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Shaivika Anand edited this page Oct 5, 2023 · 2 revisions

StructurePlacementServiceTest Class Documentation


The StructurePlacementServiceTest class is a JUnit test class designed to test the functionality of the StructurePlacementService class in your game. The StructurePlacementService class is responsible for managing the placement and removal of structures within the game world. This test class verifies that the methods of the StructurePlacementService class, such as getStructurePosition and canPlaceStructureAt, work correctly.

Table of Contents

  1. Prerequisites
  2. Test Description
  3. Test Setup
  4. Test Execution
  5. Expected Results
  6. Conclusion


Before running the StructurePlacementServiceTest class, ensure that you have the following prerequisites in place:

  • A working Java development environment.
  • JUnit and relevant dependencies added to your project.
  • The StructurePlacementService class that is being tested.
  • The PlaceableEntity class used for testing.

Test Description

The primary objective of the StructurePlacementServiceTest class is to validate the behavior of the methods in the StructurePlacementService class. These methods are responsible for retrieving the position of structures and checking whether a structure can be placed at a specific location within the game world.

Test Setup

Mocking Dependencies

In this test class, no external dependencies are mocked, but an instance of the EventHandler class is created for testing purposes. The StructurePlacementService is then initialized for testing.


Screenshot 0005-10-05 at 2 09 58 PM

Testing getStructurePosition

The testGetStructurePosition method tests the getStructurePosition method of the StructurePlacementService class. It involves the following steps:

  1. Creating a sample PlaceableEntity with a defined width and height.
  2. Defining an expected position.
  3. Simulating the placement of the entity at the expected position.
  4. Checking if the getStructurePosition method returns the expected position.

Testing canPlaceStructureAt

The testCanPlaceStructureAt method tests the canPlaceStructureAt method of the StructurePlacementService class. It involves the following steps:

  1. Creating a sample PlaceableEntity with a defined width and height.
  2. Defining a position for placement.
  3. Checking if the initial position is empty and can be placed.
  4. Simulating the placement of another entity at the same position.
  5. Verifying that the first entity cannot be placed at the same position after it has been occupied.

Expected Results

The expected result of running the StructurePlacementServiceTest class is that the methods of the StructurePlacementService class perform their respective tasks correctly. This includes retrieving the position of structures and checking whether they can be placed at specific locations within the game world.


The StructurePlacementServiceTest class plays a crucial role in ensuring the functionality of the StructurePlacementService class, which is responsible for managing the placement of structures in the game world. By conducting these tests, you can confirm that the placement and positioning of structures work as expected, contributing to the overall reliability and functionality of the game.

For more information on the StructurePlacementService class and its usage, please refer to the source code and JavaDoc documentation.

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