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UniFFI Kotlin Multiplatform bindings

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This project contains Kotlin Multiplatform bindings generation for UniFFI.

Currently only the Kotlin targets JVM and Native are supported. JS support would be awesome, but needs WASM support within uniffi.

You can find examples on how to use the bindings in the tests directory.

How to use

We recommend to first read the UniFFI user guide. If you follow their tutorial, then you can use the Kotlin Multiplatform bindings as explained bellow during the "Generating foreign-language bindings" part.

Using the Gradle plugin

This project contains three Gradle plugins:

  • The Cargo plugin (io.gitlab.trixnity.cargo.kotlin.multiplatform)
  • The UniFFI plugin (io.gitlab.trixnity.uniffi.kotlin.multiplatform)
  • The helper plugin for linking (io.gitlab.trixnity.rustlink.kotlin.multiplatform)

The Cargo plugin

The Cargo plugin is responsible for building and linking the Rust library to your Kotlin project. You can use it even when you are not using UniFFI. If the Cargo.toml is located in the project root, you can simply apply the io.gitlab.trixnity.cargo.kotlin.multiplatform the plugin.

plugins {
    id("io.gitlab.trixnity.cargo.kotlin.multiplatform") version "0.1.0"

If the Cargo package is located in another directory, you can configure the path in the cargo {} block.

cargo {
    // The Cargo package is located in a `rust` subdirectory.
    packageDirectory = layout.projectDirectory.dir("rust")

Since searching Cargo.toml is done by cargo locate-project, it still works even if you set packageDirectory to a subdirectory, but it is not recommended.

cargo {
    // This works
    packageDirectory = layout.projectDirectory.dir("rust/src")

If you want to use Cargo features or customized Cargo profiles, you can configure them in the cargo {} block as well.

import io.gitlab.trixnity.gradle.cargo.rust.profiles.CargoProfile

cargo {
    features.addAll("foo", "bar")
    debug.profile = CargoProfile("my-debug")
    release.profile = CargoProfile.Bench

If you want to use different features for each variant (debug or release), you can configure them in the debug {} or release {} blocks.

cargo {
    debug {
        // Use "foo", "logging" for debug builds
    release {
        // Use "foo", "app-integrity-checks" for release builds

features are inherited from the outer block to the inner block. To override this behavior in the inner block, use .set() or the = operator overloading.

cargo {
    debug {
        // Use "foo", "logging" for debug builds
    release {
        // Use "app-integrity-checks" (not "foo"!) for release builds

For configurations applied to all variants, you can use the variants {} block.

cargo {
    variants {

For Android and Apple platform builds invoked by Xcode, the plugin automatically decides which profile to use. For other targets, you can configure it with the jvmVariant or nativeVariant properties. When undecidable, these values default to Variant.Debug.

import io.gitlab.trixnity.gradle.Variant

cargo {
    jvmVariant = Variant.Release
    nativeVariant = Variant.Debug

Cargo build tasks are configured as the corresponding Kotlin target is added in the kotlin {} block. For example, if you don't invoke androidTarget() in kotlin {}, the Cargo plugin won't configure the Android build task as well.

cargo { {
        println("foo") // not executed

kotlin {
    // The plugin will react to the targets definition

The Cargo plugin scans all the Rust dependencies using cargo metadata. If you modify Rust source files including those in dependencies defined in the Cargo manifest, the Cargo plugin will rebuild the Cargo project.

For Android builds, the Cargo plugin automatically determines the SDK and the NDK to use based on the property values of the android {} block. To use different a NDK version, set ndkVersion to that version.

android {
    ndkVersion = "26.2.11394342"

The Cargo plugin also automatically determines the ABI to build based on the value of android.defaultConfig.ndk.abiFilters. If you don't want to build for x86 or x86_64, set this to ["arm64-v8a", "armeabi-v7a"].

android {
    defaultConfig {
        ndk.abiFilters += setOf("arm64-v8a", "armeabi-v7a")

The Cargo plugin automatically configures environment variables like ANDROID_HOME or CC_<target> for you, but if you need finer control, you can directly configure the properties of the build task. The build task is accessible in the builds {} block.

import io.gitlab.trixnity.gradle.cargo.dsl.*

cargo {
    builds {
        // Configure Android builds
        android {
            debug.buildTaskProvider.configure {
                additionalEnvironment.put("CLANG", "/path/to/clang")
        // You can configure for other targets as well
        appleMobile {}
        desktop {}
        jvm {}
        mobile {}
        native {}
        posix {}
        mingw {}
        linux {}
        macos {}
        windows {}

For JVM builds, the Cargo plugin tries to build all the targets, whether the required toolchains are installed on the current system or not. The list of such targets by the build host is as follows.

