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Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/partial_eval' into loops
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katrinafyi committed Jul 10, 2024
2 parents 39e4fb3 + 00b73b5 commit f233d0a
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Showing 9 changed files with 511 additions and 45 deletions.
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions aslp-cpp/include/aslp-cpp/aslp-cpp.hpp
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Expand Up @@ -7,14 +7,17 @@ namespace httplib {
class Client;
} // namespace httplib;

// tuple of encoding and semantics
using aslp_opcode_result_t = std::tuple<std::string, std::string>;

class aslp_connection
std::unique_ptr<httplib::Client> client {nullptr};

aslp_connection(const std::string& server_addr, int server_port);
aslp_connection(aslp_connection&&) noexcept;
auto get_opcode(uint32_t opcode) -> std::string;
auto get_opcode(uint32_t opcode) -> aslp_opcode_result_t;
void wait_active();
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -54,7 +57,7 @@ class aslp_client {
auto static start(const std::string& addr, int server_port) -> std::unique_ptr<aslp_client>;

/** Returns the semantics for the given opcode, as a newline-separated string. */
auto get_opcode(uint32_t opcode) -> std::string;
auto get_opcode(uint32_t opcode) -> aslp_opcode_result_t;

/** Destroys the aslp_client and terminates the managed server as well. */
virtual ~aslp_client() {
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9 changes: 6 additions & 3 deletions aslp-cpp/source/aslp-cpp.cpp
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Expand Up @@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ void aslp_connection::wait_active()
std::cout << "\n";

std::string aslp_connection::get_opcode(uint32_t opcode)
aslp_opcode_result_t aslp_connection::get_opcode(uint32_t opcode)
auto codestr = std::format("{:#x}", opcode);
std::cout << codestr << "\n";
Expand All @@ -167,7 +167,10 @@ std::string aslp_connection::get_opcode(uint32_t opcode)
if (!result.contains("semantics")) {
throw std::runtime_error("semantics missing");
return result["semantics"];
if (!result.contains("encoding")) {
throw std::runtime_error("encoding name missing");
return {result["encoding"], result["semantics"]};

aslp_connection::aslp_connection(const std::string& server_addr,
Expand All @@ -179,7 +182,7 @@ aslp_connection::aslp_connection(const std::string& server_addr,
aslp_connection::aslp_connection(aslp_connection&&) noexcept = default;
aslp_connection::~aslp_connection() = default;

std::string aslp_client::get_opcode(uint32_t opcode)
aslp_opcode_result_t aslp_client::get_opcode(uint32_t opcode)
aslp_connection conn {server_addr, server_port};
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion aslp-cpp/test/source/aslp-cpp_test.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,8 @@ auto main() -> int
auto s = aslp_client::start();

try {
auto c = s->get_opcode(0xFD430091);
std::string c;
std::tie(std::ignore, c) = s->get_opcode(0xFD430091);
std::cout << c << "\n";
} catch (std::runtime_error &e) {
std::cout << " error " << e.what() << "\n";
Expand Down
23 changes: 14 additions & 9 deletions bin/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,24 +17,29 @@ open Lwt

let persistent_env = lazy (Option.get (Arm_env.aarch64_evaluation_environment ()))

let eval_instr (opcode: string) : string =
let eval_instr (opcode: string) : string * string =
let pp_raw stmt : string = Utils.to_string (Asl_parser_pp.pp_raw_stmt stmt) |> String.trim in
let address = None in
let env' = Lazy.force persistent_env in
let stmts : Asl_ast.stmt list = Dis.retrieveDisassembly ?address env' (Dis.build_env env') opcode in
let stmts' = pp_raw stmts in
String.concat "\n" stmts'
let _address = None in

let env' = Lazy.force persistent_env in
let lenv = Dis.build_env env' in
let decoder = Eval.Env.getDecoder env' (Ident "A64") in
let unroll_bound = Z.of_int64 Int64.max_int in
let (enc, stmts) = Dis.dis_core env' unroll_bound lenv decoder (Z.of_string opcode) in

let stmts' = pp_raw stmts in
enc, String.concat "\n" stmts'

let get_reply (jsonin: string) : Cohttp.Code.status_code * string =
(*let json = Yojson.Safe.from_string jsonin in *)
let make_reply code tail =
(code, Yojson.Safe.to_string (`Assoc [("instruction", `String jsonin); tail])) in
(code, Yojson.Safe.to_string (`Assoc (["instruction", `String jsonin] @ tail))) in
Printf.printf "Disassembling '%s'\n" jsonin;
flush stdout;
match (eval_instr jsonin) with
| exception e -> make_reply `Internal_server_error ("error", `String (Printexc.to_string e))
| x -> make_reply `OK ("semantics", `String x)
| exception e -> make_reply `Internal_server_error ["error", `String (Printexc.to_string e)]
| enc, x -> make_reply `OK [ "encoding", `String enc; "semantics", `String x; ]

let unsupp_method_resp : Cohttp.Code.status_code * string =
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion libASL/Semantics.g4
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ type_register_slices:

