48 changes: 31 additions & 17 deletions libASL/
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Expand Up @@ -520,13 +520,30 @@ let removeGlobalConsts (env: Env.t) (ids: IdentSet.t): IdentSet.t =

(** Evaluate bitslice of instruction opcode *)
let eval_decode_slice (loc: l) (env: Env.t) (x: decode_slice) (op: value): value =
let eval_decode_slice (loc: l) (env: Env.t) (x: decode_slice) (op: Primops.bigint): value =
(match x with
| DecoderSlice_Slice (lo, wd) -> extract_bits' loc op lo wd
| DecoderSlice_Slice (lo, wd) ->
let op = Value.from_bitsInt (lo+wd) op in
extract_bits' loc op lo wd
| DecoderSlice_FieldName f -> Env.getVar loc env f
| DecoderSlice_Concat fs -> eval_concat loc ( (Env.getVar loc env) fs)

(** Evaluate an encoding's opcode guard pattern *)
let eval_opcode_guard (loc: AST.l) (x: opcode_value) (op: Primops.bigint): value option =
let opcode_val, eval_opcode = (match x with
| Opcode_Bits b -> (from_bitsLit b, eval_eq)
| Opcode_Mask m -> (from_maskLit m, eval_inmask)
) in
let opcode_len = length_bits loc opcode_val in
(* rudimentary length compatibility check. this will only throw if there are *set* bits
exceeding the expected length. *)
if opcode_len < Z.numbits op then
raise (EvalError (loc, Printf.sprintf "opcode too long, expected %d bits but got %d: 0x%s"
opcode_len (Z.numbits op) (Z.format "%x" op)));
let value = from_bitsInt opcode_len op in
if eval_opcode loc value opcode_val then Some value else None

(** Evaluate instruction decode pattern match *)
let rec eval_decode_pattern (loc: AST.l) (x: decode_pattern) (op: value): bool =
(match x with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -910,7 +927,8 @@ and eval_stmt (env: Env.t) (x: AST.stmt): unit =
| Stmt_DecodeExecute(i, e, loc) ->
let dec = Env.getDecoder env i in
let op = eval_expr loc env e in
eval_decode_case loc env dec op
let value = (to_bits loc op).v in
eval_decode_case loc env dec value
| Stmt_If(c, t, els, e, loc) ->
let rec eval css d =
(match css with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1055,7 +1073,7 @@ and eval_proccall (loc: l) (env: Env.t) (f: ident) (tvs: value list) (vs: value

(** Evaluate instruction decode case *)
and eval_decode_case (loc: AST.l) (env: Env.t) (x: decode_case) (op: value): unit =
and eval_decode_case (loc: AST.l) (env: Env.t) (x: decode_case) (op: Primops.bigint): unit =
(match x with
| DecoderCase_Case (ss, alts, loc) ->
let vs = (fun s -> eval_decode_slice loc env s op) ss in
Expand All @@ -1074,7 +1092,7 @@ and eval_decode_case (loc: AST.l) (env: Env.t) (x: decode_case) (op: value): uni

(** Evaluate instruction decode case alternative *)
and eval_decode_alt (loc: AST.l) (env: Env.t) (DecoderAlt_Alt (ps, b)) (vs: value list) (op: value): bool =
and eval_decode_alt (loc: AST.l) (env: Env.t) (DecoderAlt_Alt (ps, b)) (vs: value list) (op: Primops.bigint): bool =
if List.for_all2 (eval_decode_pattern loc) ps vs then
(match b with
| DecoderBody_UNPRED loc -> raise (Throw (loc, Exc_Unpredictable))
Expand All @@ -1096,6 +1114,7 @@ and eval_decode_alt (loc: AST.l) (env: Env.t) (DecoderAlt_Alt (ps, b)) (vs: valu
| DecoderBody_Decoder (fs, c, loc) ->
(* let env = Env.empty in *)
List.iter (function (IField_Field (f, lo, wd)) ->
let op = Value.from_bitsInt (lo+wd) op in
Env.addLocalVar loc env f (extract_bits' loc op lo wd)
) fs;
eval_decode_case loc env c op;
Expand All @@ -1105,7 +1124,7 @@ and eval_decode_alt (loc: AST.l) (env: Env.t) (DecoderAlt_Alt (ps, b)) (vs: valu