Targets Windows macOS Linux
Apple Mobile
Visual C++

To build for specific targets only, you can configure that using the jvm property. For example, to build a shared library for the current build host only, set this property to rustTarget == CargoHost.current.hostTarget.

import io.gitlab.trixnity.gradle.CargoHost
import io.gitlab.trixnity.gradle.cargo.dsl.*

cargo {
    builds.jvm {
        jvm = (rustTarget == CargoHost.current.hostTarget)

Android local unit tests requires JVM targets to be built, as they run in the host machine's JVM. The Cargo plugin automatically copies the Rust shared library targeting the host machine into Android local unit tests. It also finds projects that depend on the project using the Cargo plugin, and the Rust library will be copied to all projects that directly or indirectly use the Cargo project. If you want to include shared library built for a different platform, you can control that using the androidUnitTest property.

import io.gitlab.trixnity.gradle.cargo.dsl.*
import io.gitlab.trixnity.gradle.cargo.rust.targets.RustWindowsTarget

cargo {
    builds.jvm {
        // Use Visual C++ X64 for Android local unit tests 
        androidUnitTest = (rustTarget == RustWindowsTarget.X64)

kotlin {

Local unit tests are successfully built even if there are no builds with androidUnitTest enabled, but you will encounter a runtime error when you invoke a Rust function from Kotlin.

When you build or publish your Rust Android library separately and run Android local unit tests in another build, you also have to reference the JVM version of your library from the Android unit tests.

To build the JVM version, run the <JVM target name>Jar task. The name of the JVM target can be configured with the jvm() function, which defaults to "jvm". For example, when the name of the JVM target is "desktop":

kotlin {

the name of the task will be desktopJar.

# ./gradlew :your:library:<JVM target name>Jar
./gradlew :your:library:desktopJar

The build output will be located in build/libs/<project name>-<JVM target name>.jar. In the above case, the name of the JAR file will be <project name>-desktop.jar. The JAR file then can be referenced using the files or the fileTree functions.

kotlin {
    sourceSets {
        getByName("androidUnitTest") {
            dependencies {
                // implementation(files("<project name>-<JVM target name>.jar"))
                implementation("") // required to run

The above process can be automated using the maven-publish Gradle plugin. It publishes the JVM version of your library separately. For more details about using maven-publish with Kotlin Multiplatform, please refer here.

To publish your library to the local Maven repository on your system, run the publishToMavenLocal task.

./gradlew :your:project:publishToMavenLocal

In the local repository which is located in ~/.m2, you will see that multiple artifacts including <project name> and <project name>-<JVM target name> are generated. To reference it, register the mavenLocal() repository and put the artifact name to implementation().

repositories {
    // ...

kotlin {
    sourceSets {
        getByName("androidUnitTest") {
            dependencies {
                // implementation("<group name>:<project name>-<JVM target name>:<version>")
                implementation("") // required to run

The UniFFI plugin

The UniFFI plugin is responsible for generating Kotlin bindings from your Rust package. Here is an example of using the UniFFI plugin to build bindings from the resulting library binary.

import io.gitlab.trixnity.gradle.Variant

plugins {
    id("io.gitlab.trixnity.cargo.kotlin.multiplatform") version "0.1.0"
    id("io.gitlab.trixnity.uniffi.kotlin.multiplatform") version "0.1.0"

uniffi {
    // Generate the bindings using library mode.
    generateFromLibrary {
        // The UDL namespace as in the UDL file. Defaults to the library crate name.
        namespace = "my_crate"
        // The name of the build that makes the library to use to generate the bindings. The list of the names can be
        // retrieved with `cargo.builds.names`. If not specified, the UniFFI plugin automatically selects a build.
        build = "AndroidArm64"
        // The variant of the build that makes the library to use. If unspecified, the UniFFI plugin automatically picks
        // one.
        variant = Variant.Debug

If you want to generate bindings from a UDL file as well, you can specify the path using the generateFromUdl {} block.

