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This project consists of two parts: a ReactJS frontend and a NodeJS backend.

👨‍💻Frontend (ReactJS)

This ReactJS application provides the user interface for the application.

Getting Started

Clone the repository:

git clone

Navigate to the frontend directory:

cd frontend

Install dependencies:

npm install

Run the application:

npm start

This will start the development server and open the application in your browser at http://localhost:3000/.  

Build for Production To create an optimized build for production deployment.

npm run build

This will create a production-ready build in the build directory.

⌨️Backend (NodeJS)

This NodeJS application provides the backend logic and API endpoints for the application.

Getting Started

Clone the repository (if not already done):

git clone

Navigate to the backend directory:

cd backend

Install dependencies:

npm install

Start the development server:

npm start

This will start the backend server and listen for API requests on http://localhost:8000/

New API Endpoint: /status

The backend provides a new API endpoint at /status that provides information about the application's current state and uptime.


The backend has integrated simple test case.
To run the tests:

npm test

🐙GitHub Workflow

This workflow automates building, testing, deploying, and securing of ReactJS frontend and NodeJS backend applications.

Workflow Triggers

Pushes to branches main and dev that modify files in:

  • .github/workflows/main.yml (the workflow itself)
  • frontend/ directory
  • backend/ directory
  • k8s/manifests/**/* directory
  • Pull requests to the main branch

Workflow Jobs

Build-And-Test (runs on pull requests):

  • Tests the backend code (requires backend/ directory)

Push-To-DockerHub-Frontend (frontend changes):

  • Builds and pushes a Docker image for the frontend application

Image-Vuln-Check-Frontend (frontend changes):

  • Scans the built frontend Docker image for vulnerabilities

Update-ImgTag-Frontend (frontend changes):

  • Updates the image tag in the Kubernetes deployment manifest based on the workflow run number

Deploy-On-Minikube-Frontend (frontend changes):

  • Deploys the updated frontend image to a local Minikube cluster (for testing)

Slack-Notification-Frontend (frontend changes):

  • Sends a notification to a Slack channel about the deployment result
  • Similar jobs exist for backend changes (replace "frontend" with "backend")


  • Docker and Docker Hub access (secrets: DOCKER_TOKEN, DOCKER_USER)
  • GitHub personal access token (secrets: GITHUB_TOKEN) - optional
  • Slack communication (secrets: SLACK_BOT_TOKEN, SLACK_CHANNEL_ID)


The workflow scans frontend Docker images for vulnerabilities using Trivy.