Releases: UVLabs/location-picker-at-checkout-for-woocommerce
Releases · UVLabs/location-picker-at-checkout-for-woocommerce
- [New PRO] Option to change the type of results returned by the Places Autocomplete API (Geocode, Address, Establishment, Regions, Cities)
- [Fix] Console error when Billing City field was not present on checkout page.
- [Fix] Coordinates for Places Autocomplete feature were not saving when "Hide Map When Using Places Autocomplete" option was enabled.
- [Info] Tested on WC 6.0
- [Change] BREAKING CHANGE: The save location of QR codes created for orders have been changed. Links to QR codes in past order emails will stop working after updating, but QR codes in new orders will work fine.
- [New] Added a new Static Map option to the list of link types that can be added to customer emails. (QR Code, Button, Static Map)
- [New] Added "Processing Order" email option to the list of emails the map link can be added to.
- [Dev] Reduced plugin size by removing dedicated font files for Qr codes.
- [Info] Static Maps require enabling of an extra Google Map API endpoint. Please see here for instructions.
- [New] Added Places Autocomplete feature Learn More.
- [New] New option in General Settings to allow plugin to immediately request the customer location on checkout page load. Learn More.
- [Info] Tested on WC 5.9.
- [New] Get the customer's last order location and display it on the map at checkout.
- [New] Option to remove Plus Code from Google Map addresses.
- [Fix] Periods were being stripped from default coordinates input boxes.
- [Fix] Wrong text domain for some text strings.
- [Fix] Blank infowindow was showing on order maps when shipping address was not present.
- [Info] Plugin has an Official Website.
- [New] Added support for WooFunnels' custom checkout pages.
- [New] Added a Map Visibility rules table to allow store owners to set the sequence they'd like rules to be ran.
- [New] Rule to show map based on coupon code.
- [New] Rule to hide map for guest orders.
- [Fix] Plugin would still try to run even though WooCommerce was inactive.
- [Improvement] Map display rules now use Ajax to determine whether or not to show the map.
- [Improvement] Added a new submenu tab called "Visibility Rules" which houses settings that control when the map is hidden/shown on the checkout page.
- [Info] Tested on WC 5.8.
- [Fix] Location button and QR code in emails were sometimes not centered.
- [Improvement] Added more support for older browsers.
- [Improvement] Show info window inside map on order-received, view-order, and dashboard view-order pages.
- [Dev] Two new filters for the delivery location button that appear in emails: