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Releases: UltimaCodes/FoodPanddos

FoodPanddos v1

26 May 14:41
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FoodPanddos is a Python application built using the Tkinter library for creating a graphical user interface. It allows users to perform network-based attacks such as flooding a target with packets or executing a Slowloris attack.

User Authentication: The application requires users to enter a password to access the attack controls. It authenticates the password before granting access to the attack features.

Graphical User Interface: The application provides a user-friendly GUI built with Tkinter. It includes windows, frames, labels, buttons, and entry fields to interact with the user.

Image Integration: The application loads an image from a specified URL and displays it as the window icon. It utilizes the Pillow library (specifically, the Image and ImageTk modules) to handle image processing and integration with Tkinter.

Target Verification: Before launching an attack, the application verifies the availability of the target by attempting to establish a connection to the specified IP address and port.

Attack Types:

MassPackets Payload: Generates a random payload consisting of 1024 bytes to flood the target with packets.
SlowIoris Payload: Generates a severe payload to execute a Slowloris attack. It creates a payload by repeating a specified payload type 1024 times.
Attack Duration: The user can specify the duration (in seconds) for launching the attack. The application validates the input and provides an error message for invalid durations.

Attack Statistics: The application tracks and displays attack statistics, including the total number of packets sent during the attack.

Shutdown on Warnings: If the user enters an invalid password three times, the application triggers a system shutdown command (shutdown /s /t 0) to shut down the computer.

License: The project is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).

The user launches the application and sees the login screen.
The user enters a password and clicks the "Login" button.
If the password is correct, the application grants access to the attack controls, target verification, and attack information frames.
The user can enter the target IP address or hostname, port number (optional), and attack duration (optional).
The user selects the desired payload type from the dropdown menu.
The user clicks the "Start" button to initiate the attack.
The application verifies the target's availability and launches the attack for the specified duration.
During the attack, the application continuously sends packets to the target.
The application displays the total number of packets sent during the attack.
The user can stop the attack by clicking the "Stop" button.
The user can close the application at any time.

(DISCLAIMER: Logging and Stop Attack Buttons might not work for some people, Issue is being looked into)