(** Evaluates instruction but draw statements from list, not specification *)
and eval_stmt_case (loc: AST.l) (env: Env.t) (x: decode_case) (op: value) (xs: stmt list): unit =
and eval_stmt_case (loc: AST.l) (env: Env.t) (x: decode_case) (op: Primops.bigint) (xs: stmt list): unit =
(match x with
| DecoderCase_Case (ss, alts, loc) ->
let vs = (fun s -> eval_decode_slice loc env s op) ss in
Expand All @@ -1123,7 +1142,7 @@ and eval_stmt_case (loc: AST.l) (env: Env.t) (x: decode_case) (op: value) (xs: s
eval alts

and eval_stmt_alt (loc: AST.l) (env: Env.t) (DecoderAlt_Alt (ps, b)) (vs: value list) (op: value) (xs: stmt list): bool =
and eval_stmt_alt (loc: AST.l) (env: Env.t) (DecoderAlt_Alt (ps, b)) (vs: value list) (op: Primops.bigint) (xs: stmt list): bool =
if List.for_all2 (eval_decode_pattern loc) ps vs then
(match b with
| DecoderBody_UNPRED loc -> raise (Throw (loc, Exc_Unpredictable))
Expand All @@ -1145,6 +1164,7 @@ and eval_stmt_alt (loc: AST.l) (env: Env.t) (DecoderAlt_Alt (ps, b)) (vs: value
| DecoderBody_Decoder (fs, c, loc) ->
(* let env = Env.empty in *)
List.iter (function (IField_Field (f, lo, wd)) ->
let op = Value.from_bitsInt (lo+wd) op in
Env.addLocalVar loc env f (extract_bits' loc op lo wd)
) fs;
eval_decode_case loc env c op;
Expand All @@ -1154,15 +1174,12 @@ and eval_stmt_alt (loc: AST.l) (env: Env.t) (DecoderAlt_Alt (ps, b)) (vs: value

(** Evaluate instruction encoding *)
and eval_encoding (env: Env.t) (x: encoding) (op: value): bool =
and eval_encoding (env: Env.t) (x: encoding) (op: Primops.bigint): bool =
let Encoding_Block (nm, iset, fields, opcode, guard, unpreds, b, loc) = x in
(* todo: consider checking iset *)
(* Printf.printf "Checking opcode match %s == %s\n" (Utils.to_string (PP.pp_opcode_value opcode)) (pp_value op); *)
let ok = (match opcode with
| Opcode_Bits b -> eval_eq loc op (from_bitsLit b)
| Opcode_Mask m -> eval_inmask loc op (from_maskLit m)
) in
if ok then begin
match eval_opcode_guard loc opcode op with
| Some op ->
if !trace_instruction then Printf.printf "TRACE: instruction %s\n" (pprint_ident nm);
List.iter (function (IField_Field (f, lo, wd)) ->
let v = extract_bits' loc op lo wd in
Expand All @@ -1179,10 +1196,7 @@ and eval_encoding (env: Env.t) (x: encoding) (op: value): bool =
end else begin
end else begin

| None -> false

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26 changes: 11 additions & 15 deletions libASL/
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Expand Up @@ -13,16 +13,13 @@ open Asl_utils
These "try" decoding each opcode. *)

(** Try to evaluate an "encoding" block to the given opcode. *)
let rec try_encoding (env: Env.t) (x: encoding) (op: value): bool =
let rec try_encoding (env: Env.t) (x: encoding) (op: Primops.bigint): bool =
let Encoding_Block (nm, iset, fields, opcode, guard, unpreds, b, loc) = x in
(* todo: consider checking iset *)
(* Printf.printf "Checking opcode match %s == %s\n" (Utils.to_string (PP.pp_opcode_value opcode)) (pp_value op); *)
let ok = (match opcode with
| Opcode_Bits b -> eval_eq loc op (from_bitsLit b)
| Opcode_Mask m -> eval_inmask loc op (from_maskLit m)
) in
let trace_instruction = ref false in
if ok then begin
match Eval.eval_opcode_guard loc opcode op with
| Some op ->
if !trace_instruction then Printf.printf "TRACE: instruction %s\n" (pprint_ident nm);
List.iter (function (IField_Field (f, lo, wd)) ->
let v = extract_bits' loc op lo wd in
Expand All @@ -42,12 +39,10 @@ let rec try_encoding (env: Env.t) (x: encoding) (op: value): bool =
end else begin
end else begin
| None -> false

(** Tests whether the given opcode can be decoded by the given decode case. *)
and try_decode_case (loc: AST.l) (env: Env.t) (x: decode_case) (op: value): ident option =
and try_decode_case (loc: AST.l) (env: Env.t) (x: decode_case) (op: Primops.bigint): ident option =
(match x with
| DecoderCase_Case (ss, alts, loc) ->
let vs = (fun s -> Eval.eval_decode_slice loc env s op) ss in
Expand All @@ -65,7 +60,7 @@ and try_decode_case (loc: AST.l) (env: Env.t) (x: decode_case) (op: value): iden

