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Charles Graham edited this page May 22, 2024 · 7 revisions
1. Installing VSCode / IDE
How to Install and setup VSCode for use with Java

2. Installing Java 8
How to Install Java 8

3. CDA Setup
Fork, clone repository, setup project (workspaces)

4. Build and Review

Following the Style Standards

Setup VSCode to use the checkstyle.xml file

  1. Enter the command palette in VSCode with F1 or Ctrl + Shift + P
  2. Right click your checkstyle.xml file and click "Copy Relative Path" (i.e. config/checkstyle/checkstyle.xml)
  3. Type Java: Open Java Formatter Settings Note: Command Palette should start with >
  4. Press enter
  5. If your formatter is not already set, you should now be able to type/paste the relative path you copied above
  6. Press Enter
    Right Click > Format Document and you will now be using the agreed upon checkstyles!

Build your project

Enter ./gradlew build into your terminal from the root of the project

Check for styling errors with ./gradlew checkstyleMain

  • HINT: When checking style errors when looking for specific classes you are working on:
    Windows - gradlew clean; gradlew checkstyleMain 2>&1 | findstr Office -> Would show lines containing "Office"

5. Deploy and Test your Build

Migrate the .war file generated in .\cwms-radar-api\cwms_radar_api\build\libs\cwms_radar_api-_version_-SNAPSHOT.war to district-data.war and deploy it Confirm and Test. Detailed Steps Here

6. Commit Changes
  1. Navigate to your GitHub profile page for cwms-radar-api and perform a sync with the primary HEC repository.

  2. Commit your changes in your local repository, then sync them with your fork.

  3. Create a pull request (on your github profile page), add detailed comments about the changes you have made being mindful these will be emailed out once you create the PR.