Note: This repo is cloned from argoproj/rollouts-demo
and modified by Uj5ghare/ArgoCD-Canary-Deployment
Task: Dockerizing a simple web application, deploy it to a Kubernetes cluster using Argo CD, and manage its release process with Argo Rollouts.
Explanation Video:
- Kubernetes cluster (Minikube, kind, or a cloud provider's Kubernetes service)
- Docker
- Kubectl
- Git version control
- Argo CD installed on the Kubernetes cluster
- Argo Rollouts Controller installed on the Kubernetes cluster
- Argo Rollouts Plugin installed on the kubernetes cluster
- Basic understanding of Kubernetes concepts (Pods, Deployments, Services)
- Familiarity with Docker and containerization
- Experience with Git for version control
- Basic understanding of GitOps practices
- Familiarity with Argo CD and Argo Rollouts documentation
Create Git repo and Install prerequsites
Create a new repository on GitHub (or another Git hosting platform).
Clone that repo on (VScode,EC2,CMD):
git clone
- Run this shell script to install all the prerequisites(Check: 2GB RAM, 2vCPU, 10GB+ Storage)
sudo ./
Check all prerequisites
- Check if Docker is install and running:
docker --version
systemctl status docker
- Check if minikube is installed
minikube version
minikube start --driver=docker
- Check if ArgoCD,Rollout & Rollout Plugin is running:
kubectl get pods -n argocd
kubectl get pods -n argo-rollouts
kubectl argo rollouts version
Dockerize the Application:
- Create a Dockerfile to build your web application image, e.g.:
# Use the official Golang image from the Docker Hub as the base image
FROM golang:1.16 as build
# Set the working directory inside the container
WORKDIR /go/src/app
# Copy everything from the current directory to the working directory inside the container
COPY . .
# Run the 'make' command to build the application
RUN make
# Start a new stage from scratch
FROM scratch
# Copy all HTML, PNG, JS, ICO, and CSS files from the current directory to the root directory inside the container
COPY *.html ./
COPY *.png ./
COPY *.js ./
COPY *.ico ./
COPY *.css ./
# Copy the 'rollouts-demo' binary from the 'build' stage to the root directory inside the container
COPY --from=build /go/src/app/rollouts-demo /rollouts-demo
# Declare and set the 'COLOR' environment variable
# Declare and set the 'ERROR_RATE' environment variable
# Declare and set the 'LATENCY' environment variable
# Specify the command to run when the container starts
ENTRYPOINT [ "/rollouts-demo" ]
- To add following secretes follow this path (go to your repo -> settings -> secrets and variables -> Actions -> new repository secrets -> add following scretes one by one)
- Create github workflow to automate the process of Docker image building and pushing into DockerHub in this path(.github/workflows/docker-image.yml)
name: AIPlanet-Project # This is the name of your workflow
branches: [main] # This workflow gets triggered when there's a push event on the 'main' branch
runs-on: ubuntu-latest # The type of runner that the job will run on
- uses: actions/checkout@v2 # This step checks-out your repository under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE
- name: Login to DockerHub
uses: docker/login-action@v1 # This step logs in to DockerHub
username: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_HUB_USERNAME }} # DockerHub username stored as a GitHub secret
password: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_HUB_ACCESS_TOKEN }} # DockerHub access token stored as a GitHub secret
- name: Build the Docker image
run: docker build --build-arg COLOR=${{ secrets.COLOR }} -t ${{ secrets.DOCKER_HUB_USERNAME }}/rollouts-demo:${{ secrets.COLOR }} . # This step builds the Docker image using the 'COLOR' build argument
- name: Push the Docker image
run: docker push ${{ secrets.DOCKER_HUB_USERNAME }}/rollouts-demo:${{ secrets.COLOR }} # This step pushes the Docker image to DockerHub
needs: push-image # This job depends on the 'push-image' job. It will not start until 'push-image' has completed successfully.
runs-on: ubuntu-latest # This job runs on an Ubuntu-latest runner.
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v2 # This step checks out a copy of your repository.
