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Add total case simplification
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Match if (x = constant) then r := constant else ... patterns
and attempt to replace with r := f x for simple mappings between
constant pairs.
  • Loading branch information
ncough committed Feb 22, 2024
1 parent 63076c7 commit e4b178c
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Showing 2 changed files with 77 additions and 0 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions libASL/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1478,6 +1478,8 @@ let dis_decode_entry (env: Eval.Env.t) ((lenv,globals): env) (decode: decode_cas
let stmts' = Transforms.CopyProp.copyProp stmts' in
let stmts' = Transforms.RedundantSlice.do_transform bindings stmts' in
let stmts' = Transforms.RemoveUnused.remove_unused globals @@ stmts' in
let stmts' = Transforms.CaseSimp.do_transform stmts' in

if !debug_level >= 2 then begin
let stmts' = Asl_visitor.visit_stmts (new Asl_utils.resugarClass (!TC.binop_table)) stmts' in
Printf.printf "===========\n";
Expand Down
75 changes: 75 additions & 0 deletions libASL/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1557,3 +1557,78 @@ module CommonSubExprElim = struct
let xs = visit_stmts expression_replacer xs in

(* A brute force match for total value mappings, implemented as a series of chained ifs *)
module CaseSimp = struct
module StringMap = Map.Make(String);;

(* Match a 'X = BV_CONSTANT' comparison, returning X and BV_CONSTANT *)
let valid_guard e =
match e with
| Expr_TApply (FIdent ("eq_bits", 0), [Expr_LitInt w], [x; Expr_LitBits b]) ->
Some (int_of_string w, x, b)
| _ -> None

(* Match a 'R := BV_CONSTANT' statement, returning R and BV_CONSTANT *)
let valid_body b =
match b with
| Stmt_Assign (LExpr_Var r, Expr_LitBits c, _) -> Some(r, c)
| _ -> None

(* Match a chain of 'if X = BV_CONSTANT then R := BV_CONSTANT else if ... else assert FALSE'
given specific X and R expressions, returning a map from test values to assigned values *)
let rec match_inner stmt x r =
match stmt with
| Stmt_If (e, [c], [], [f], _) ->
(match valid_guard e, valid_body c, match_inner f x r with
| Some (w, x', b), Some (r', c), Some res when x' = x && r = r' -> Some (StringMap.add b c res)
| _ -> None)
| Stmt_Assert (Expr_Var(Ident "FALSE"), _) -> Some StringMap.empty
| _ -> None

(* Match a chain of 'if X = BV_CONSTANT then R := BV_CONSTANT else if ... else assert FALSE',
returning X, R and a map from test values to assigned values *)
let match_outer stmt =
match stmt with
| Stmt_If (e, [t], [], [f], loc) ->
(match valid_guard e, valid_body t with
| Some (w, x, b), Some (r, c) ->
(match match_inner f x r with
| Some res -> Some (x, r, w, loc, StringMap.add b c res)
| _ -> None)
| _ -> None)
| _ -> None

(* Mapping is total if there is an entry for all possible bv values *)
let is_total w res = Z.to_int (Z.shift_left w) = (StringMap.cardinal res)

(* Guesses for the possible mapping from key to value. This is incredibly dumb. *)
let fn_guess = [
(fun x y -> x = y),
(fun r x _ loc -> Stmt_Assign(LExpr_Var r, x, loc));
(fun x y -> "0" ^ x = y),
(fun r x w loc ->
let nw = expr_of_int (w + 1) in
Stmt_Assign(LExpr_Var r, expr_prim' "ZeroExtend" [expr_of_int w; nw] [x; nw], loc));

class visit_if = object
inherit Asl_visitor.nopAslVisitor

(* Assumes x is pure, as it is referenced within a branch condition *)
method! vstmt (s: stmt): stmt visitAction =
match match_outer s with
| Some (x, r, w, loc, res) when is_total w res ->
(match List.find_opt (fun (test,_) -> StringMap.for_all test res) fn_guess with
| Some (_,fn) -> ChangeTo (fn r x w loc)
| _ -> DoChildren)
| _ -> DoChildren


let do_transform (xs: stmt list): stmt list =
let stmt_visitor = new visit_if in
let xs = visit_stmts stmt_visitor xs in


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