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Pull requests that update a dependency file
Developer Environment 💻
Developer Environment :computer:
Running and building CuraEngine from source
needs help
needs help
PR: Automation and build 🤖
PR: Automation and build :robot:
Improving CI/CT/CD workflows
PR: BooBoos 😇
PR: BooBoos :innocent:
PR: BooBoos 😇 Suggestions for Typos, like the NoMesh or there is a suggested refactor
PR: Community Contribution 👑
PR: Community Contribution :crown:
Community Contribution PR's
PR: Firmware compatibility ⚙️
PR: Firmware compatibility :gear:
Klipper, Bambu, Methods, UltiMaker, Marlin specific code changes
PR: Improving UI 🎨
PR: Improving UI :art:
Commandline interface
PR: Operating Systems 💻
PR: Operating Systems :computer:
Making things work for specific operating systems and installers
PR: Post Processing ➕
PR: Post Processing :heavy_plus_sign:
Like adding beeps, more tunability or different Gcode pause at heights
PR: Slicing Process 🤯
PR: Slicing Process :exploding_head:
Like fixing simplification, adding a new primetower, introducing tree support, correcting logging,
Status: Deferred
Status: Deferred
Not for now, but we could find the time or need to do this later.
Status: Duplicate
Status: Duplicate
Status: Fixed/Solved
Status: Fixed/Solved
Status: In Progress
Status: In Progress
Status: Needs Info
Status: Needs Info
Status: Triage
Status: Triage
Status: Won't Fix/Do
Status: Won't Fix/Do