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Merge pull request #127 from USEPA/state_level_initial_fixFigures
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State level initial fix figures
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knoiva-indecon authored Dec 19, 2023
2 parents 518a7e7 + 8071ca8 commit 9495a8e
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Showing 8 changed files with 207 additions and 153 deletions.
72 changes: 49 additions & 23 deletions FrEDI/R/aggregate_impacts.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -47,9 +47,12 @@
### This function aggregates outputs produced by temperature binning
aggregate_impacts <- function(
data, ### Data frame of outputs from temperature binning
aggLevels = c("national", "modelaverage", "impactyear", "impacttype"), ### Levels of aggregation
aggLevels = c("national", "modelaverage", "impacttype", "impactyear"), ### Levels of aggregation
columns = c("annual_impacts"), ### Columns to aggregate
groupByCols = c("sector", "variant", "impactYear", "impactType", "model_type", "model", "region"),
groupByCols = c("sector", "variant", "impactType", "impactYear") |>
c("region", "state", "postal") |>
c("model_type", "model") |>
c("includeaggregate", "sectorprimary"),
silent = TRUE
###### Defaults ######
Expand All @@ -59,7 +62,7 @@ aggregate_impacts <- function(
yearCol0 <- c("year")
# summaryCols <- columns; rm(columns)
####### By State ######
byState <- c("state") %in% groupByCols
byState <- c("state") %in% (data |> names())
if(byState){stateCols0 <- c("state", "postal")} else{stateCols0 <- c()}
popCol0 <- byState |> ifelse("state_pop", "reg_pop")
# byState |> print()
Expand All @@ -76,7 +79,7 @@ aggregate_impacts <- function(
###### Aggregation Levels ######
### Types of summarization to do: default
# aggList0 <- c("national", "modelaverage", "impactyear", "impacttype", "all")
aggList0 <- c("national", "modelaverage", "impactyear", "impacttype")
aggList0 <- c("national", "modelaverage", "impacttype", "impactyear")
null_aggLvls <- aggLevels |> is.null()
aggLevels <- aggLevels |> tolower()
aggNone <- "none" %in% aggLevels
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -145,7 +148,8 @@ aggregate_impacts <- function(

###### Grouping Columns ######
### Use default group by columns if none specified...otherwise, check which are present
groupByCols0 <- c("sector", "variant", "impactType", "impactYear", "region") |> c(stateCols0)
groupByCols0 <- c("sector", "variant", "impactType", "impactYear")
groupByCols0 <- groupByCols0 |> c("region") |> c(stateCols0)
groupByCols0 <- groupByCols0 |> c("model_type", "model")
groupByCols0 <- groupByCols0 |> c("sectorprimary", "includeaggregate")
if(groupByCols |> is.null()){groupByCols <- groupByCols0}
Expand All @@ -170,7 +174,7 @@ aggregate_impacts <- function(
scalarCols <- c("physScalar", "physAdj", "damageAdj", "econScalar", "econAdj", "econMultiplier") |> paste("Name")
# scalarCols <- c("physScalar", "physAdj", "damageAdj", "econScalar", "econAdj", "econMultiplier")
# scalarCols <- scalarCols0 |> map(~.x |> paste0(c(scalarSuffix0))) |> unlist()
dropCols <- c("physicalmeasure") |> c(scalarCols)
dropCols <- c("physicalmeasure") |> c(scalarCols) |> c(popCol0, "national_pop")
isDropCol <- groupByCols %in% dropCols
hasDropCols <- isDropCol |> any()
### If hasDropCols
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summaryCols <- summaryCols[isPresent0]
rm(summaryCols0, nullSumCols, isPresent0, hasNaCols0)

### Drop some columns from summary columns
### Drop some columns from summary columns
scalarCols <- c("physScalar", "physAdj", "damageAdj", "econScalar", "econAdj", "econMultiplier") |> paste("Value")
scalarCols <- scalarCols |> c("physScalar", "econScalar", "physEconScalar")
Expand All @@ -229,7 +233,7 @@ aggregate_impacts <- function(
### Drop levels
summaryCols <- summaryCols |> (function(y){y[!(y %in% dropCols)]})()
} ### End if(hasDropCols)

