Released October 6, 2023
The R software, tcpl, is open-source software used to store, manage, curve-fit, and visualize high-throughput bioactivity screening data included in the US EPA ToxCast program. Tcpl is released in versions at the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN) (https://cran.r-project.org/package=tcpl). Vignettes describing an introduction to tcpl and the structure of the ToxCast database, invitrodb; how assays are annotated in invitrodb; data processing; and data retrieval are available for users seeking additional details on the function of tcpl.
Tcpl v3.1.0 was used to create invitrodb v4.1. ToxCast’s invitrodb v4.1 (September 2023) encompasses major database and software updates and is now available for download here: https://www.epa.gov/chemical-research/exploring-toxcast-data. Updates in tcpl v3.1.0 include:
- SC data processing: Updates to normalization given bidirectionality #19 #32
- Method updates: New methods were to support processing needs, including new aggregation, cutoff, and flags. All method descriptions have been reviewed and updated for completeness. #41 #87 #95 #99 #103 #120 #123 #118 #129 #130 #134 #136 #138
- New functionality and other enhancements, including:
- Vignette updates #65 #66 #68 #71 #72 #80 #86 #93 #131
See changelog https://github.com/USEPA/CompTox-ToxCast-tcpl/pulls?page=2&q=is%3Apr+is%3Amerged+sort%3Aupdated-asc+updated%3A%3E2022-09-30+closed%3A%3C2023-10-01 for more details.