Releases: UVLabs/location-picker-at-checkout-for-woocommerce
Releases · UVLabs/location-picker-at-checkout-for-woocommerce
- [New] Display option to show map before payment options on checkout page.
- [New] Option to disable various map controls such as fullscreen and map type.
- [New] Option to set map region.
- [Fix PRO] Cost by Store Location feature was not working.
- [Improvement] Logic for outputting map on the checkout page. It's now easier to change the location with the supplied
filter. - [Improvement PRO] Display of searchbox on map feature.
- [Change] Plugin's menu item is now called "SoaringLeads".
- [Dev PRO] It's now possible to filter the calculated shipping cost of all shipping cost workflows to add any additional markup of changes.
. - [Dev] Added
filter for the list of checkout locations shown in Kikote's display settings. - [Info] Tested on WC 7.5.
- [Info] Tested on WP 6.2.
- [New PRO] Map Builder feature for building custom Google Maps using plugin settings. Learn more
- [New PRO] Option to add an autocomplete seachbox inside the map display on the checkout page. Learn more
- [New] Option to add an AutoComplete searchbox on the checkout page map.
- [New] Option stop the plugin from dissecting the address it receives from the Google API before adding it into the Street Address 1 field.
- [New] E-commerce Support Discord community - Meet fellow store owners from around the world to discuss ways to grow your E-Commerce business. Join Here >>>.
- [Fix] Shipping Cost by Region restriction features was not showing the available shipping regions dropdown if the plugin settings was firstly saved with no created shipping regions.
- [Fix] Rare instances where lat and long array values for Shipping Cost by Distance feature would overwrite itself.
- [Fix] Plugin settings link was not redirecting to the correct subsite on multisite installs.
- [Improvement] Refactored JavaScript code for quicker and more modular future development of plugin.
- [Change] Store Selector shortcode has been changed from
. - [Dev] Tested on WC 7.4.
- [Fix] Map marker would sometimes appear as a white box on some websites.
- [Improvement] Add "Location" label on WooCommerce Thank You and Past Order view pages.
- [Improvement] Add Location Picker at Checkout Menu item.
- [Compatibility] Improved compatibility with FunnelKit (previously WooFunnels).
- [Dev] Tested on WC 7.2.
- [Dev] Update Freemius SDK.
- [Dev] Update Freemius SDK.
- [New] Added an option to the plugin’s Display Settings to choose the default map type that loads on the checkout page (Road Map, Satellite etc.).
- [New] Add-ons tab in plugin settings.
- [Dev] Code improvements.
- [Dev] Tested on WC 7.1.
- [New PRO] Added a new option to the Cost by Distance Range feature for calculating distance per unit if using flat rates aren't ideal.
- [Fix PRO] The maximum shipping distance setting was being applied to the Cost by Distance Range feature. This feature has its own maximum.
- [Improvement PRO] LPAC will now always return Local Pickup shipping methods, if any are available, when customers do not meet the delivery criteria.
- [Improvement PRO] If the map is not being shown, don't try to validate the origin store selector dropdown.
- [Improvement] Map will not be hidden if only Local Pickup shipping methods are available to customers.
- [Dev] Added a few custom JavaScript events when the map's visibility values are changed. Learn more.
- [New PRO] Option to set min and max order total for Shipping Cost by Region feature.
- [New PRO] Duration for travel is now displayed on admin order page when making use of any of the Shipping Cost by Distance workflows.
- [Fix PRO] Coordinates were not getting saved when creating Saved Addresses in some rare configurations.
- [Fix PRO] Shipping Cost by Range feature would not return the shipping price when no "Cost per Unit Distance" value was set in the main settings.
- [Improvement PRO] Add column for customer's Region in the order page view.
- [Improvement PRO] Prevent duplicate event listeners from being appended to map actions when making use of Saved Addresses feature.
- [New] Choose whether to open directions to customers in Waze or Google maps. Option is located in LPAC's General Settings.
- [Fix] Upsell banner moving position after settings saved.
- [Fix] Address would not show in marker info window if no shipping zones exist on the website.
- [Dev] You can now change the map locale using the
filter. - [Dev] Customer's last order will no longer be their full formatted addresses, it will instead be the address line 1. This behavior can be changed using the
filter. - [Dev] Tested on WC v7.0-rc.2
- [New PRO] Cost by Distance Range feature. Learn more
- [Fix PRO] Store location selector was not showing in checkout page when option is enabled in Store locations area and cost by distance was enabled.
- [Fix] JS Console error for Guest customers.
- [Fix] Cart was not updating when filter to disable checkout fields autofilling was set to true.
- [Improvement] Allow setting of location on map manually if customer denied website access to their location.
- [Improvement] Add 3 new columns to order page view: Location, Store and Distance. They can all be turned off via the screen options on the order list page.
- [Improvement] Changed a few text strings.
- [Improvement] Don't output the google map on the checkout page if an API key hasn't been entered.
- [Fix PRO] Saved Addresses features were showing for guest customers.
- [New] Store Location Selector shortcode
Add shortcode anywhere to allow users to set their preferred store to order from. - [New] Feature Requests: Do you have a feature in mind for LPAC? Submit it or vote on others here.
- [Fix] Duplicate validation errors for store location feature.
- [Fix] Wrong order of filtering shipping method HTML when required conditions aren't met.
- [Improvement] Made some repeater fields required.
- [Dev] New filter to prevent map from filling out checkout fields
. - [Info] Tested on WC 6.9 RC1
- [New PRO] Option to append cost per unit and measure unit (e.g $0.50/km) at the end of the shipping method when using the Cost by Distance feature.
- [Fix PRO] Cost by Store Distance checkout validation was still running even though feature was turned off.
- [Fix PRO] Kilometer distance was being cast as an integer instead of a float which would cause slightly off conversions when converting Kilometer to Miles for Cost by Distance feature.
- [Fix] Store Location selector was still being moved below shipping address in some cases even when map was being shown on checkout.
- [Fix] Wrong checkout validation error would show even when Store Location feature was not in use.
- [Dev] It is no longer possible to filter the entire checkout page's map markup. Action Hooks have instead been added at different points of the map's markup. Learn more.
- [Info] Tested on WC 6.8
- [Info] Added a few initial admin pointers to help a bit with onboarding.
- [New] Option to show selected store location in order emails.
- [New] New address field when creating Store Locations.
- [Fix] JS error when Store Location selector is not present on checkout page.
- [Fix] Store Location selector was always being moved below shipping address even when map was being shown on checkout.
- [Fix] Store Location validation was not being enforced in the free version of the plugin.
- [Fix] Default Store Location selector would not display on checkout page unless "Cost by Store Distance" feature was explicitly disabled.
- [Fix] Prevent plugin from trying to redirect to its settings if WooCommerce is not active.
- [Compatibility] Support for CheckoutWC - WooCommerce custom checkout plugin.