### If, message user
if(hasDropCols & msgUser){
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -257,7 +261,7 @@ aggregate_impacts <- function(
### Drop levels
summaryCols <- summaryCols |> (function(y){y[!(y %in% dropCols)]})()
} ### End if(hasDropCols)
} ### End if(hasDropCols)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -294,7 +298,8 @@ aggregate_impacts <- function(
numCols0 <- numCols0 |> c("gdp_usd", "national_pop", "gdp_percap")
numCols0 <- numCols0 |> c("driverValue") |> c(popCol0) |> c(yearCol0)
numCols0 <- numCols0 |> unique()
data <- data |> mutate_at(c(chrCols0), as.character)
# data <- data |> mutate_at(c(chrCols0), as.character)
data <- data |> mutate_at(c(numCols0), as.character)
data <- data |> mutate_at(c(numCols0), as.numeric )

Expand All @@ -305,6 +310,7 @@ aggregate_impacts <- function(
regPopCols <- c("year", "region") |> c(stateCols0) |> c(popCol0) |> unique()
natPopCols <- c("year", "region") |> c("national_pop")
driverCols <- c("year", "model_type", "driverType", "driverUnit", "driverValue")

### Get names in names
names0 <- data |> names()
baseCols <- baseCols |> (function(y){y[(y %in% names0)]})()
Expand All @@ -313,6 +319,12 @@ aggregate_impacts <- function(
driverCols <- driverCols |> (function(y){y[(y %in% names0)]})()

# ### Add state_pop column
# if(aggNational){
# groupByCols <- groupByCols |> c(regPopCols) |> unique()
# summaryCols <- summaryCols |> (function(y){y[!(y %in% groupByCols)]})()
# } ### End if(aggNational)

### List of standardized columns
standardCols <- c(groupByCols, baseCols, regPopCols, natPopCols) |> unique()
standardCols <- standardCols |> c(driverCols, summaryCols) |> unique()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -353,7 +365,7 @@ aggregate_impacts <- function(
# df_agg |> nrow() |> print(); df_agg |> head() |> glimpse()

###### Impact Years ######
###### ** Impact Years ######
### Separate into years after 2090 and before 2090
if(msgUser){msg0 (1) |> paste0("Interpolating between impact year estimates...") |> message()}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -454,7 +466,8 @@ aggregate_impacts <- function(
# paste0("Finished impact year interpolation: ", nrow(df_agg)) |> print(); df_agg |> head() |> glimpse()
# "got here1" |> print()

###### Model Averages ######
###### ** Model Averages ######
# groupByCols |> print(); df_agg |> glimpse()
### Average values across models
modelAveMsg <- "Calculating model averages..."
Expand All @@ -465,6 +478,7 @@ aggregate_impacts <- function(
### Group by columns
group0 <- groupByCols |> (function(y){y[!(y %in% c("model", yearCol0))]})()
group0 <- group0 |> c("year")
# group0 |> print()
### Separate model types
df_gcm <- df_agg |> filter(model_type |> tolower() == "gcm")
df_agg <- df_agg |> filter(model_type |> tolower() != "gcm")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -500,23 +514,27 @@ aggregate_impacts <- function(
df_agg <- df_gcm |> rbind(df_agg)
rm(df_gcm, group0)
} ### End if "model" %in% aggLevels
# paste0("Finished model aggregation: ", nrow(df_agg)) |> print(); df_agg |> head() |> glimpse()
# paste0("Finished model aggregation: ", nrow(df_agg)) |> print();
# df_agg |> glimpse()
# "got here2" |> print()