(** Tests whether the given opcode is decodable by the given decode case alternative. *)
and try_decode_alt (loc: AST.l) (env: Env.t) (DecoderAlt_Alt (ps, b)) (vs: value list) (op: value): ident option =
and try_decode_alt (loc: AST.l) (env: Env.t) (DecoderAlt_Alt (ps, b)) (vs: value list) (op: Primops.bigint): ident option =
if List.for_all2 (Eval.eval_decode_pattern loc) ps vs then
(match b with
| DecoderBody_UNPRED loc -> raise (Throw (loc, Exc_Unpredictable))
Expand All @@ -81,6 +76,7 @@ and try_decode_alt (loc: AST.l) (env: Env.t) (DecoderAlt_Alt (ps, b)) (vs: value
| DecoderBody_Decoder (fs, c, loc) ->
(* let env = Env.empty in *)
List.iter (function (IField_Field (f, lo, wd)) ->
let op = Value.from_bitsInt (lo+wd) op in
Env.addLocalVar loc env f (extract_bits' loc op lo wd)
) fs;
try_decode_case loc env c op
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -152,7 +148,7 @@ let enumerate_opcodes (env: Env.t) (case: decode_case) start stop fname: unit =

while !i <> stop do
let opresult =
(try try_decode_case Unknown env case (VBits {n=32; v=Z.of_int !i})
(try try_decode_case Unknown env case (Z.of_int !i)
with Throw _ -> None) in

(match opresult with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -370,7 +366,7 @@ type 'a opresult = ('a, operror) Result.t

let pp_opresult f = Result.fold ~ok:f ~error:pp_operror

let op_eval (env: Env.t) (iset: string) (op: value): Env.t opresult =
let op_eval (env: Env.t) (iset: string) (op: Primops.bigint): Env.t opresult =
let evalenv = Env.copy env in
let decoder = Eval.Env.getDecoder evalenv (Ident iset) in
Expand All @@ -379,7 +375,7 @@ let op_eval (env: Env.t) (iset: string) (op: value): Env.t opresult =
| e -> Result.Error (Op_EvalFail e)

let op_dis (env: Env.t) (iset: string) (op: value): stmt list opresult =
let op_dis (env: Env.t) (iset: string) (op: Primops.bigint): stmt list opresult =
let env = Env.copy env in
let lenv = Dis.build_env env in
let decoder = Eval.Env.getDecoder env (Ident iset) in
Expand All @@ -404,7 +400,7 @@ let op_compare ((evalenv, disenv): Env.t * Env.t): Env.t opresult =
Result.Error (Op_DisEvalNotEqual)

let op_test_opcode (env: Env.t) (iset: string) (op: int): Env.t opresult =
let op = Value.VBits (Primops.prim_cvt_int_bits (Z.of_int 32) (Z.of_int op)) in
let op = Z.of_int op in

let initenv = Env.copy env in
Random.self_init ();
Expand Down
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions libASL/
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Expand Up @@ -209,6 +209,9 @@ let from_realLit (x: AST.realLit): value =
let denominator = Z.pow (Z.of_int 10) fracsz in
VReal (Q.make numerator denominator)

let from_bitsInt (wd: int) (x: Primops.bigint) =
VBits (Primops.mkBits wd x)

let from_bitsLit (x: AST.bitsLit): value =
let x' = drop_chars x ' ' in
VBits (mkBits (String.length x') (Z.of_string_base 2 x'))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -399,6 +402,10 @@ and prims_impure = ["ram_init"; "ram_read"; "ram_write"; "trace_memory_read"; "t
(** {2 Utility functions on Values} *)

let length_bits (loc: AST.l) = function
| VBits { n; _ } | VMask { n; _ } -> n
| x -> raise (EvalError (loc, "bits or mask expected. Got " ^ pp_value x))

let extract_bits (loc: AST.l) (x: value) (i: value) (w: value): value =
VBits (prim_extract (to_bits loc x) (to_integer loc i) (to_integer loc w))

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ let test_compare env () : unit =
let lenv = Dis.build_env disEnv in

let opcode = input_line inchan in
let op = Value.VBits (Primops.prim_cvt_int_bits (Z.of_int 32) (Z.of_int (int_of_string opcode))) in
let op = Z.of_string opcode in

(* Evaluate original instruction *)
Expand Down

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