'Type_Bits' OPEN_PAREN expr CLOSE_PAREN # TypeBits
| 'Type_Constructor(boolean)' # TypeBoolean
| 'Type_Constructor("boolean")' # TypeBoolean
| 'Type_Constructor(' ident ')' # TypeConstructor
| 'Type_Register' OPEN_PAREN QUOTE width=integer QUOTE type_register_slices CLOSE_PAREN # TypeRegister
Expand Down
56 changes: 28 additions & 28 deletions libASL/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -431,20 +431,19 @@ module DisEnv = struct
let num, s = LocalEnv.incNumSymbols s in
(Ident (prefix ^ string_of_int num),s,empty)

let indent: string rws =
let indent: string list rws =
let+ i = gets (fun l -> l.indent) in
let h = i / 2 in
let s = String.concat "" (List.init h (fun _ -> "\u{2502} \u{250a} ")) in
if i mod 2 == 0 then
s ^ ""
s ^ "\u{2502} "
(* when concatenated, produces a string of the form:
"| I | I | ..." where | and I are
alternating unicode box-drawing lines *)
List.init i (fun i -> if i mod 2 == 0 then "\u{2502} " else "\u{250a} ")

let debug (minLevel: int) (s: string): unit rws =
if !debug_level >= minLevel then
let+ i = indent in
let s' = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "\n") ("\n"^i) s in
Printf.printf "%s%s\n" i s';
(fun l -> List.iter print_string i; print_endline l)
(String.split_on_char '\n' s);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1463,11 +1462,11 @@ let dis_decode_slice (loc: l) (x: decode_slice) (op: Primops.bigint): value rws

(* Duplicate of eval_decode_case modified to print rather than eval *)
let rec dis_decode_case (loc: AST.l) (x: decode_case) (op: Primops.bigint): unit rws =
let rec dis_decode_case (loc: AST.l) (x: decode_case) (op: Primops.bigint): string rws =
let body = dis_decode_case' loc x op in
if no_debug() then body
else DisEnv.scope loc "dis_decode_case" (pp_decode_case x) Utils.pp_unit body
and dis_decode_case' (loc: AST.l) (x: decode_case) (op: Primops.bigint): unit rws =
else DisEnv.scope loc "dis_decode_case" (pp_decode_case x) body
and dis_decode_case' (loc: AST.l) (x: decode_case) (op: Primops.bigint): string rws =
(match x with
| DecoderCase_Case (ss, alts, loc) ->
let@ vs = DisEnv.traverse (fun s -> dis_decode_slice loc s op) ss in
Expand All @@ -1476,8 +1475,8 @@ and dis_decode_case' (loc: AST.l) (x: decode_case) (op: Primops.bigint): unit rw
| (alt :: alts') ->
let@ alt' = dis_decode_alt loc alt vs op in
(match alt' with
| true -> DisEnv.unit
| false -> dis alts')
| Some x -> DisEnv.pure x
| None -> dis alts')
| [] ->
raise (DisInternalError (loc, "unmatched decode pattern"))
Expand All @@ -1486,16 +1485,16 @@ and dis_decode_case' (loc: AST.l) (x: decode_case) (op: Primops.bigint): unit rw