- name: Update Kubernetes manifests # This step updates the Docker image tag in your Kubernetes manifest file (rollout.yml) with the value of the COLOR secret.
run: |
sed -i "s|uj5ghare/rollouts-demo:.*|uj5ghare/rollouts-demo:${{ secrets.COLOR }}|" rollout.yml
- name: Commit and push changes # This step configures your git user name and email, commits the changes made in the previous step with a message, and then pushes the commit to your repository.
run: |
git config --global 'Uj5Ghare'
git config --global '[email protected]'
git commit -am "Update Docker image tag to ${{ secrets.COLOR }}"
git push
Deploy the Application Using Argo CD Rollouts:
- Create a Kubernetes application manifest in your repository
# The API version for Argo Rollouts
# The kind of the Kubernetes resource
kind: Rollout
# Metadata about the rollout
# The name of the rollout
name: ai-ro
# The namespace in which the Rollout will be created
namespace: ai-ns
# Specification for the rollout
# The number of desired pods for the rollout. This is the number of instances of your application that should be running.
replicas: 4
# Label selector for pods. Existing ReplicaSets whose pods are selected by this will be the ones affected by this rollout.
# It's how the Rollout knows which pods to manage.
app: ai-app
# Template describes the pods that will be created. This is where you define the containers, volumes, etc. that make up your application.
app: ai-app
- name: ai-bluecon
# The Docker image for the container
image: uj5ghare/rollouts-demo:blue
# The port that the container exposes
- containerPort: 8080
# The strategy for the rollout. This is where you define how the rollout should update the pods.
# The canary strategy for the rollout. This strategy gradually rolls out the new version to a small subset of users before rolling it out to the entire infrastructure.
# The service that the rollout should use for the canary strategy. This service will route traffic to the new version during the canary phase.
canaryService: ai-svc
# The steps for the canary strategy. Each step represents a phase in the rollout process.
# setWeight: This step sets the percentage of user traffic that will be sent to the new version.
- setWeight: 25
# pause: This step pauses the rollout for a certain duration. This allows you to monitor the new version and ensure it's working as expected before proceeding.
- pause: {duration: 30}
- setWeight: 50
- pause: {duration: 30}
- setWeight: 75
- pause: {duration: 30}
- setWeight: 100
- pause: {duration: 30}
- Create a Kubernetes service manifest to expose application
# The API version for the Service
apiVersion: v1
# The kind of the Kubernetes resource
kind: Service
# Metadata about the Service
# The name of the Service
name: ai-svc
# The namespace in which the Service will be created
namespace: ai-ns
# Specification for the Service
# The type of the Service. NodePort means the Service will be accessible on a static port on each Node.
type: NodePort
# Label selector for pods. This is how the Service knows which Pods to direct traffic to.
app: ai-app
# The list of ports that are exposed by this Service.
- port: 80
# The port on the target Pod to direct traffic to.
targetPort: 8080
# The port to expose the Service on each Node.
nodePort: 30005
- Set up Argo CD to watch your repository and deploy the manifest automatically. (ArgoCD CLI must be installed)
Install ArgoCD CLI
# Download the latest Argo CD binary
curl -sSL -o argocd-linux-amd64
# Install the downloaded binary to /usr/local/bin with necessary permissions
sudo install -m 555 argocd-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/argocd
# Remove the downloaded binary file
rm argocd-linux-amd64
argo cd create ai-app --repo= --path=./k8s/ --dest-namespace=ai-ns --sync-policy=auto
- We can access ArgoCD UI by using following cmds:
kubectl port-forward svc/argocd-server 8080:80 --address -n argocd &
# Go to brower and paste this <your-Ec2-ip>:8080
# To find ArgoCD UI Password (User=admin)
kubectl -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d
Trigger a Rollout:
- Update "COLOR" secret to "red"
- Do changes in any GitHub file and push it to your GitHub repo.
Monitor the Rollout:
- Now you can watch changes live by hitting this cmd in your terminal.
kubectl argo rollouts get ro ai-ro -n ai-ns -w
- Ensure the canary release completes successfully.
Document the Process:
- Create a
file in your repository to document the steps you took, including any challenges encountered and how they were resolved. Ex: My Challeges and how I resolved
I. To access app from browser which is running inside the minikube we have to forward svc ports by using below cmds
kubectl port-forward svc/my-svc --address 8080:80
IMP: kubectl port-forward is used for creating a local connection to a specific Pod, while kubectl expose is used to expose a service to the outside world
Clean Up:
- Remove all resources created during this assignment from the Kubernetes cluster using kubectl commands, e.g.:
kubectl delete all -l app=ai-app
- Terminate Ec2 Instance/delete minikube
minikube delete