###### National Totals ######
###### ** National Totals ######
if(msgUser){msg0 (1) |> paste0("Calculating national totals...") |> message()}
### Ungroup first
df_agg <- df_agg |> ungroup()
### Grouping columns
group0 <- groupByCols |> (function(y){y[!(y %in% c("region", stateCols0,popCol0, yearCol0))]})()
# group0 <- groupByCols |> (function(y){y[!(y %in% c("region", stateCols0, popCol0, yearCol0))]})()
group0 <- groupByCols |> (function(y){y[!(y %in% c("region", stateCols0, popCol0, yearCol0))]})()
group0 <- group0 |> c("year")
### Calculate number of non missing values
df_national <- df_agg |> (function(w){
w |> mutate(not_isNA = 1 * (!(w[[summaryCol1]] |>
### Group data, sum data, calculate averages, and drop NA column
sum0 <- summaryCols |> c(popCol0,"not_isNA")
# sum0 <- summaryCols |> c(popCol0) |> c("not_isNA")
sum0 <- summaryCols |> c("not_isNA")
# df_national |> glimpse()
df_national <- df_national |>
group_by_at(c(group0)) |>
summarize_at(vars(sum0), sum, na.rm=T) |> ungroup()
Expand All @@ -531,15 +549,15 @@ aggregate_impacts <- function(
df_national <- df_national |> select(-c("not_isNA"))
df_national <- df_national |> mutate(region="National Total")
### Join with National Pop
#join0 <- natPopCols |> (function(y){y[!(y %in% c("national_pop"))]})()
#df_national <- df_national |> left_join(nationalPop, by = c(join0))
# join0 <- natPopCols |> (function(y){y[!(y %in% c("national_pop", popCol0))]})()
# df_national <- df_national |> left_join(nationalPop, by = c(join0))
df_national <- df_national |> mutate(state ="All")
df_national <- df_national |> mutate(postal="US")
} ### End if(byState)

### Add back into regional values and bind national population to impact types
#df_agg |> glimpse(); df_national |> glimpse()
# df_agg |> glimpse(); df_national |> glimpse()
df_agg <- df_agg |> rbind(df_national);

### Add national to total populations
Expand All @@ -551,7 +569,7 @@ aggregate_impacts <- function(
# paste0("Finished national totals: ", nrow(df_agg)) |> print; df_agg |> head |> glimpse
# "got here3" |> print()

###### Impact Types ######
###### ** Impact Types ######
### Summarize by Impact Type
if(msgUser){msg0 (1) |> paste0("Summing across impact types...") |> message()}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -613,12 +631,20 @@ aggregate_impacts <- function(
df_agg <- df_agg |> left_join(df_base , by=c(join1))
rm(names0, names1, join0, join1)

###### Format Columns ######
# ###### Reformat sectorprimary and includeaggregate, which were converted to character
# mutate0 <- c("sectorprimary", "includeaggregate")
# mutate0 <- mutate0[mutate0 %in% names(df_return)]
# mutate0 <- mutate0[mutate0 %in% names(df_agg)]
# doMutate <- mutate0 |> length() > 0
# if(doMutate){df_return <- df_return |> mutate_at(c(mutate0), as.numeric)}
# if(doMutate){df_return <- df_return |> mutate_at(c(mutate0), as.numeric)}
# if(doMutate){df_agg <- df_agg |> mutate_at(c(mutate0), as.numeric)}
# if(doMutate){df_agg <- df_agg |> mutate_at(c(mutate0), as.numeric)}
mutate0 <- baseCols |> c(popCol0) |> c("driverValue")
mutate0 <- mutate0 |> c(summaryCols)
mutate0 <- mutate0 |> c("sectorprimary", "includeaggregate")
mutate0 <- mutate0 |> unique()
mutate0 <- mutate0 |> (function(y){y[y %in% (df_agg |> names())]})()
doMutate <- (mutate0 |> length()) > 0
if(doMutate){df_agg <- df_agg |> mutate_at(c(mutate0), as.numeric)}

###### Order Columns ######
### Order the data frame and ungroup
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions FrEDI/R/run_fredi.R
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Expand Up @@ -740,10 +740,10 @@ run_fredi <- function(
### For regular use (i.e., not impactYears), simplify the data: groupCols0
# df_results <- df_results |> aggregate_impacts(aggLevels=aggLevels, groupByCols=groupCols0)
# group0 <- groupCols0
group0 <- groupCols0
# group0 <- select0 |> (function(x){x[!(x %in% driverCols0)]})()
# select0 |> print(); df_results |> names() |> print()
group0 <- select0
# group0 <- select0
df_results <- df_results |> aggregate_impacts(
aggLevels = aggLevels,
groupByCols = group0,
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