##Offline Signature Recognition and Verification
This is a Python-OpenCV implementation of a system that does offline signature recognition and verification.
- Python 2.7
- OpenCV 2.2
- python interface for OpenCV
- numpy
###The paper
For a similar system you can look at the following paper:
"Off-line arabic signature recognition and verification", M.A. Ismail, Samia Gad - Pattern Recognition (2000) Elsevier
###Signature data
I had no hope getting access to the data the Mr. Ismail used in his paper. So I started to search on the internet for some data and I found some puplically available on http://sigcomp09.arsforensica.org/NISDCC-preview/. There is a collection of 60 authentic signatures form 12 peoples, And 151 forged version for each persons signiture.
All those data are located on data
####Naming convension
Each person has a 3 digit ID like 001, 002, etc. Each signiture regardless if it is authentic or forged is done 5 times, and to separate each signature a 3 digit id is appended to the end.
So the file 001001_000.png
means: It's the 1st signature, which is signed by person 001 (first 001), which belongs to person 001 (second 001). So we know that this signature is authentic. And there is 4 more versions of it named 001001_001.png
to 001001_004.png
An example of a forged signature would be 021001_000.png
. Which means person 021 tried to forge person 001's signature.
All forged examples are moved to forged
directory in data\forged
for simplicity.
All the codes can be found in src
directory. These codes are meant to be a proof of concept, and are not ready for production.
####State of the code
All the things that I said above about what this project does, has not happended yet.
As of march 2012 I'm trying to implement the recognition part of the project.