uniffi {
    generateFromUdl {
        namespace = "..."
        build = "..."
        variant = Variant.Debug
        // The UDL file. Defaults to "${crateDirectory}/src/${crateName}.udl".
        udlFile = layout.projectDirectory.file("rust/src/my_crate.udl")

If you want to run ktlint on the generated bindings set formatCode to true.

uniffi {
    formatCode = true

The helper plugin for linking

The helper plugin exposes two extension functions KotlinMultiplatformExtension.hostNativeTarget and KotlinNativeCompilation.useRustUpLinker.

hostNativeTarget can be invoked in kotlin {} and adds the Kotlin Native target for the build host; it invokes mingwX64 on Windows, macosX64 or macosArm64 on macOS, and linuxX64 or linuxArm64 on Linux, though Linux Arm64 build host is not supported yet.

import io.gitlab.trixnity.gradle.rustlink.hostNativeTarget

kotlin {

useRustUpLinker is for Kotlin Native projects referencing a Rust library but not directly using Rust. Since Kotlin Native is shipped with an LLVM older than the one shipped with the Rust toolchain, you may encounter a linker error when building that Kotlin Native project. useRustUpLinker automatically finds the LLVM linker distributed with rustup, so you can use this when your Rust project emits a linker flag that is not supported by the Kotlin Native LLVM linker.

import io.gitlab.trixnity.gradle.rustlink.useRustUpLinker

kotlin {
    iosArm64().compilations.getByName("main") {

Directly using the bindgen CLI

Minimum Rust version required to install uniffi_bindgen_kotlin_multiplatform is 1.72. Newer Rust versions should also work fine.

Install the bindgen:

cargo install --bin uniffi-bindgen-kotlin-multiplatform [email protected]

Invoke the bindgen:

uniffi-bindgen-kotlin-multiplatform --lib-file <path-to-library-file> --out-dir <output-directory> --crate <crate-name> <path-to-udl-file>


uniffi_bindgen_kotlin_multiplatform is versioned separately from uniffi-rs. UniFFI follows the SemVer rules from the Cargo Book which states "Versions are considered compatible if their left-most non-zero major/minor/patch component is the same". A breaking change is any modification to the Kotlin Multiplatform bindings that demands the consumer of the bindings to make corresponding changes to their code to ensure that the bindings continue to function properly. uniffi_bindgen_kotlin_multiplatform is young, and it's unclear how stable the generated bindings are going to be between versions. For this reason, major version is currently 0, and most changes are probably going to bump minor version.

To ensure consistent feature set across external binding generators, uniffi_bindgen_kotlin_multiplatform targets a specific uniffi-rs version. A consumer using these bindings or any other external bindings (for example, Go bindings or C# bindings) expects the same features to be available across multiple bindings generators. This means that the consumer should choose external binding generator versions such that each generator targets the same uniffi-rs version.

Here is how uniffi_bindgen_kotlin_multiplatform versions are tied to uniffi-rs are tied:

uniffi_bindgen_kotlin_multiplatform version uniffi-rs version
v0.1.0 v0.25.2

Build and use locally

If you want to work on the bindgen or the Gradle plugin locally, you will have to do some additional Gradle configuration in order to use these local versions in your projects.

Option 1 - Dynamically include this plugin in your project

Clone this repository and reference it from your project. Configure dependencySubstitution to use the local plugin version.

// settings.gradle.kts
pluginManagement {
    // ..
    // ...
    plugins {
        // comment out id("io.gitlab.trixnity.uniffi.kotlin.multiplatform") if you have it here
// ...
includeBuild("../uniffi-kotlin-multiplatform-bindings/build-logic") {
    dependencySubstitution {

Add the Gradle plugin to the Gradle build file.

// build.gradle.kts
plugins {
    // ...

Optionally, configure the uniffi extension with the exact path to the bindgen of this repository.

uniffi {
    // ...

Option 2 - Publish the plugin locally

Clone the repository and build it.

Then invoke ./gradlew :build-logic:gradle-plugin:publishToMavenLocal.

Add the local repository in your project's settings.gradle.kts:

pluginManagement {
    repositories {
        // ...

Optionally, configure the uniffi extension with the exact path to the bindgen of this repository.

uniffi {
    // ...

You can also install the bindgen from a git remote as well. Use this method if you don't want to keep the source code of this repository on your computer.

uniffi {
    bindgenFromGitTag("", "v0.1.0")