(* Duplicate of eval_decode_alt modified to print rather than eval *)
and dis_decode_alt (loc: l) (x: decode_alt) (vs: value list) (op: Primops.bigint): bool rws =
and dis_decode_alt (loc: l) (x: decode_alt) (vs: value list) (op: Primops.bigint): string option rws =
let body = dis_decode_alt' loc x vs op in
if no_debug() then body
else DisEnv.scope loc "dis_decode_alt" (pp_decode_alt x) string_of_bool body
and dis_decode_alt' (loc: AST.l) (DecoderAlt_Alt (ps, b)) (vs: value list) (op: Primops.bigint): bool rws =
else DisEnv.scope loc "dis_decode_alt" (pp_decode_alt x) Option.(fold ~none:"(unmatched)" body
and dis_decode_alt' (loc: AST.l) (DecoderAlt_Alt (ps, b)) (vs: value list) (op: Primops.bigint): string option rws =
if List.for_all2 (Eval.eval_decode_pattern loc) ps vs then
(match b with
| DecoderBody_UNPRED loc -> raise (Throw (loc, Exc_Unpredictable))
| DecoderBody_UNALLOC loc -> raise (Throw (loc, Exc_Undefined))
| DecoderBody_NOP loc -> DisEnv.pure true
| DecoderBody_NOP loc -> DisEnv.pure (Some "(NOP)")
| DecoderBody_Encoding (inst, l) ->
let@ (enc, opost, cond, exec) = DisEnv.reads (fun config -> Eval.Env.getInstruction loc config.eval_env inst) in
let@ enc_match = dis_encoding enc op in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1527,9 +1526,9 @@ and dis_decode_alt' (loc: AST.l) (DecoderAlt_Alt (ps, b)) (vs: value list) (op:

let@ () = DisEnv.write stmts in
DisEnv.pure true
DisEnv.pure (Some (pprint_ident inst))
end else begin
DisEnv.pure false
DisEnv.pure None
| DecoderBody_Decoder (fs, c, loc) ->
let@ () = DisEnv.modify (LocalEnv.addLevel) in
Expand All @@ -1539,12 +1538,12 @@ and dis_decode_alt' (loc: AST.l) (DecoderAlt_Alt (ps, b)) (vs: value list) (op:
declare_assign_var loc (val_type v) f (Val v)
) fs
let@ () = dis_decode_case loc c op in
let@ result = dis_decode_case loc c op in
let@ () = DisEnv.modify (LocalEnv.popLevel) in
DisEnv.pure true
DisEnv.pure (Some result)
DisEnv.pure false
DisEnv.pure None

type env = (LocalEnv.t * IdentSet.t)

Expand All @@ -1558,11 +1557,11 @@ let enum_types env i =
| _ -> None

(* Actually perform dis *)
let dis_core (env: Eval.Env.t) (unroll_bound) ((lenv,globals): env) (decode: decode_case) (op: Primops.bigint): stmt list =
let dis_core (env: Eval.Env.t) (unroll_bound) ((lenv,globals): env) (decode: decode_case) (op: Primops.bigint): string * stmt list =
let DecoderCase_Case (_,_,loc) = decode in
let config = { eval_env = env ; unroll_bound } in

let ((),lenv',stmts) = (dis_decode_case loc decode op) config lenv in
let (enc,lenv',stmts) = (dis_decode_case loc decode op) config lenv in
let varentries = List.(concat @@ map (fun vars -> StringMap.(bindings (map fst vars))) lenv.locals) in
let bindings = Asl_utils.Bindings.of_seq @@ List.to_seq @@ (fun (x,y) -> (Ident x,y)) varentries in
(* List.iter (fun (v,t) -> Printf.printf ("%s:%s\n") v (pp_type t)) varentries; *)
Expand All @@ -1586,18 +1585,19 @@ let dis_core (env: Eval.Env.t) (unroll_bound) ((lenv,globals): env) (decode: dec
List.iter (fun s -> Printf.printf "%s\n" (pp_stmt s)) stmts';
Printf.printf "===========\n";
enc, stmts'

(* Wrapper around the core to attempt loop vectorization, reverting back if this fails.
This is a complete hack, but it is nicer to make the loop unrolling decision during
partial evaluation, rather than having to unroll after we know vectorization failed.
let dis_decode_entry (env: Eval.Env.t) ((lenv,globals): env) (decode: decode_case) (op: Primops.bigint): stmt list =
let unroll_bound = Z.of_int 1 in
let stmts' = dis_core env unroll_bound (lenv,globals) decode op in
let _,stmts' = dis_core env unroll_bound (lenv,globals) decode op in
let (res,stmts') = stmts' env in
if res then stmts' else
dis_core env (Z.of_int 1000) (lenv,globals) decode op
snd @@ dis_core env (Z.of_int 1000) (lenv,globals) decode op

let build_env (env: Eval.Env.t): env =
let env = Eval.Env.freeze env in
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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions tests/aslt/ops.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,3 +24,6 @@

// cnt v0.8b, v0.8b

// sqrdmulh v0.8h, v0.8h, v1.h[3]

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